Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 8

WOW! Officially half way through!!  PJ Day was a lot of fun, and very laid back :)

Items of prayer: Please pray about our "room".  In the afternoon it gets very hot.  We are also having a problem with extra chatter in the hallway after other classes are out.  I am looking for ways to rectify this.

Thank you Hannah for bringing in some of the best doughnuts I have ever had.  Next week the Bradsher's will bring in snack.

On to the day!

Algebra 1: We had a quiz.  You should be able to find it in your students bag.  They all did quite well!
Homework:  Lessons #29 - #32 Don't forget to CHECK YOUR WORK!

Rhetoric: PJ Day made for very relaxed discussion (Either that or our mouths were filled with doughnut :) We brought out the buzz board for Catechism question review.
Homework: Chapter 8 in both books, fill out study guide, add questions #22 - #24 (Review questions #1 - #21)

Science: Today's reports made me cringe and question why God called me to this place.....j/k.  But I will say they made me go EWWWW! Good job on the research, though.  Excellent reports!
Homework: I have a hard time even typing this one....INSECTS! Double EWWWW!  2 Sources required

IEW/Writing: I LOVED the papers this week. What an awesome, superb (there's your duel adjective) job!! We reviewed exactly what the IEW method for writing is:  Outline, Rough Draft, Dress-up/Decorate, Final. We reviewed what dress-ups and decorations were.  Briefly we got into a dramatic opener.  There were a lot of handouts that went home this week.  If you are missing any, email me and I will get them to you.  I stressed the importance of budgeting our time on this one this week.  I suggested: Weds, outline and start rough draft Thurs. Rough Draft finished Fri., dress-up/decorate Monday: Finish dress-up decorate, LABEL PAPER (see below)
Homework: Strictly by the book this week.  Lesson #15, using the IEW method above.  You will label your final draft alike the sheet I sent home. Sentence Openers labeled in the margin on the left.  Dress-up's labeled in the margin on the right.  They do not need to underline words.  Please email me with any question you have on this one ;)

Geography: We practiced outlining the continents and encouraged them to practice this at home.  We have some fierce Geography rivalry going on...which we are actually having fun with :)  The rest of the hour we reviewed.  I am so sorry I did not get a picture of the Canada map :(
Homework: Test on South America next week.  This one is a lot smaller....how many features can you add this week??? Also, we may have a speaker next week.

Latin: We reviewed everything we have done to this point.  I encouraged them to keep practicing their vocabulary and noun/verb endings.  Next week we start declining and conjugating on a weekly basis again :)
Homework: pages 86- 96 in our workbooks, and prepare for a small quiz (no getting anxious about this quiz:)

Have a great week!!

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