Tuesday, November 22, 2011
This is the part where kids can comment on what they are doing this summer :)
Week 15 The Perfect Storm!
What do you get when you add no seating chart + creative kids writing a creative paper, with no word limit + 2 long exams + sugared up children (my bad :) + and coming back late from lunch + Ms. Bonnie on caffeine = THE PERFECT STORM!!! LOL I don't think I ever had issue with time as I did today. Lots of talking, me as well (sorry), lots of work to get done, lots of friends at lunch...we made it through with only a few casualties :) Please accept my apologies.
Items of Business:
Here's What:
With no vacations, no sickness this would look like the perfect schedule. This is just to give you an idea, please adjust to fit your needs. This is the perfect time to catch up on Catechism Questions, Geography Terms, Geography, Latin....anything that may have slipped through the cracks that you wanted to get done. This is also a good time to get ahead on reading. MOST OF ALL THIS IS A TIME TO REST :) Take a break, relax and refresh. I ask a lot of these guys for 15 weeks. They need this time to recharge for the next 15 weeks.
From now to the weekend NOTHING!
Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd : get Science done completely; one math lesson a day; Start reading Carry On Mr. Bowditch (FYI Ms.Bonnie is re-reading this one again too, it's been too long!) try to finish in a week if you can, it's good practice; Spend 10 - 20 minutes a day reviewing Geography terms and Geography; Spend 10 minutes a day reviewing Latin, 5 min. on endings, 5 min on vocabulary; 5 min a day on catechism questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC
Dec. 5th - Dec. 9th : Continue reading Bowditch if necessary; One math lesson a day for 3 days; 5 min on cat questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC!; 10 min. on Latin (same as 1st week); Spend 10 to 20 min. Geography same as first week;
Dec. 12th - Dec. 23rd : NOTHING!!! Make incredible family memories that makes your mother cry when you go to college!
Dec. 26th - Dec. 30th: finish Bowditch if need to; Latin and Geography as in previous weeks....adjust as needed for what we call holiday funk (I think it's too much junk food LOL); DO RHETORIC, YES NOW! If done before this week it will not be in your head on January 3rd.
Which brings me tooooooo OUR NEW FACILITY WOOT WOOT! I feel the need to reiterate (for myself as well:) We cannot act like we did today at the new facility. Week 15 in spring we take off campus (that's a good thing LOL) We really have to work on the extra chatiness come 2nd semester. We may want to talk about this with our kids and really emphasize that we are a bridge here for hopefully future dealings with this church. Our children have such precious hearts, I would hate for that to be a dark spot put on us. I will have to work on this myself :)
And I bet you thought this part was never coming.....LOL
If anyone's math intentions are changing come 2nd semester I need to know ASAP. Right now we have 3 and any less and we do not bring in a tutor.
Math: We took a short quiz which we graded in class and flew through 8 lessons
Homework: Lessons 61 - 68
Latin: We took our monster Latin Exam
Homework: Just review those endings and vocabulary.
Accelerated: Work through Lesson 14 and review.
IEW: BTW This will be the last time we see IEW as a subject YEAH!!! or BOOOO!! Depending on how you are feeling right now LOL We read our creative writing papers, which were so, so, so, good and ended up being so, so, so, long....which was awesome but threw me off in the time dept. I wasn't expecting it after the big essay last week. So in a couple weeks I am going to post a blog with everyone's paper son there, I want everyone to enjoy them !
Homework for LITERATURE: Read Carry on Mr. Bowditch keeping in mind that we will be writing an essay contrasting what Bowditch accomplished as a teen in school, work, and recreation with today's teens. reading the handout a passed out a few weeks ago Reading a Book for Understanding will help. If you choose to you can go through Words Aptly Spoken. This is what I will be using in class to jump start discussion.
Geography: THE TEST!! WOW these guys rock!!!
