Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 7

I want to take a moment and thank you again for the awesome opportunity to work with each of your children. Each week God blesses me through them and I am always left in awe of our Father's work in each of these young ones :)

Great week! Great pancakes! Thank you Debbie for helping out and for my favorite breakfast treat...bacon. YUM!

Jordan, thank you for snack this week. Anyone want next? If I don't hear from anyone, I can provide :)

Algebra: After I finished coughing we had a productive week! (Got my inhaler refilled, cough is doing much better) We had our quiz, and moved forward only 3 lessons. I also gave a handout on what a classical student looks like....this was a hard one for me to read, but a good reminder.
Homework: Up to lesson 87. KNOW THE GRAMMAR!

Rhetoric: It was a very quiet morning today. We discussed Chapters 21 - 23. We also played a buzz board game with the catechism questions.
Homework: Read Chapters 24 - 26. CATECHISM QUESTIONS ALL.

Geography: I handed out Asia. Everyone did a stellar job! We discussed study skills for Geography and started in on Africa. Please check out the web links I have on this page. They have some fun Geography games.
Homework: Work on Geography Terms up to shoreline. Practice drawing Africa at least three times a day. Use the notebook and dry erase and trace it or use paper.

Science: We took our test on the brain. Everyone's heart diagram looked fantastic. We introduced the ear and performed a couple science experiments.
Homework: Study for heart quiz. Draw ear in notebook and label.

Literature: Once again the room was quiet today. (I think it was just one of those days) We discussed Amos Fortune and freedom. I challenged each of them to think of one word they would like their lives to represent. A theme that showed up in both rhetoric and here was relationship vs. religion.
Homework: Write an essay on how living in a Christian home influenced Amos Fortune. Start reading Secret Garden.

Latin: I introduced the latin notebook :) This notebook, along with the packet I handed out first semester should help the students understand parsing a bit better. (If you need me to send this packet again, let me know I can email it to you) In order to decline a noun or Conjugate a verb students can: look up word in back of notebook to find declension/conjugation. Look up that declension/conjugation in notebook and use that to help decline/conjugate the word.
We also practiced parsing sentences in class YEAH!!
Homework: There is a lot...A LOT to memorize in Book 4. Start with the endings and vocabulary. We are adding new vocabulary this week, up to page 104. Will try to post a link to a study stack for vocabulary up to this point :)Decline 3 of the new vocabulary. Conjugate 3 of the new vocabulary. Turn these pages in. Open book quiz #2, BRING BACK. We will go over in class next week.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 6

Another awesome week! (alliteration:) Great discussions were had and some deep topics were grazed. I would like to let all the parents know, we had a good talk on time management. This is an issue I believe all Challenge A kids have to deal with. It is a difficult life skill for us moms sometimes too :) Some wonderful ideas were thrown about and encouragement reigned.

Would anyone like to pick up snack for next week??
Next week is pancake breakfast. Please see separate email.
The 23rd is skiing at Sugar for $20!! You cannot beat that price. See separate email as well.

Rhetoric: We finished up It Just Couldn't Happen this week with some very deep conversation about not everyone making it to heaven. I highly encourage you to continue this talk with your child at home. It can be overwhelming to understand that there really is a hell that people will go to.
Homework: Know your cat questions!! Read chapters 21 - 23 in Don't Check Your Brains

Literature: Great papers! We discussed the writing process and how an outline can help give you more words or reign them in. I also let them know that if they feel led to write a paper in a different direction then what the guide suggests, I am alright with them doing that. There were some questions on the conclusion. A conclusion will: Repeat the main idea, remind the reader of the topic discussed, it might discuss the most significant and why, and then a final clincher. The final clincher in these essay will be the opinion of the writer expressed without using the word "I".
Homework: Read Amos Fortune. Keep your writing topic in mind.

Science: We took our quiz on the mouth. I checked everyones work on the brain. Then the students got a little more then they bargained for :) Our science experiment for the heart involved testing our aerobic capacity. Ms. Bonnie is also a personal trainer and happens to know quite a bit on how to take care of our heart. So that is where our discussions in science went to today.
Homework: Draw and label heart in sketch notebook. There will be a brain quiz next week.

Geography: It's done!!! Asia is done!
Homework: Start in on Africa, which will seem like a dream after Asia :) I gave the kids maps to take home of the world. I want them to fill in what they can to review. THese are small maps so hit the highlights. Bring them back next week. I really want them to start spending some time in review. These maps will be bigger later on.

Latin: This was one of those weeks with Latin I could have really used two hours. I started to introduce the 3rd Declension....and then I realized I had the wrong sheet (love those moments). We reviewed declension and all declension endings and started to decline again. We discuissed the classical model and how it works. How even though they are more in that dialetic stage, there is still grammar be learned.
Homework: Work on vocabulary up to this point. Focus on whether masculine or feminine. Know your 1st and 2nd declension endings and 1st, 2nd, 3rd Conjugations endings. I am going to hold off one week on our quiz.I am in the process of putting together a better "cheat" sheet to study from :)
Workbook pages up 90...BUT I would rather the focus be on these endings and getting familiar with the 3rd declension on pages 189 - 191. We can catch up on workbook pages next week.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 5

It was nice to have a change of venue (sorry Ms. Lawrence had to be sick to do so)

Items of business:
-I will take on snack next week
-The girls had talked about making next week a big hair day:)
-February 22 is Pancake Breakfast/PJ Day for Challenge A and B, plan to come in early for food and fellowship (siblings welcome!)
-February 23rd the kids and I are going skiing up at Sugar, any one who would like to join..COME ON DOWN :) If your child would like a ride, I have 4 empty seats.

