Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 14

The end is near!!!  Wow, what a race!!  Congratulations on your first year of Challenge :)

First, dissection was awesome!! A special shout out Kathleen for stomaching it all and helping out.  I will be posting pics online soon and will send you a link.  (I have me "techies" working on it)

Next is our upcoming airbound trip.  Three things:
1. They will need $10.  (If money is an issue, please email me:)
2. You need go here and fill out an online waiver form or a paper one and turn it in.  IF I DO NOT HAVE A WAIVER FORM THEY DO NOT GET TO BOUNCE.  Not my rules ;) Go right now....I will wait.
3. Now that you are back, We also are in need of a driver.  I can hold 6 so that leaves three boys.  I will cover you to bounce away (Just thought I would sweeten the deal)

that brings us to schedule next week:

Arrival: 9am sharp please
Science Final (If you wish this to be narrowed down to three choices, I need to hear from mom...not child that this is condoned.
Each child will read one or two papers (depending on time).
-Rhetoric Final
-optional creative paper How Did the Story Go?
-If they have written there Bronze Bow and want to share
10:30 to 12 geography final (1 1/2 seems long....but it is not)
12pm Lunch (I will provide pizza, cups, napkins) Anyone want to volunteer a 2 liter or 2?
1:15 Depart for Airbound
4pm arrive back at Westside

Thank you for snack Willis Family!!  Yum!

This week we...

Finished Algebra! Yeah, I will be emailing the answer key for the final

Latin: We took our Latin final.  There is some work in the guide this week if you wish to do, but for all practical purposes they are done.  I need to apologize.  My external drive broke down this week.  It had my Latin final on it.  I copied off mine from last year.  I doubled check it to see if it did not go to far......I need to fire my editor.  It did.  I will be going through and giving credit for vocabulary we had not covered yet ;)

Science: We dissected sharks, pics to come!!

Lost Tools: Great discussion on Bronze Bow. I also looked for their ANI chart.

Geography: We practiced as teams drawing the whole world!

Rhetoric:  Our last day of rhetoric questions...for candy of course!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 13

And the countdown begins!!  See email for private comments ;)

Snack: Thank you for Doughnuts Sam! they looked soooooo tasty.  I really need to make Tuesday my new sugar day :)  I will get snack next week.

Dissection will be during the 11am hour.  Any available moms are welcome to come and help out.  It will be smelly ;)

Week 15, the kids will report to me at 9am to get started on finals.  If I can have two people bring a 2 liter or drink that would be great.  Also, we did agree trampoline would be fun.  As soon as I register our party I will let you know.

Algebra: We will finish up the last four lessons next week and I will send home a final to take at your leisure.  I will email the answer key.

Latin:  we introduced the 2nd conjugation and reviewed what will be on the final.
Homework: STUDY FOR FINAL!!!!  Next week is the end of Latin ;)

Lost Tools: We read our papers and reviewed everything we have learned about ANI charts. 
Homework: If you have not read Bronze Bow....go now as we speak.  ANI charts are due.  If you so choose, work on creative writing assignment.

Science: We tested on the eye. 
Homework: Study for final.  If a parent contacts me and would like the final to be downsized (your child will have three choices they know ahead of time vs. all of them available) please email or call me and let me know.

Geography:  We took our Oceania test and mega terms......Terms are done YEAH!!!!
Homework: STUDY FOR FINAL!!!

Rhetoric:  Despite the flow of the day we ended up with some good talk ;)  Way to rally guys! 
Homework: If you have not started to write paper, write from your outline.  If you have not outlined...outline.  Remember, this is a persuasive essay, we have using the tools (ANI, OUTLINE, DRAFT) all year long in Lost Tools. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 12..Home Stretch!

As we get towards the end...let us run this race with endurance!!

The first of the finals comes up this week, the Mega Geography Terms Test.  Also, I recommend that by the end of this week ANI and arrangement are done on the final rhetoric paper.  We have been practicing for this paper all year in Lost Tools :) We now have the tools to figure out what to say in our rhetoric final.Also, if they are participating in the optional "finish the story paper" they may want to have a rough draft of that as well.  I know this is a lot of writing....but B is around the corner. Latin Final is Week 14.