Homework: From here on out we need to be practicing drawing our outlines of countries on the mercator map. We need to practice and learn where things are by the equator, tropic of cancer, and tropic of Capricorn. It's a skill that can be hard...practice, practice, and practice :) Review, please do not lose what you guys have worked so hard for. It will disappear if you do not touch Geography at all on the break. The guide also mentions memorizing the Earth's diameter and circumference.
We read more papers :)
Science: We got out our notebooks and showed off our pictures. I am sorry, this is where the time came from :(
Homework: Marsupials. At least 2 sources, bibliography as always.
Rhetoric: Rhetoric was shorter, but still the points were hit dead on. I tell you these guys are smart cookies ;) The only discussion we did get to was my famous Planet of the Apes.....no ground lost there though.
Homework: Chapter 15 both books, filling in the workouts and study pages. We are now up to question 45! If you have gotten behind on these, please use the break to catch up. Starting a few weeks into 2nd semester we will be playing Jeopardy EVERY WEEK! You want to know your stuff and have fun with this :)
Books Needed for 2nd Semester: (BOLD ONES ARE NEW)
Don't Check Your Brains
It Just Couldn't Happen
Henle 1 Blue/Purple
Science Notebook
Saxon 8/7 or 1/2
in Order of Need:
Carry On Mr. Bowditch
The Magician's Nephew
Number the Stars
Amos Fortune, Free Man
The Secret Garden
the Door in the Wall
The Bronze Bow
Items of Business:
- Ice Skating Party Monday the 5th, see separate email for details
- Over the break, please feel free to send me any email requests, I love to pray for our group
- Any papers that did not get turned in, or need correction, please send to me. In a couple weeks I am going to post a blog entry with everyone's papers :)
- I will be posting a separate blog entry just for a thread on what everyone is doing this break. Please feel free to let your child post in the comments if they are catching a movie, or going bowling. Maybe some others can join in :)
- At the end of the blog entry today is a list of books you need for 2nd semester
Here's What:
With no vacations, no sickness this would look like the perfect schedule. This is just to give you an idea, please adjust to fit your needs. This is the perfect time to catch up on Catechism Questions, Geography Terms, Geography, Latin....anything that may have slipped through the cracks that you wanted to get done. This is also a good time to get ahead on reading. MOST OF ALL THIS IS A TIME TO REST :) Take a break, relax and refresh. I ask a lot of these guys for 15 weeks. They need this time to recharge for the next 15 weeks.
From now to the weekend NOTHING!
Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd : get Science done completely; one math lesson a day; Start reading Carry On Mr. Bowditch (FYI Ms.Bonnie is re-reading this one again too, it's been too long!) try to finish in a week if you can, it's good practice; Spend 10 - 20 minutes a day reviewing Geography terms and Geography; Spend 10 minutes a day reviewing Latin, 5 min. on endings, 5 min on vocabulary; 5 min a day on catechism questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC
Dec. 5th - Dec. 9th : Continue reading Bowditch if necessary; One math lesson a day for 3 days; 5 min on cat questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC!; 10 min. on Latin (same as 1st week); Spend 10 to 20 min. Geography same as first week;
Dec. 12th - Dec. 23rd : NOTHING!!! Make incredible family memories that makes your mother cry when you go to college!
Dec. 26th - Dec. 30th: finish Bowditch if need to; Latin and Geography as in previous weeks....adjust as needed for what we call holiday funk (I think it's too much junk food LOL); DO RHETORIC, YES NOW! If done before this week it will not be in your head on January 3rd.
Which brings me tooooooo OUR NEW FACILITY WOOT WOOT! I feel the need to reiterate (for myself as well:) We cannot act like we did today at the new facility. Week 15 in spring we take off campus (that's a good thing LOL) We really have to work on the extra chatiness come 2nd semester. We may want to talk about this with our kids and really emphasize that we are a bridge here for hopefully future dealings with this church. Our children have such precious hearts, I would hate for that to be a dark spot put on us. I will have to work on this myself :)
And I bet you thought this part was never coming.....LOL
If anyone's math intentions are changing come 2nd semester I need to know ASAP. Right now we have 3 and any less and we do not bring in a tutor.
