Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 12

Whatever festivities you plan on enjoying tonight, please be safe and glorify our Father :)

Lots of fun and candy to be had yesterday, and our room was actually warm!!  We did have a few snags in the schedule.  Unfortunately my son fell ill after the CC day had started and I needed to call my mom and have her pick him up.We did end up with an extra 15 minutes for lunch.....the kids didn't complain, but wanted to let my moms know :)

I brought snack this week, and next week is officially Lindsay.

Math: We reviewed lessons 48 - 51.  It is starting to get nice a "chunky" again.  Please know I am available for any questions.
Homework: Lessons 48 - 51

Latin:  We played Latin Bingo, and did some very simple parsing.  We will have a Chapter 3 Test next week.  This will be mostly Vocabulary and Declension Endings.
Homework: See guide...Study for Test

Lost Tools:  I handed out an optional writing assignment that would be due Week 15.  It is a fun one :) See email for more details.  We reviewed how to make our subjects more clear by changing them from the passive to the active voice.  We also discussed bravery and what is bravery.  Is it better to know everything or not?
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric: We took a "scary" pop quiz on Cat questions and discussed Chapter 11.  I say this every week, but this section really is my favorite!  I really want to challenge parents and kids to find out where your bible comes from.  We use it to defend our faith and biblical view, let us be prepared to give an answer :)
Homework:See guide

Science: We had our picture contest which was fun!  Thank you Challenge 2 special judges.  Everyone received an award :)  Great reports....don't forget those bibliographies!
Homework: See guide

Geography: We played 1 versus the mob!  Andrew and Matthew came down to a showdown where they both stuck out together.  Everyone did an awesome job with this! I can tell they are working hard.
Homework: SMALL THINGS DONE DAILY! See guide

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week 11

Another great week of classical!  We missed you Morgan and Caleb, get well soon!!

Thank you Hinson for snack, it looked scrumptious...and it was gone in seconds ;)  Next week: possible Lindsay, Joey don't forget to ask your mom.

Away we go......

Math: We reviewed lessons 44 - 47.  Use the easy days to review some of the harder concepts.  Mid-Term will be take home on Week 14 and bring back week 15.  OPEN BOOK, YES.  OPEN INTERNET AND FRIENDS, NO.
Homework: Lessons 44 - 47

Latin: We parsed flumen and made some declension endings help sheets.
Homework: See guide.

Lost Tools:  We introduced Exordium! Translated, this means how to open our essay.  To break it down in very simple terms, there are 5 tools here.  Questions, Statistics, Challenge (at this stage, imperative), Quotation, and Anecdote/Joke.  We went into detail on each of these.  Using worksheet on page 29 of their book they should practice each of these in their arrangement this week. Use outline from Lesson 3 arrangement.  We also had some great discussion on Number the it ever ok to lie?
Homework: See PDF guide

Rhetoric: We discussed how the stories in the bible are not just stories.  They really happened!  How sometimes we can become desensitized to stories like Daniel and the Lions den and we forget how powerful a passage that can be.  I really encourage you to continue discussion of this at home ;)

Science: Another week of great reports!!
Homework:  PICTURE CONTEST NEXT WEEK!!! see guide

Geography:  It was team versus team as we drew the WORLD!!  They are really doing a good job keeping up with review.  Keep on keeping on!
Homework: See guide

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Wow! Every year seems to go faster and faster!!  I am really treasuring up all these memories on my heart.  These young boys and girls have become so precious to me, thank you for sharing :)

Save the Date!! December 11th, the 2nd Tuesday in December we will go ice skating.  I usually open this up to all Challenges.  It is very laid back and informal of a gathering.  We jsut meet at the outside skating rink in greensboro.  I collect everyones money so we get the group rate, and then we hang out ;)  Last year a group of us went to Mellow Mushroom afterwards.  I realized some may already be traveling at this point, but if it is open...SAVE THAT DATE!!

Thank you Dees for snack! I LOVE grapes!  Next week Hinson.  Week 12 is open, does anyone wish to sign up??

Algebra:  We reviewed lesson 40 - 43.  There were some glassy stares over lesson 40, please email with any questions ;)
Homework: Lessons 40 - 42....MEMORIZE THOSE EXPONENT RULES!!!!