Dissection is scheduled for Week 14.  I will let you know what time.  I am awaiting to hear from Susan on the details.  She has been under the weather so please keep her in prayer ;)

Also, week 15 they will meet with me at 9am, no math.  We will finish our finals that morning.  Please bring some rocks or paper weights.  Yup, you read right.  The big maps I print up have to be rolled up to get them here and rocks or weights help keep the edges down so they can draw :)  I will probably need a mommy helper to help me carpool in the afternoon as well.  This week the kids asked if I would check  out pricing on the trampoline park.  Will get back to you.....

NOTE: After all finals are taken, I will be mailing them back to you in a "care package".  (Or maybe arrange a party... we do love to get together :)

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 108 - 111
Homework: The same.  I will bring their Final to them on Week 14 and mail the answer key to parents.

Latin:  Latin was short and to the point this week.  I tried to field questions, but we had a hard time getting "reigned in" yesterday.
Homework: See guide.  Study for final.

Lost Tools:  We finished our discussion on Crispin.  I encouraged the boys to look into "themes" in books as they start maturing and start getting more dialectic.  I also checked outlines and we reviewed similes.
Homework:  See PDF guide.  READ Bronze Bow

Science:  We took our digestive quiz and introduced neurons.  We "made" a neuron out of playdoh.
Homework: See guide.  REVIEW for final

Rhetoric:  GREAT Discussion!! We talked some about self image and what really defines beauty.  We did talked about how "gentleman's" clubs are a gross misuse of the word gentleman. 
Homework: See guide

Geography: We took our Australia test and...Mrs. Jessica!!  I love this woman!!  She came in on her birthday, brought cupcakes, gave a phenomenal presentation on Africa and how important it is to memorize God's word and put it on our heart!!  When I grow up I want to be Mrs. Jessica ;)
Homework: See guide.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week 11...AKA What 4 more weeks????

With finals soon approaching..please scroll below to see the finals schedule.  The first one coming up on Week 13...Geography Terms.  This is is a nice and easy 2 page matching. 

thank you Lovern for snack! Next week Lindsay :)

Also next week Ms. Jessica comes back to share on Africa!!  Moms you may wish to come early and catch her presentation.....AWESOME!!

Algebra:  We reviewed lessons 104 - 107.  There is nothing new here.  But if we have not grasped the concept of slope and is the time.  ALSO FOR ALGEBRA FINAL:  We will NOT meet on week 15.  Week 14 I will introduce the last lessons and give them a final to take home.  I will send out the answer key through your child's tutor :)  They can then go home and take the final at the leisure.  This gives those behind a few weeks to catch up and some extra time to study.
Homework: Lessons 104 - 107

Geography:  We took our test on Africa.  Next week Ms. Jessica comes for a visit!
Homework: See guide

Latin:  It was hard, but we actually had a strict "working" day with Latin.  We really delved into parsing and reviewed how necessary it is to get the grammar in there.  The understanding will come on God's time.  We need to be diligent to get the endings in there so that when it all clicks, we are ready.
Homework: See guide

Science: We took our bones test and introduced the eye with some fun optical illusions!
Homework: See guide.  REMEMBER REVIEW :)

Lost Tools:  We discussed Crispin and reviewed our ANI Charts.
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric:  We discussed one of the more important chapters.  It confronts the egoist myth.  If you have not discussed with your kids, you may wish to.   I think this is probably one of the biggest issues we deal with our world, with other Christians.....the getting rid of self ;) (Ouch...I know)
Homework: See guide.  (Only 2 chapters)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Week 10

Five weeks and counting!! Where does the time go??  I will be sending out an email soon concerning Week 14 and 15 "festivities", please be on the look out.

Below are two pics to help with the Rhetoric paper that is due on week 15.  This paper is not optional.  The creative writing paper is optional.  I do give a chance for a lot of writing at the end of second semester because B comes with a lot of writing :)

Thank you Shirley for snack!  Next week Lovern.

Algebra: I introduced lessons 100 - 103  Enjoy the easy week ;)
Homework: Lessons 100 -103

Latin:  We played Pictionary and reviewed verbs.  We talked about what will be on our Week 14 final.
Homework: see guide. Week 14 Final....STUDY NOW!!!

