Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 5

It was nice to have a change of venue (sorry Ms. Lawrence had to be sick to do so)

Items of business:
-I will take on snack next week
-The girls had talked about making next week a big hair day:)
-February 22 is Pancake Breakfast/PJ Day for Challenge A and B, plan to come in early for food and fellowship (siblings welcome!)
-February 23rd the kids and I are going skiing up at Sugar, any one who would like to join..COME ON DOWN :) If your child would like a ride, I have 4 empty seats.

This week in Algebra we are only working on 2 lessons. I want students to work on the grammar of Domain and Range and truly understand slope/intercept before we move any further.
Homework: Students will have done up to lesson 82

We all agreed that Winter Jamz was awesome this year and had some great discussion on what we know from the bible and what is theory. I would love to encourage you to continue this conversation and at home!
Homework: Read Chapter 20 both books. DO NOT FORGET CAT QUESTIONS!!

Everyone took the lung "test". We reviewed the mouth, and introduced the brain. There was a nice little brain handout the children may wish to use this week. We also did an experiment concerning nerves and the brain.
Homework: Draw brain in notebook and label. Study for Mouth and glands test next week!

Excellent discussion once again on Number the Stars!I handed out possible outlines they could use, as well as last weeks essays. We discussed that the 100 words does not need to be dogmatic as much as a guideline for length.
Homework: Write an essay on whether you agree or disagree with Uncle Henrick's definition of bravery. You may use "i" if sharing a story about yourself. You may not use "i" if expressing an opinion :)

Geography: We spent a bit of extra time on Geography this week. We had a special guest today..THANK YOU HANNAH! Our guest had been to China and shared with us what her journey was like. We also practiced drawing Asia from scratch.
Homework: Due to so many being hit with sickness and well life... I am giving the option next week of drawing Asia from scratch or labeling an outlined map. The call is MOM's TO MAKE :) Not the student. Do not forget to review Geography Terms for Asia "test" next week :)

Latin: We did not have as much time for Latin due to our special Geography guest, but not to worry.
Homework: Using the pages I handed out last week, fill in 3rd declension endings using the chart on page 189 and pages 80 and 81. Work up to page 82 in your workbook. Study your Conjugation/Declension Endings. Next week we will be conjugating and declining vocabulary words together. So study your vocabulary words! Take this week to really firm up the "grammar" of Latin because next week we will put it all together and begin to parse again :)(What do I mean by grammar? Have your charts memorized as best you can, know your all comes together next week :)

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