Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 12

Whatever festivities you plan on enjoying tonight, please be safe and glorify our Father :)

Lots of fun and candy to be had yesterday, and our room was actually warm!!  We did have a few snags in the schedule.  Unfortunately my son fell ill after the CC day had started and I needed to call my mom and have her pick him up.We did end up with an extra 15 minutes for lunch.....the kids didn't complain, but wanted to let my moms know :)

I brought snack this week, and next week is officially Lindsay.

Math: We reviewed lessons 48 - 51.  It is starting to get nice a "chunky" again.  Please know I am available for any questions.
Homework: Lessons 48 - 51

Latin:  We played Latin Bingo, and did some very simple parsing.  We will have a Chapter 3 Test next week.  This will be mostly Vocabulary and Declension Endings.
Homework: See guide...Study for Test

Lost Tools:  I handed out an optional writing assignment that would be due Week 15.  It is a fun one :) See email for more details.  We reviewed how to make our subjects more clear by changing them from the passive to the active voice.  We also discussed bravery and what is bravery.  Is it better to know everything or not?
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric: We took a "scary" pop quiz on Cat questions and discussed Chapter 11.  I say this every week, but this section really is my favorite!  I really want to challenge parents and kids to find out where your bible comes from.  We use it to defend our faith and biblical view, let us be prepared to give an answer :)
Homework:See guide

Science: We had our picture contest which was fun!  Thank you Challenge 2 special judges.  Everyone received an award :)  Great reports....don't forget those bibliographies!
Homework: See guide

Geography: We played 1 versus the mob!  Andrew and Matthew came down to a showdown where they both stuck out together.  Everyone did an awesome job with this! I can tell they are working hard.
Homework: SMALL THINGS DONE DAILY! See guide

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