Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 4

It was nice to have the whole campus today!

Addie has volunteered for snack for week 5.  If anyone would like week 6, let me know.  I believe we may have two students out of town that week?

Algebra 1/2: No surprise tests or quizzes...just good 'ol math fun :)  They need to be taking one test per week and checking them to make sure they are on track.
Homework:  Lessons 13 - 16

Rhetoric: Another day of great discussion.  I have started opening up with a warm-up question and that seems to get the ball rolling.  We also used the buzz board to practice our catechism questions.
Homework:  Read Chapter 4 in both books.  Add questions 10 - 12

Science: Great research on wildflowers!  I did encourage them to use non-internet sources.
Homework: This week we research Herbs

Geography: I handed back the quizzes from last week.  They all did such a wonderful job for the first time out.  We spent the class reviewing the US from "scratch".  A couple things on Geography: If anyone has traveled and/or knows someone who has that would like to do a presentation for the class, please invite them to do so.  Or, if a student would like to put together a presentation on a country that just interests them, that is welcomed as well.  We also used the buzz board today to review terms.
Homework: TEST next Tuesday on Canada....no outline :)  Features help with points.  Terms will also help with points.  I might even hand out points just for smiling through the test :) Add terms cave, cavern, channel, chasm, cinder, cone, cliff

IEW:  I loved this weeks papers!  We certainly have a talented group of young writers here.  We reviewed when and how to use commas and started in on lesson 8.
Homework: Complete lesson 8. (I did give some creative liberty to change names or objects to make the story their own)

Latin: We reviewed how to classify verbs.  I gave each person a handout pertaining to sentence patterns.
Homework:  Quiz next week.  Know your vocab up to page 42.  Also, know your 1st Conjugation endings, and 1st and 2nd Declension Endings.  We will play a game of beat Ms. Bonnie!  Pages 35 - 46 to be completed in your workbooks.

I hope everyone enjoys this lovely weather we are having.

Many Blessings,
Bonnie Joy

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