Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 12!!

Three more weeks, I cannot believe it!!   Next week will seem quiet, as Foundations will not meet.

Hannah has volunteered for snack next week.

A lot of activities were discussed for end of year.  What I am looking at for week 15 is: coming in for Math and to take our Science test and Big Geography test (see email).  Stay on campus for lunch, then between 1pm and 3-4pm we could go off campus for a fun activity.  If there is any out of pocket expense, it will be minimal. (Like around $5 minimal is what I have in mind...if anything :)

Algebra: We covered lessons #104 to #107
Homework: Try to work up through lesson #108.   But if you cannot get through that 5th lesson this week, we can catch it next week.

Rhetoric: Once again, great discussion.  I am continuing to encourage them to read the "unassigned" chapters and discuss with you.  If they are not coming to you....no rule says you cannot approach them :)  We did not get Jeopardy time in today :(
Homework: Read chapters 41 and 42.  WE WILL get to Jeopardy next week!! Know those cat questions.Final paper info to come next week.

Science:  We did science early today, which some were sad that they did not have lunch to study through :) We talked about how nice the weather had gotten and how important it is to stay the course, we are almost done!  We took our digestive system quiz, and introduced the neuron with an AWESOME bead experiment...ok, awesome was subjective.  But here is a great site where they can make their own model of a neuron! http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chmodel.html
Homework: Prepare for quiz on eye.  Prepare for dissection week by helping mom clean out the fridge at home (Just kidding!)  Review ALL body systems! Final test week 15-more to come.

Geography: What an awesome presentation today!!! Jordan's grandmother came in with a presentation on Israel.  Personally, I could have listened for another hour!  Truly an anointed time!  Thank you for coming :) We also took our quiz on Australia.
Homework: Continue to REVIEW the whole world.  Study Oceania.  If there is ever any confusion, consult the guide.  Test for this will be next week. Also next week...MASSIVE GEOGRAPHY TERM TEST!

Literature: I do not know why these kids insist on downing their papers.  They are a group of such talented writers! Please let your child know today how great of a writer they are :)  Much to their dismay, we read our papers today.
Homework: Read Bronze Bow.  Think upon, what drew people to Jesus then?  What drew people to Jesus now?

Latin: We reviewed all the declension endings.  We introduced new vocabulary.  Well.....and we petted kittens.  Mr. Sean was nice enough to bring up our week old kittens, which everyone seemed to be in love with.  (YES you can have one in a few weeks if you wish!)
Homework: Workbook pages up to page.  Decline 3 of the new vocabulary words!  Work on memorzing those declensions endings.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 11

Excitement is building as we get closer to dissection day!! (week 14)

Thank you Jared for snack and next week I will cover.

Thank you everyone for your prayers for my health!  Praise the Lord I have been given permission from my Dr. to rejoin life again, YEAH!!

If you have any great ideas for our end of the year party, please let me know.  I was hoping to combine with Ms. Sharon for the afternoon of Week 15, but they have too much to do with mock trial so it will just be us.  On Week 15, after we take our final tests in the morning, I thought it would be nice to go somewhere and have our end of the year get together.  Celebration Station could be pricey if it is just the 7 of us.  What are your thoughts mom??????

Algebra: See separate email.

Rhetoric: Good discussion.  A little extra chatter, but nothing I couldn't handle.  I do believe spring fever is upon us!
Homework: Read Chapters 36 and 39.   I wish to encourage to read through 37 and 38 with mom and dad!  LEARN THOSE CATECHISM QUESTIONS!!

Literature: We talked about what a character analysis is and I sent home some sheets to give direction.  They MAY NOT be able to answer every question on that sheet, but it will give them ideas.  We also did NOT do an outline in class.  We discussed practicing putting one together on their own as the next step in the process of preparing for Challenge B.
Homework: Write a character analysis of Robin from the Door in the Wall.  You may wish to start reading Bronze Bow.

Science: We took our quiz on the skeleton. We reviewed the digestive system, then introduced the eye with some fun optical illusions.
Homework: Prepare for quiz on digestive system.  Draw and label eye in notebook. Review all parts for upcoming end of the year test. (You will only be tested on one part, you do not know which one that will be:)

Geography: We took our Africa test.  Next week we have a guest :) I did feel really bad, there are only so many hours in the week and I did not grade the "worlds" they had assembled last week.  That is tops this week though!
Homework: Study for quiz on Australia and New Zealand.  Study for upcoming MEGA geography Term quiz on Week 13. (Terms go up to upstream now)

Latin: Well with only Jared in Latin today, we did not go for the full hour :)  We did introduce 5th Declension, and looked at his silly Latin sentence parsed ;)
Homework: Workbook up to pages 138.  Work on memorizing declension endings.  Work on memorizing grammar rules.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 10

Fantastic week!  Just the pick me up I needed.  Well, I had fun, the kids may say otherwise LOL

Addie, thank you for snacks this week, Jared has volunteered next week.

Please keep in prayer:  I have officially been diagnosed with a pneumothorax (collapsed lung).  I have been given permission to sit, that's about it.  You will never know how much today meant to get out of my house and sit and fellowship with others.  Unfortunately, it is not getting better :(  They will recheck me next week, and the possibility exists that, I will be unable to tutor on Tuesday.  If this happens I have a couple subs in mind.  I do not wish to skip a week, especially with the momentum we have going!  I promise you, the woman who might possibly sub, I would trust with my own children.   Thank you for your prayers and understanding :)

And onto......