Math: We took a short quiz which we graded in class and flew through 8 lessons
Homework: Lessons 61 - 68
Latin: We took our monster Latin Exam
Homework: Just review those endings and vocabulary.
Accelerated: Work through Lesson 14 and review.
IEW: BTW This will be the last time we see IEW as a subject YEAH!!! or BOOOO!! Depending on how you are feeling right now LOL We read our creative writing papers, which were so, so, so, good and ended up being so, so, so, long....which was awesome but threw me off in the time dept. I wasn't expecting it after the big essay last week. So in a couple weeks I am going to post a blog with everyone's paper son there, I want everyone to enjoy them !
Homework for LITERATURE: Read Carry on Mr. Bowditch keeping in mind that we will be writing an essay contrasting what Bowditch accomplished as a teen in school, work, and recreation with today's teens. reading the handout a passed out a few weeks ago Reading a Book for Understanding will help. If you choose to you can go through Words Aptly Spoken. This is what I will be using in class to jump start discussion.
Geography: THE TEST!! WOW these guys rock!!!
Homework: From here on out we need to be practicing drawing our outlines of countries on the mercator map. We need to practice and learn where things are by the equator, tropic of cancer, and tropic of Capricorn. It's a skill that can be hard...practice, practice, and practice :) Review, please do not lose what you guys have worked so hard for. It will disappear if you do not touch Geography at all on the break. The guide also mentions memorizing the Earth's diameter and circumference.
We read more papers :)
Science: We got out our notebooks and showed off our pictures. I am sorry, this is where the time came from :(
Homework: Marsupials. At least 2 sources, bibliography as always.
Rhetoric: Rhetoric was shorter, but still the points were hit dead on. I tell you these guys are smart cookies ;) The only discussion we did get to was my famous Planet of the Apes.....no ground lost there though.
Homework: Chapter 15 both books, filling in the workouts and study pages. We are now up to question 45! If you have gotten behind on these, please use the break to catch up. Starting a few weeks into 2nd semester we will be playing Jeopardy EVERY WEEK! You want to know your stuff and have fun with this :)
Books Needed for 2nd Semester: (BOLD ONES ARE NEW)
Don't Check Your Brains
It Just Couldn't Happen
Henle 1 Blue/Purple
Science Notebook
Saxon 8/7 or 1/2
in Order of Need:
Carry On Mr. Bowditch
The Magician's Nephew
Number the Stars
Amos Fortune, Free Man
The Secret Garden
the Door in the Wall
The Bronze Bow
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Week 14
I want to cry when I think how fast this semester has gone! Too fast....too fast :(
Week 15 next Tuesday...PJ DAY!! As always optional. I will be providing Pizzas for lunch. A few have volunteered to bring sodas and drinks. (AJ, Hannah V. and the maybe's were Henry and Cole) Some have mentioned they might bring some sweet treats, which is fine as well. Snack is officially the Harrells!
December 5th is ice skating, everyone should have received the details in your personal emails.
Those who ordered pictures should have them next week :)
Math: In class we reviewed lessons 57-60.
Homework: Lessons 57-60
Latin: In class we reviewed, reviewed, reviewed! Mid term on Nouns and everything Noun next week.
Homework: Study endings, Vocab, Grammar Rules in purple book, parsing simple sentences. Finish up Lesson 7 purple book (pgs. 79-81)
Accel Homework: Lesson 10 and study for exam (See separate email to go out by tomorrow night)
IEW: THEY DID IT!!! The papers that were read were AWESOME!! I looked over some of the others during Geography, I cannot wait to read them!!! GREAT JOB GUYS!!
Homework: A creative story where....the characters of the story are one of the science groups we've studied so far; the setting of the story is placed in a geographical location we've studied this semester; The conflict/plot is for the characters to debunk one of the myths in either DCYB or IJCH; During the dialogue, at least one Latin word or phrase will be spoken; include one mathematical equation (SEE SENT HOME SHEET FOR DETAILS) Have fun with this one......YOU'VE EARNED IT :)
Geography: By the looks of tests right of the bat.....I am excited. Almost there guys!! I AM SOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!! I cannot wait to debut most improved next week!
