Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 3...or 1/5 of the semester gone!

Time is flying already!  With their first test under their belt, I know these guys feel like seasoned Challenge professionals :)

Snack was Lovern..THANK YOU!! I LOVE Moravian Cookies :)  Next up is Willis.

Away we go....

Algebra: We reviewed the next four lessons.  Everyone seemed to be getting it or close enough that they could play around with it this week and understand :) If this is not the case, please feel free to email, txt, or call....I love to help!
Homework: Lessons 13 - 16

Latin:  I was thrilled to see these guys understand declining!! Keep up the hard work.  We talked about some possible ways to set up our vocabulary cards.  We started to get into parsing and reviewed the accusative and genitive cases.
Homework: See guide.  (start memorizing those vocabulary words, cases, and 1st declension endings...never know when a pop quiz might show up)

Lost Tools: We reviewed how to write our Rudimentary Persuasive Essay from our Outline.  THIS WILL BE THE MOST BORING PAPER THEY HAVE EVER WRITTEN.  We are stripping away the fanciness in order to make sure they have the structure down pat.  We continued to discuss The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  We delved into questions such as......Should Edmund have lied when he came out of the wardrobe?  Should the kids have trusted the Beavers?  Should Aslan have forgiven Edmund?  Should Peter have forgiven Edmund? GOOD STUFF!
Homework: Write our essay AND read Carry On Mr. Bowditch.

Geography: We had our test after lunch.  I could have kicked myself....I forgot the geo terms sheet!   I will have a copy for everyone with their score sheets so they can see what it is like.  I know everyone is glad it is done, but must remember review!
Homework: See guide.

Science: Great report on fungi! I would like to thank everyone for not being in samples this time around :)
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric:  More great discussion! These are my science guys I can tell :)  We started in on how unique a planet Earth is.  We also discussed having a personal relationship with Jesus and how it can affect a persons life one way or the other.  We talked about what we could do as a 7th grade student to encourage someone into a personal relationship.  We also discussed.......is God a man or a woman?  OK, here is what I shared: the Bible refers to God in the masculine.  Both men and women are made in His image.  This is not a mirror image. Woman carry characters of God as well as men.  We were meant to complement each other.  The Bible states 2 shall become one.  This was met with some giggles :)  You may wish to go deeper with this in your own school, you may wish to leave it at that.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week 2

Wow time is flying already!  It has been so much fun starting the process of getting to know each other.  Even the kids who I had tutored years ago, how neat to see how they are growing in Christ and really digging in to focus on Him.  JOY!

Next week snack is Lovern.  Remember everyone, snack should not be a stressful point of the week.  Keep it simple.  If your child needs more, they can bring more and snack throughout the day.  Just please be respectful and not have something like carrots during Latin. :)

Next weeks afternoon schedule will go as follows: Geography, Rhetoric, then Science.  I do not feel it is kind to give a test in that 3pm hour. :)

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 9 - 12.  Everyone seems to be catching on, we are still in review.  Please contact me if anything is fuzzy.  More than happy to help.
Homework: Lessons 9 - 12

Latin: We learned how to decline nouns and reviewed what nouns are and how they can be used.  I challenged them to be memorizing their 5 cases and 1st declension endings.  They should also be putting their vocabulary words on to flashcards.  One students had a great idea of writing the word declined.  That helps with learning the endings as well!
Homework: See guide.

LTW: The more I work with this curriculum, the more I love it.  We went over how to take our ANI chart and make it an outline using the sheets in our student notebook.  I reminded them that this first paper will be the most boring paper they have ever written.  The second half of class we started to discuss the book itself using our ANI charts to ask questions along the way.  Questions like: Should Lucy have been in the wardrobe?  Should Lucy's siblings have believed her?  Should Edmund have followed the White Witch?  We touched on the things that can tempt us in life and how Christ was tempted with these things as well.  You may wish to continue this conversation at home. :)
Homework: See PDF guide.

Rhetoric: We officially started our journey this week and started to discuss just how vast the universe is.  How it would be arrogant of us to assume there is no God just because we do not see Him in our "space".  And how we DO see Him in our "space".  We talked how Satan is a Lion waiting to devour us and why we have rules.  That these rules actually set us free in God.  Lots of great discussion here to have with your kids! We also learned we have a baptism coming up this weekend....CONGRATS KATYE!!!!
Homework: See guide.

Science: We read our first science reports and to the ladies dismay they realized most of our research in science may be a bit gross. :)  But reports were excellent!! Remember, they need to have a bibliography with each paragraph.  This is an important skill.
Homework: See guide.

Geography: We saw the competitive side come out of many of our students.  We did have to take a pause and discuss Christlike competition. :)  But after the talk these guys gained perspective and did just fine.
Homework: STUDY!!! see guide. test next week.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 1

What a most excellent day!!! It is always a treasure to see God at work and how He weaves these classes together in His perfect and glorious way!

This First week is a bit like Kindergarten all over again.  We are getting to know each and learning what new freedoms we have and do not have.  Manny we missed you and cannot wait for you to come to class :)

If anyone has any questions that come up, or just need to talk, please call, email, or txt.

Algebra: In class we reviewed lessons 5 through 8.  I emphasized memorizing rules and formulas now instead of later.....IT WILL MAKE THINGS EASIER :)
Homework: Lessons 5 through 8

Latin: We introduced nouns and declension endings by working on our English.  I had to laugh when I went blank on direct object versus indirect object.  But I had Lee to help me out so all was good.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools: In class we talked about invention, arrangement, and elocution.  We created our own ANI chart asking "Whether Mr. Tumnus should have turned Lucy in to the White Witch?".  We talked about how to use questions.
Homework: See PDF guide.(if you could not open, email me)  Bring their personal ANI chart to class next week.

Rhetoric: This week we started to get to know each other.  I loved that everyone felt comfortable to talk and share a bit about themselves.  I shared what is expected each week and how to use the Rhetoric Journals I handed out at orientation.  Make sure they have them next week. Start now on Catechism Questions.
Homework: See guide.

Science: We discussed how to do research.  While an occasional internet site is acceptable (NO WIKI), I encouraged them to find other sources.  Children's book are great for this strand, along with encyclopedias.  The children need at least 2 sources.  They can be a general or specific as they like.   I require a picture (not printed, hand drawn), one paragraph, and a bibliography. I provided some tools to help them with their bibliography and taking notes.  If they are researching something that really excites them and they want to do more, PLEASE feel free to go ahead.
Homework: See guide

Geography:  Well.......I am not sure they realized exactly what geography would look like.  They sure do now :)  We talked about our guide, the notebook and Atlas are all resources.  I stressed in detail SMALL THINGS DONE DAILY.  One more time, SMALL THINGS DONE DAILY.  Set a timer for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.  You cannot wait until 2 days before to start.  Practice drawing and then practice again.  Start with one section then move to another, do not try to tackle all at once.  We will have a matching test on the terms with each test, so make sure they are not forgetting those.
Homework: See guide