Lost Tools:  You should have received a gift yesterday :) Classical has given each of you a set of DVD's for participating in the pilot program.  We read our papers (I did not collect this week)  Remember, you are teacher.  Please be reading and "grading" their papers for grammar.  We also, started and ANI chart for Crispin.   Had to laugh.  Their talking took us over into lunch.  I have never seen them more focused on getting their ANI chart done....ever!
Homework: See PDF guide Work on optional paper....what happens next in one of the books we read?

Science: We concluded the rubber bone experiment!  Gross, yet always fascinating.  Took our skin quiz and introduced digestive experiment on this one, unless you want to count snack :)
Home work: See guide

Rhetoric: We discussed our chapters and Jeopardy was officially introduced!
Homework: Study those questions!!!See guide

Geography: We broke out the nerf gun!  Everyone got to shoot and what they hit they had to name :)
Homework: See guide.
** I have confirmation that Ms. Jessica will be back on the 26th with her Africa presentation!! You are welcome to join us that last hour.  She is such an engaging speaker and we are so blessed to have her visit.  (This is Shelly Brasinki's mom, Jordan and Robert's grandmother)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 9

Breakfast was a blast!! Thank you for everyone who came and those who brought something as well :)  It was really a nice time of fellowship to start the day off.

We started the day with discussion on our Titus verse on self control.  I challenged these boys to really start to foster their relationship with Jesus.  Relationship with Jesus will result in spirit.  Feeding the spirit will result in fruit of the spirit.  One of the fruits of the spirit being self-control.  I do not wish for these boys to merely obey because I told them to.  I want them to think about why we are asking them to obey and make that choice for themselves.  (This is a lifelong process we are just beginning.  That is why Ms. Bonnie shows an incredible amount of grace in this area.  Maturity is a factor, and until light bulbs go "off" they do need to just obey sometimes....we talked about that to)

Snack next week: Shirley Family, on deck Lovern

I kind of took a vote for PJ day and there wasn't a lot of interest, so that will be tabled for now.  With week 15 activities coming up, we have fun to look forward to :)

Algebra:  We reviewed lessons 96 - 99.  I think everyone is grateful these are little easier :) PLEASE Do not forget to spend time studying new grammar, that is key.
Home Work: Lessons 96 - 99

Latin: We reviewed verbs and introduced new vocabulary.  We also played Latin bingo.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools:  We defined exactly what is a simile and learned some new tools for "brainstorming" a simile.  We also finished our discussion on A Gathering of best we could.  IT IS HARD TO HAVE A DISCUSSION WHEN ONLY 4 PEOPLE IN THE CLASS HAVE READ THE BOOK.  (that was not meant sarcastically...just bold to catch your attention) Please make sure your student reads Crispin this week.  When they cannot participate in discussion, of course they are going to be bored.  Boredom leads to extra talking, which leads to a distracted class. 
Homework: See PDF Guide

Science: We began the rubber bone experiment.  The boys usually like this is nice and gross :)  We quizzed on the ear.  And I forgot to check our drawings of skin!  But we did introduce bones.
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric:  Great discussion!!  Remember, please follow up these discussion at home.  They need to know what you think and how you feel on these topics.  Buzz Board and Jeopardy are now a weekly part of class ;)
Homework: See guide

Geography:   We practiced drawing the outline of the continents on a Mercator map.  And started our prep for week 1 Africa test.  Keep on those terms :)
Home work: See guide

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 8

Titus 2:11-12 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.  It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age

This is the verse we copied and that was sent home to meditate on and discuss with our parents ;) 

Another awesome week.  Special shout out to Jessica Stewart who is Robert and Jordan Brasinki's grandmother.  She has been to Israel many times and her presentation every year is amazing!! THANK YOU!!

Snack shout outs, thank you Morel and Dees for the last two weeks of snacks.  Any takers for next week.


Algebra:  We reviewed lessons 92 -95
Homework: The me if you are needing help :)

Latin:  We reviewed all things verb and practiced our conjugation endings.
Homework: See guide.

Lost Tools:  Believe it or not we discussed our American Girl!  We also talked about what books we picked and awarded chocolate bars for ANI charts :)
Homework:  See PDF guide

Rhetoric: Great discussion on why we believe what we believe and not just saying because my mom or dad said so.  I also handed out the parameters for our final paper due week 15.

Science: We quizzed on heart.  Introduced skin and created some "epithelial" cells :)
Homework: See guide

Geography: Ms. Jessica was our special guest!!  Awesome...AWESOME!
Homework: See guide