Homework: Mid Term next week. Draw USA, Canada, Central and South America. Countries, Provinces, and States are point value. Capitals and features are bonus.....who will rack up the most bonus points??????
Rhetoric:Good discussion!!! I can tell everyone is keeping up and doing their job :)
Homework: Read chapter 14 both books and add cat questions up to 42. We will be having fun with these next week ;)
Science: Fish were fun! Some of the pictures really blow me away, great job guys!
Homework: Sharks! Awwwww, one of my favs! As always at least two sources and bibliography
Week 15 next Tuesday...PJ DAY!! As always optional. I will be providing Pizzas for lunch. A few have volunteered to bring sodas and drinks. (AJ, Hannah V. and the maybe's were Henry and Cole) Some have mentioned they might bring some sweet treats, which is fine as well. Snack is officially the Harrells!
December 5th is ice skating, everyone should have received the details in your personal emails.
Those who ordered pictures should have them next week :)
Math: In class we reviewed lessons 57-60.
Homework: Lessons 57-60
Latin: In class we reviewed, reviewed, reviewed! Mid term on Nouns and everything Noun next week.
Homework: Study endings, Vocab, Grammar Rules in purple book, parsing simple sentences. Finish up Lesson 7 purple book (pgs. 79-81)
Accel Homework: Lesson 10 and study for exam (See separate email to go out by tomorrow night)
IEW: THEY DID IT!!! The papers that were read were AWESOME!! I looked over some of the others during Geography, I cannot wait to read them!!! GREAT JOB GUYS!!
Homework: A creative story where....the characters of the story are one of the science groups we've studied so far; the setting of the story is placed in a geographical location we've studied this semester; The conflict/plot is for the characters to debunk one of the myths in either DCYB or IJCH; During the dialogue, at least one Latin word or phrase will be spoken; include one mathematical equation (SEE SENT HOME SHEET FOR DETAILS) Have fun with this one......YOU'VE EARNED IT :)
Geography: By the looks of tests right of the bat.....I am excited. Almost there guys!! I AM SOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!! I cannot wait to debut most improved next week!
Homework: Mid Term next week. Draw USA, Canada, Central and South America. Countries, Provinces, and States are point value. Capitals and features are bonus.....who will rack up the most bonus points??????
Rhetoric:Good discussion!!! I can tell everyone is keeping up and doing their job :)
Homework: Read chapter 14 both books and add cat questions up to 42. We will be having fun with these next week ;)
Science: Fish were fun! Some of the pictures really blow me away, great job guys!
Homework: Sharks! Awwwww, one of my favs! As always at least two sources and bibliography
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Week 13!!!
After touring our new facility across the road yesterday, I cannot express how exciting I am. This space will actually be so much better then where we are now. I cannot thank Debbie Black enough for her hard work and diligence in getting us into this facility.....THANK YOU!! This is really going to be a wonderful blessing for us. I know God's hand has been all over this :)To my knowledge, we will finish off the semester at Calvary Chapel, and then in the spring we will move across the street.
PLEASE READ: The next two weeks are the last of semester, I cannot believe how fast this year went!!! I am still a bit in shock and awe. If you are keeping up with the guide then you know these last weeks are chock full of work. I mean CHOCK FULL! I had a pep talk with the kids yesterday on communicating with their teacher. There are some in the class that need to do everything as assigned and don't you dare lower the bar for them. But there are others that may be overwhelmed by the load. Please be communicating with your children what your expectations are. There is no need for a student to feel exasperated by the work load. With that in mind, I do need to say, please do not lower the bar to where it is no effort at all. You know where your student will be challenged appropriately and please set the expectations accordingly. As a parent/teacher myself I am prayerfully considering now what will help my son excel according to his talents.
Thank you Mollie for snack....MUFFINS!!! YUM! Next week the Thomas' are up!
