Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 9

A very productive day for Challenge A.  I believe if these children never hear the word quiz again, they will be very happy.

Thank you Berkeley for bringing in snack.  All teasing of Berkeley's older sister aside it was just right :)  Next week Jordan has snack and I will also be bringing in muffins.

The kids did decide they would like another theme day.  As long as it does not interfere with our studies, I have no problem with this.  Next week....your favorite sports team!

Algebra 1
We looked at the next four lessons.  I made very clear they need to have understanding of lesson #35.  Factoring needs to be understood now, it is only going to get harder.
Homework: Lessons #33 - #36

I received an email concerning question #21."This will be amended for future Challenge A guides, but to make you aware, the answer for catechism question 21 needs to be tweaked.  We have (p. 61) What are proteins?  The smallest known living thing; proteins are long chains of amino acids. Proteins are not actually living things.  Another option is to say, “Proteins are long chains of amino acids found in living things.”"  Great conversation today!  We had fun learning how to pronounce alleles.
Homework: Chapter 9 in both books.  Add catechism questions #25 - #27

Great reports on...blech...insects.  Addie and Berkeley brought some special guests presenters, the stinkbugs!
Homework: Butterflies or Moths (I vote butterfly, but they get to decide :) Remember 2 sources!

Ahhhh, relief! Another test is behind us.  This was the most intent I have seen them . I cannot wait to check them out this week.  Next week, mega review game.
Homework: We start on Europe! We have four weeks.  Remember, if you know anyone who would love to give us a presentation on a country they have visited or gone on a missions trip for, I very much welcome it.  Or if your student wants to put together a special report, they are welcome to present it to the class

I think I scared them a little when I reviewed some grammar.  I just wanted to make sure amidst all this writing, they remembered grammar was involved. I commended them for really grasping the story model.
Homework:This week is a research report.  They have the choice of doing lesson #19 or researching a topic of their choice.  The method is the same.  Three topics.  Take notes from at least 2 sources in reference to these topics.  Fuse their outline.  Then rough draft and so forth.

I handed out Quiz #2 and a SCARY MONSTER Vocabulary quiz.  They handled these well as I let them know it was open book.  I emphasized for this semester that they know their vocabulary and word endings.  The parsing will come.
Homework: Take home mid-term and workbook pages #97 - #110 Practice writing word endings on sheet in page protector (Use dry erase)

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