Latin:  We reviewed the 3rd declension and practiced parsing.  I reminded them that if parsing isn't coming as easily to just keep reviewing the vocabulary and endings and it will all come.
Homework: See Guide

Lost Tools:  GREAT ESSAYS!!! I heard the bones in EVERY ONE OF THEM!!!!  (bones being the essay structure) We reviewed the 5 tools of invention and created an ANI chart for Number the Stars.  We also talked about is they are having a hard time keeping up with the reading, to use this year to work it out.  Challenge A and B, while we are not lax, do have more freedom to "work out the kinks" and see where we need to structure ourselves better. 
Homework: See PDF guide (please email me is you need this again :)

Rhetoric:  Good discussion, once we got down to it.  We are learning how to have group discussion and sometimes crosstalk can overwhelm the classroom.  But once I stated this, we were able to get down to business :)  These guys are really getting it!  I cannot wait to see some of them in debate!
Homework: See guide (Don't forget those cat questions!)

Science: Remember Week 12 is the picture contest!  This weeks reports on butterflies was quite refreshing from last weeks insects :)
Homework: See guide

Geography: Small things done daily....they are going to get so sick of hearing this LOL Europe cannot be done the week before the test....they must start now.  At this point we talked about at ;east 15 min morning, 15 min afternoon, and 15 minutes REVIEW.
Homework: See guide (don't forget terms)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 9

Another great week! I missed the girls....have a fun time ladies, see you next week.

Thank you Katye for snack! Next week is Dees.

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 36 - 39. Be diligent guys, you can do this.
Homework: 36-39

Latin: We declined pars and reviewed our noun quick chart.  Then we played Latin pictionary...always a favorite.
Homework: See guide.

Lost Tools: Remember, we are not going through this lesson by lesson. Please refer to your PDF guide for what lesson we are working on.  We reviewed elocution and discussed more of Magicians Nephew.  We really delved into regrets of a decision made!
Homework: See PDF Guide

Geography: We took our South America quiz. We discussed using our guide to help us with geography questions.  I introduced Europe.
Homework: See guide.

Science: Great reports on insects! Week 12 picture contest ;)
Homework: See guide.

Rhetoric: Great discussion! We jumped right into racism...I highly recommend you follow through with this topic at home as well.
Homework: See guide.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 8

More than half way through!! Wow! I have really come to just adore our class.  I cannot believe how time is flying.

PJ Day, lots of fun!

Snack Ms. Sharon cake...epic!  Snack next week is FIELDS.

CONGRATS KATYE!!!!!! She was baptized over this last weekend!!

Alright, Ms. Bonnie did have a few lectures yesterday.  I did not want anyone to walk away discouraged, but encouraged to do their best.  I know a lot of times we travel and life comes up.  But school does need to be done.  If they don't read the book, it is hard for them to participate in discussion.  If they only take 15 minutes a day to study for a big test, that is all they are going to get out of it.  I told them the problem is......I have seen their potential and what they can do and are capable of :)  So I want to encourage them to run the race of this semester, and do their best!

Math: We reviewed lessons 32 through 35.
Homework: Lessons 32 through 35

Latin: I returned Latin tests back....AWESOME JOB!!  Shout outs go to Caleb and Matthew with perfect scores including the bonus!! We delved deeper into 3rd declension and talked about gender rules.  We practiced parsing a sentence.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools: We reviewed sorting an ANI and putting it into an outline again.  use the outline on page 18 of the student workbook.  Joey received an early Christmas present as we used his ANI chart to sort :) This was point of lecture number 1 on getting the books read.
Homework: See PDF guide

Rhetoric: GREAT Discussion!! These guys are really asking some awesome questions.  I cannot wait to see them in debate next year. Question of the week:Why would someone choose to believe something so radical as coming from primordial ooze vs. being created?
Homework: See guide.

Science:  Loved the reports and we had 2 examples! One Daddy Long Legs whose legs didn't survive the backpack :) Then the ....drum roll please....TARANTULA!  Yes, Sam's sister has a pet spider and I cannot believe I am saying was kind of cute.
Homework: See guide

Geography:  This would be home of lecture #2.  While tests were not bad....I have seen what these boys can do :)  So please  BE ENCOURAGED  not discouraged.  Shout out here goes to Andrew who only needed to label 10 features to nab all the feature points, but chose to review USA and Canada and labeled 131 features!!
Homework: See guide