Important Dates:
Week 15: I will be providing pizzas for lunch. I have asked the kids to ask parents for who can bring in drinks This will also be an optional PJ day
December 5th Monday is the NEW DATE for the ice skate party in downtown Greensboro. I know a couple children had conflicts with a game on Tuesday. Also, siblings are invited as well! I have talked with the Ice House staff, and have not received a price yet, but I do believe it should fall around $5 a person.
One last note. If you know that you will be changing things up come spring semester, please communicate this with me. Whether it will be just the Math or Latin, or everything. I take December to plan and it is helpful to know these things :) Also, I like to remind people now versus at Christmas time, spring payment is due by the 1st week we come back. My payment to CC is due almost immediately after this. As always, if a payment plan is needed, I am more than willing to work with that ;)
Math: OK parents, the kids have permission......TO DO 3 LESSONS! Yup, that's right. Lessons 53 and 55 are almost redundant. With the extra load in other places, I gave them permission to lighten it up here this week.
Homework: Lessons 53 - 56 (doubled checked LOL) Skipping the Mixed Practice for lessons 53 or 55. We should be up to test 10 at this point. I suggested the children grade their daily work and moms grade the tests. Week 15 Quiz is coming, maybe 10 problems.
Latin: We introduced adjectives and reviewed Declension endings.
Homework: Purple book pages 72 - 78. Ex. 86, 88, 89 Blue Book rules 72 - 76 Week 15 exam will include, declension endings, grammar rules from purple book, vocabulary, and easy parsing. It will look alike the previous test.
Accelerated Homework: pgs. 108 - 119 There are a lot of exercises, it is the teachers discretion how many are done. They will have a separate exam on week 15.
IEW: We discussed......THE SUPER DUPER ESSAY!! Yes, an essay is due on the Responsibilities of a Christian. We talked about what makes an essay different from a report, the "whys" and "opinions". An essay analyzes while a report simply states facts. You need to discuss with your student which essay you expect here. There are at least 5 to 6 students that need to do the super duper :) I also handed out the parameters for the final writing project due week 15.
Homework: Complete your essay! Remember, time management is the key here. Get your planning done today!! That give you tomorrow to rough draft, and two days to dress-up and decorate. When needing a break you can daydream about the creative paper due week 15.
Rhetoric: After a brief pep talk on keeping the side talking on topic, we had an excellent discussion. We talked this week about lack of faith and doubt. Some even shared their own testimony on wrestling with this very topic. (It was beautiful) We ended with the fact that God is big enough to deal with our doubt and will lead us just where we need to be :) AMEN!! Please continue these discussions with your child :)
Homework: chapter 13 both books, filling in the study pages and workouts in the blue book. Remember we are reading for understanding, not just to check that box. Add questions 37 - 39. We just might see jeopardy come out on Week 15!
Science: I cannot express how glad I am that reptiles are done :) Three words........Fluffy the snake!
Homework: Next up Fish! At least 2 sources and a bibliography.
Geography: I saw the first twinge of ......are you really going to test us on Europe?!?!? Yes, next week. We had fun with terms in class, and with Ms. Bonnie's need of an editor.
Homework: STUDY FOR EUROPE!! Do not forget to add new terms. Week 15 will be the "mid-term". The point sheets will be based on countries, states, and provinces. Capitals and features, will be bonus. I might have an award for most bonus points?
PLEASE READ: The next two weeks are the last of semester, I cannot believe how fast this year went!!! I am still a bit in shock and awe. If you are keeping up with the guide then you know these last weeks are chock full of work. I mean CHOCK FULL! I had a pep talk with the kids yesterday on communicating with their teacher. There are some in the class that need to do everything as assigned and don't you dare lower the bar for them. But there are others that may be overwhelmed by the load. Please be communicating with your children what your expectations are. There is no need for a student to feel exasperated by the work load. With that in mind, I do need to say, please do not lower the bar to where it is no effort at all. You know where your student will be challenged appropriately and please set the expectations accordingly. As a parent/teacher myself I am prayerfully considering now what will help my son excel according to his talents.
Thank you Mollie for snack....MUFFINS!!! YUM! Next week the Thomas' are up!