Algebra: see separate email

Rhetoric: Decent discussion today, and played another round of Jeopardy.
Homework: STUDY THOSE QUESTIONS!!! You may find soon we will not play Jeopardy in teams.  Read Chapters 33 and 35. Parents: Please be encouraged to read chapter 34 and discuss with your child.  We will just not be discussing it in class ;)

Literature: Wow!  Their writing skills have tremendously blossomed this year.  The papers they are turning in  show massive skill.
Homework: Read Door in the Wall.  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL SUNDAY! Yes, it is an easy read, but do not procrastinate.

Science: Science stunk! Literally.  We had to go outside to finish the experiment we started last week.  Our "hard' chicken bone last week, had been leached of all it's calcium.  It proved to be flexible and (much to Addie's dismay) easily broken.  We also took our skin test.
Homework: Next week skeleton quiz.  Draw and label digestive system in notebook.  In Foundations, Cycle 3 the kids make a "body"  I was encouraging those that may have the My Body Book, that may be a fun project to do.

Geography: AWESOME GEOGRAPHY DAY!  We split into teams and drew the world.  I was very impressed.  I wanted to share such a great Geography day with you:
Wishing you could see the maps better!

Homework: Yes, Africa test next week.  We are gearing up for our end of the year test.  Geography Terms go up to timberline.  We will be playing some games with these soon :)

Latin: You know it is a good day when you parse: I have a catapult.  Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.  We also introduced 4th declension and 4th conjugation.
Homework: It is a light Latin  week due to geography being a bit heavy.  Workbook pages 123 -130.  Quiz will be sent home next week.  It will be up to mom if it is open book or not :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 9

A lesson in be careful what you pray for, I asked for a more talkative class this week.  God blessed me abundantly :)  Let me not be misleading, it was a great day!

Thank you Brandon for snack this week.  Addie has picked up snacks for next week.  And Hannah, we hope you feel better soon!

Algebra:  They have a take home. open book test.  THIS MUST COME BACK TO ME NEXT WEEK.  (Did I say it loud enough?)  I need this to determine if we can keep moving forward.  We went over four lessons this week.
Homework: Lessons 91 - 94.  Complete take home test and bring back.  Glance over lesson 95.

Rhetoric: Fantastic discussion this week and a fun game of Jeopardy.  In the next few weeks I encouraged your children to start conversations with you. There are a couple chapters in the homework they will be reading, but we will not be discussing in class.  Don't pass out when they approach you :)
Homework: Catechism questions...more Jeopardy to come :) Read chapters 30 -32

Geography: In class we just reviewed...the world!  We also emphasized, small things done daily = big results  My expectations for final Geography is to know countries/capitals (states/capitals).  I encouraged them to make flashcards.  the final will be label the countries and complete a match page of capitals to countries.
Homework: continue to work on Africa daily.  Pick a section of the world each day to review.  Do not wait until the last two weeks to review the world.

Science:  We all touched a chicken bone ...ewwwww! There was plenty of hand sanitizer:)  We have to wait until next week to see what happens to it in the vinegar.  (may be posting some pics on Facebook, we will see how gross it gets) This was all to introduce the bones.  We took our quiz on the ear as well.
Homework: Study for quiz on skin next week. Draw bones in sketch book and label.

Literature:  Lots of discussion....some of it even on the book! LOL The boys did all learn one does not call a girl fat in modern times, most valuable lesson.  We made a "sketchy" outline in class.  I am trying to wean them off a hand fed outline and get them to structure it more themselves. 
Homework: Write paper on how as the garden changes, the characters changed as well.  You may wish to start reading Door in the Wall.

Latin: We took our Vocab quiz and discussed how to find the stem of a verb.  We also reviewed the four principal parts.  then we parsed, parsed, and parsed :)  I encouraged them to used the flash cards in the back of the book.  Please bring your purple folder and book to class next week.
Homework: pages 113-122 in our book.  Keep working on vocab and flashcards.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 8

Another fantastic week, it finally feels like we are getting back into the swing of things!

Brandon has volunteered snack for next week. Also, a mask theme was presented to try out for next week as well :)

Algebra: I handed quizzes back, excellent job.  On a letter scale they averaged about a B! I was very proud of this.  I introduced 3 lessons with the reminder of why we are slowing down a bit.  It doesn't mean they take a day off.  It means they can use the time to polish the skills that are weak.
Homework: Lessons 88 through 90

Rhetoric:  Decent discussion.  I mentioned for them not to treat this as a check in the box.  To read their chapters and ponder what they have read so they are better prepared for discussion.
Homework: Read chapters 27 - 29 Know your catechism questions.

Literature: Excellent papers on Amos Fortune!
Homework: Read Secret Garden  START RIGHT NOW!!!

Science: We took our heart quizzes and introduced skin.  We did two neat science experiments :)
Homework: Be ready for test on ear.  Draw and label skin in notebook.

Geography: We went over some Geography Terms in class, and reviewed us through South America.
Homework: Draw Africa each day.  Review a different section each day.  Geography needs to be daily at this point.  You cannot wait until the last 2 weeks to review and study for the big test.  It needs to start now :)

Latin: We reviewed the Purple notebook again, then we parsed, parsed, and parsed some more.
Homework: Study vocabulary for quiz next week.  Complete 3 nouns and 3 verbs worksheet and decline/conjugate.  Workbook pages 105-112.