This week in Algebra we are only working on 2 lessons. I want students to work on the grammar of Domain and Range and truly understand slope/intercept before we move any further.
Homework: Students will have done up to lesson 82

We all agreed that Winter Jamz was awesome this year and had some great discussion on what we know from the bible and what is theory. I would love to encourage you to continue this conversation and at home!
Homework: Read Chapter 20 both books. DO NOT FORGET CAT QUESTIONS!!

Everyone took the lung "test". We reviewed the mouth, and introduced the brain. There was a nice little brain handout the children may wish to use this week. We also did an experiment concerning nerves and the brain.
Homework: Draw brain in notebook and label. Study for Mouth and glands test next week!

Excellent discussion once again on Number the Stars!I handed out possible outlines they could use, as well as last weeks essays. We discussed that the 100 words does not need to be dogmatic as much as a guideline for length.
Homework: Write an essay on whether you agree or disagree with Uncle Henrick's definition of bravery. You may use "i" if sharing a story about yourself. You may not use "i" if expressing an opinion :)

Geography: We spent a bit of extra time on Geography this week. We had a special guest today..THANK YOU HANNAH! Our guest had been to China and shared with us what her journey was like. We also practiced drawing Asia from scratch.
Homework: Due to so many being hit with sickness and well life... I am giving the option next week of drawing Asia from scratch or labeling an outlined map. The call is MOM's TO MAKE :) Not the student. Do not forget to review Geography Terms for Asia "test" next week :)

Latin: We did not have as much time for Latin due to our special Geography guest, but not to worry.
Homework: Using the pages I handed out last week, fill in 3rd declension endings using the chart on page 189 and pages 80 and 81. Work up to page 82 in your workbook. Study your Conjugation/Declension Endings. Next week we will be conjugating and declining vocabulary words together. So study your vocabulary words! Take this week to really firm up the "grammar" of Latin because next week we will put it all together and begin to parse again :)(What do I mean by grammar? Have your charts memorized as best you can, know your all comes together next week :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 4

Another fine, fine week full of God's blessings!

Berkeley has offered to provide snacks next week :)

Next week, if children wish to exchange Valentines they are welcome. We talked about this being the age they may or may not wish to participate..TOTALLY OPTIONAL. If everyone wants to wear something red or pink....there's the theme :)

Algebra: Great Day! WE went over the next four lessons. I emphasized to a couple students, if you need me I am available in Kernersville between 2pm and 3pm on Fridays and as always, please feel free to call or email me with any problems. We can work on them together and then they do not seem as intimidating :) (See email with Example problem worked)
Homework: Up to lesson #80. Please remember to test and check work. This is how we know you are retaining the information :)

Rhetoric: Conversation took another turn today, but is was AWESOME!  We really delved into what the world throws at us constantly and world view versus God's view and how important it is to surround ourselves with friends that lift us up and not down.  I very much encourage you to continue this conversation with them and bring in your influence.  This is the age we want them to question everything so we can help them find logical answers and prepare them to arm themselves for battle.
Homework: Chapters 19 both books.  Review ALL catechism questions!  don't forget there is a link to the left on this page :)

Science: We discussed what Biology is.  We reviewed lungs and introduced the mouth teeth and gums.  Our science experiment went a tad better.
Homework: Draw and label mouth, teeth, and gums in science notebook.  We test on lungs next week.  Do bring your biology book to class.

Literature: I read everyone's papers and we tried to guess whose papers were whose.  For those that did not turn in a paper.  Either your mom emails me to let me know it's good OR you turn in your paper next Tuesday.
Homework: Read Number the Stars.  Consider what Uncle Henrik has to say on bravery.

Geography: We put together the following map below. Let's really work on refining that southwest.  We test in two weeks.  We did have a special guest from China talk to us for a little bit.  She did not speak much English but we were able to glean some interesting facts. We also had a Geography Term crossword, to which I received a lot of "Oh, we still have to study those?"....yes.
Homework: Fine tune Asia.  Really work on capitals and countries.  If you have those well, add some features. Do not forget to study geography terms.  Remember these do not need to be word for word.  But you do need to be able to read a definition and relate it to what it is. We are up to rapids.  Test on ASIA IN 2 WEEKS.

Latin: YEAH, we finally figured out how to make it an hour without exasperating the students :) PTL :)  We introduced "sum" and third conjugation endings.  We also reviewed vocabulary.
Homework: Please continue to work on the grammar flashcards on the blog post before this.  WE need to add our 3rd conjugation endings to that as well.  Work book pages are up to #70.  Review all vocabulary as well.  We will start getting back into parsing over the next few weeks.

**Praying for healthy and blessed weeks.  I have received two emails from swim lesson students who have told me they have the flu, so wash those hands, it's going around!