Important Dates:
Week 15: I will be providing pizzas for lunch. I have asked the kids to ask parents for who can bring in drinks This will also be an optional PJ day
December 5th Monday is the NEW DATE for the ice skate party in downtown Greensboro. I know a couple children had conflicts with a game on Tuesday. Also, siblings are invited as well! I have talked with the Ice House staff, and have not received a price yet, but I do believe it should fall around $5 a person.
One last note. If you know that you will be changing things up come spring semester, please communicate this with me. Whether it will be just the Math or Latin, or everything. I take December to plan and it is helpful to know these things :) Also, I like to remind people now versus at Christmas time, spring payment is due by the 1st week we come back. My payment to CC is due almost immediately after this. As always, if a payment plan is needed, I am more than willing to work with that ;)
Math: OK parents, the kids have permission......TO DO 3 LESSONS! Yup, that's right. Lessons 53 and 55 are almost redundant. With the extra load in other places, I gave them permission to lighten it up here this week.
Homework: Lessons 53 - 56 (doubled checked LOL) Skipping the Mixed Practice for lessons 53 or 55. We should be up to test 10 at this point. I suggested the children grade their daily work and moms grade the tests. Week 15 Quiz is coming, maybe 10 problems.
Latin: We introduced adjectives and reviewed Declension endings.
Homework: Purple book pages 72 - 78. Ex. 86, 88, 89 Blue Book rules 72 - 76 Week 15 exam will include, declension endings, grammar rules from purple book, vocabulary, and easy parsing. It will look alike the previous test.
Accelerated Homework: pgs. 108 - 119 There are a lot of exercises, it is the teachers discretion how many are done. They will have a separate exam on week 15.
IEW: We discussed......THE SUPER DUPER ESSAY!! Yes, an essay is due on the Responsibilities of a Christian. We talked about what makes an essay different from a report, the "whys" and "opinions". An essay analyzes while a report simply states facts. You need to discuss with your student which essay you expect here. There are at least 5 to 6 students that need to do the super duper :) I also handed out the parameters for the final writing project due week 15.
Homework: Complete your essay! Remember, time management is the key here. Get your planning done today!! That give you tomorrow to rough draft, and two days to dress-up and decorate. When needing a break you can daydream about the creative paper due week 15.
Rhetoric: After a brief pep talk on keeping the side talking on topic, we had an excellent discussion. We talked this week about lack of faith and doubt. Some even shared their own testimony on wrestling with this very topic. (It was beautiful) We ended with the fact that God is big enough to deal with our doubt and will lead us just where we need to be :) AMEN!! Please continue these discussions with your child :)
Homework: chapter 13 both books, filling in the study pages and workouts in the blue book. Remember we are reading for understanding, not just to check that box. Add questions 37 - 39. We just might see jeopardy come out on Week 15!
Science: I cannot express how glad I am that reptiles are done :) Three words........Fluffy the snake!
Homework: Next up Fish! At least 2 sources and a bibliography.
Geography: I saw the first twinge of ......are you really going to test us on Europe?!?!? Yes, next week. We had fun with terms in class, and with Ms. Bonnie's need of an editor.
Homework: STUDY FOR EUROPE!! Do not forget to add new terms. Week 15 will be the "mid-term". The point sheets will be based on countries, states, and provinces. Capitals and features, will be bonus. I might have an award for most bonus points?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Week 12
It's at this point of the year I always say, if we were in Foundations we would be done :) So close, 3 more weeks! I cannot believe how the time has flown by!! Too fast :(
IEW: We read our papers and everytime I think they cannot get better....THEY DO!! We have a very talented writing class, hence me "upping the bar" this week in our assignment.
Homework: You will notice homework is lighter in other subjects Lesson 25. They will read the book of job as a source. I told them to pay special attention to the instructions at the bottom of page 103 that tell us the difference between a report and an essay, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. Essay writing is what we will be doing for the rest of the year. Also a possible outline:
Rhetoric: Great discussion and we talked about Ms. Bonnie playing more and more "angel's advocate" and "arguing with them" to help them learn how to defend their point of view. We also took a pop quiz with Rhetoric Questions. I loved hearing, "Well, we should always be prepared to give an answer!" LOL
Homework: Chapter 12 both books filling out the study sheets and workout in blue book. Add questions 37-39
Science: Great reports!! Some frogs were so cute!! Not cute...the snakes. And if I haven't stated, I am not encouraging anyone to bring in any "pets" :) And Mollie got us all! She taught us about copperhead snake bites.
Homework: If they did reptiles this week, then amphibians or vice versa. As always, two sources with a bibliography.
Geography: We drew Europe as a group effort. They are really coming along!!
Homework: Keep practicing Europe. Test is week 14 (2 more weeks) Mid Term Week 15 Add terms.
- Please see the separate email sent out concerning location change. This will not be until Spring semester.
- We have one more week if you wish to turn in picture forms. If you have foundations students, you can put them in Erin's folder. Or you can turn your forms directly to myself and I will get them to her. As always you are not obligated to buy anything ;) (If you need an order form please email me and I will PDF it back to you)
- Week 15 will be a pizza party, I will be springing for plain and pepperoni pizza's and bring paper products. If a couple people could bring a 2 liter or drink that would be great. This will also be an optinoal PJ day.
- Yes it is almost lunch time, the kids knew yesterday that I would be blogging late. So this should not have been an excuse for not completing work this morning. We discussed plenty that could be done without the blog :) On that note, David Crowder was a fantastic evening of worship and praise!! Although, getting in at 1am I was reminded that I am no longer in my 20's LOL
- Thank you Mullins for snack! Next week the Gaines have snack.
- The tentative date for our holiday get together is December 6th. I am looking at the little rink that they create in downtown Greensboro. As soon as someone calls me back with details I will pass them along. (Last year it was like $5 a skater and we skated from about 4 to 6pm)
Math: We discussed the next four lessons. I asked if anyone was needing help with anything, and you could hear crickets. So please, if you know your student is struggling let me know, I am here to help. They do seem to understand quite well in class.
Homework: Lessons 53 through 56 and they have permission to use a calculator with decimal problems
Latin: We took our vocabulary quiz. And practiced vocab with pictures. We also practiced our parsing.
Homework: pgs. 64 - 71 in the purple book. Ex. 75, 83 Review grammar rules, vocabulary, endings
Accelerated Homework: pgs. 99 - 108 Keep up with grammar rules. We are now introducing verbs! YEAH! Exercises are at the discretion of the teacher.
IEW: We read our papers and everytime I think they cannot get better....THEY DO!! We have a very talented writing class, hence me "upping the bar" this week in our assignment.
Homework: You will notice homework is lighter in other subjects Lesson 25. They will read the book of job as a source. I told them to pay special attention to the instructions at the bottom of page 103 that tell us the difference between a report and an essay, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. Essay writing is what we will be doing for the rest of the year. Also a possible outline:
I Job's sufferings (intro)
A. Topic A
1. detail
2.details, more details
B. Topic B
2. More Details
C. Topic C
1. Details
2. More details
Conclusion Rhetoric: Great discussion and we talked about Ms. Bonnie playing more and more "angel's advocate" and "arguing with them" to help them learn how to defend their point of view. We also took a pop quiz with Rhetoric Questions. I loved hearing, "Well, we should always be prepared to give an answer!" LOL
Homework: Chapter 12 both books filling out the study sheets and workout in blue book. Add questions 37-39
Science: Great reports!! Some frogs were so cute!! Not cute...the snakes. And if I haven't stated, I am not encouraging anyone to bring in any "pets" :) And Mollie got us all! She taught us about copperhead snake bites.
Homework: If they did reptiles this week, then amphibians or vice versa. As always, two sources with a bibliography.
Geography: We drew Europe as a group effort. They are really coming along!!
Homework: Keep practicing Europe. Test is week 14 (2 more weeks) Mid Term Week 15 Add terms.
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