Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 3!!

I hope this blog post finds you getting into a bit of a rhythm this week.  If you just started laughing hysterically, don't worry....IT WILL COME :) 

THANK YOU DEBBIE!! I heard how wonderful the cupcakes were.  I believe the word used today was "epic"!  Snack next week is........????? could you please come forward..LOL In all the excitment of the day, the snack sheet has gone home with someone.  If you could please go through your child's back back and let me know if they have it.  They can just bring it back next week, but feel free to share with the group who snack is next week :)

Another note of business: We had a lot of chattiness today.  Usually this is the time when everyone starts to get more comfortable with the group.  I really don't believe this is a heart issue for these children, I truly believe it is just a matter of learning to recognize what they are doing.  (They just get so excited, and frankly I do too sometimes)  But it did get so loud at one point Ms. Erin tutoring Latin next door had to ask us to quiet down.  If you could back me on our rule of respect.  (It is disrespectful to talk if someone else is talking) this would be helpful thank you :)

Math 8/7: Ms. Mary Beth will be emailing me a bio this week as well as contact information.

Math 1/2: We covered 4 lessons.  We are still doing review for the most part, so simple stuff. 
Homework: Lessons 13 - 16

Latin: We reviewed cases and 1st declension endings.  I introduced 2 declension endings and the Accusative and Genative case.  We also grazed over parsing the simple sentence, "You lost the game." (We had to fly through some material for time's sake, please email/call with any questions)
Homework: If we have not memorized cases/endings, let's really work on this.  (we will just be adding more and more) Purple Book: read pages 11 -16; write new vocab on cards.  Write new grammar rules on cards.  Review all vocab and rules.  Examples 5 - 8 GRADE THESE!  Blue Book: add on 34-44.  Study 1 - 44. 
** For those with much Latin behind them I will be sending some extras and ideas to keep it interesting

IEW: I just have to take a minute here and say the papers I read this week.......BLEW ME AWAY!!  For those of you worried your child did not participate in Essentials, please do not worry.  Today their first Literature sheet came home with them as well.  You may noticed tally marks at the bottom of the page.  These will most likely NOT BE accurate.  But they will be close.  These are to give a student an idea of whether they may be using 20 verbs and 1 adjective.  It can help them "balance" their dress-ups.  I also sent home a page on commas that includes grammar rules for commas.  I introduced the story model in lesson 6.  Due to some extra talking and time, we did not get to thourouhly address lesson 6 as an example.  You may wish to go through it with your child.  We officially added strong verbs, which I have been hearing all along and the http://www.asiab/ clause.  Now, last week the "because" clause could be placed anywhere within a sentence.  This week the http://www.asiab/ "because" clause is actually a sentence opener. 
Homework: Lesson 7; 3 paragraphs, using the story model in lesson 6 and check sheet

Geography: On weeks we test we will have Geography after lunch.  from a first glance of things, I think these guys are going to be very happy with their points!
Homework: Start in on Canada.  Do not forget to spend 5-10 minutes a day in Review of USA.  Draw your USA map at least once a week from here on out. Also, don't forget! If you know anyone who has been to an interesting location in the USA or to Canada, invite them in for a presentation one afternoon:)

Rhetoric:  Great discussion!! Staying on topic can be fun with this group (that includes myself BTW) But these guys are definitely ready to start delving into God's word and putting it in their brains and heart!
Homework: Chapter 3 both books, with study guide filled out, with workour filled out.  Add catechism questions 7-9 (don't get behind on these guys, we play some fun games!)

Science: I love watching these guys present! The science pictures are fantastic as well.
Homework: Wildflowers!  Can be general or specific.  With a bibliography.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week 2 :)

Another Fantastic Week!!  I feel so very blessed with the group God has assembled this year.

Items of business:
  • Snack for week three is the Blacks.  If your child has an allergies, please let me know ASAP and I will pass that information on.
  • If you have not signed up for snack, I am asking that everyone just take one week :)
  • Also, if your child is requiring more food (because they are getting ready to grow about an inch this hour) please feel free to pack accordingly.  As long as it is not disruptive (i.e. carrots), they are welcome to snack during class in a respectful manner.
  • LUNCHTIME: On our campus we are requiring that students are only allowed where and adult is present.  An adult is not a Challenge 3 student.  When Foundations begins in 2 weeks, your child is welcome to go eat on Westside campus, BUT MUST FIRST INFORM ME. Once at Westside, they need to check in with an adult there, and let that adult know when they are returning to our campus.  Once foundations starts, if any adults would like to help "man" our campus, you are welcome to. 
  • Next week geography will be right after lunch, since we have a test.
 Math 8/7: Students were introduced to Ms. Mary Beth.  I am working on getting her contact information for you.
Homework: Lessons 9 -12

Math Algebra 1/2: Lots of math grammar this week.  Enjoy!
Homework: Lessons 9 - 12

Latin: What fun we had declining nouns! Well I did anyway :) We introduced new vocabulary and how to study.  We touched on verbs, more with those next week!
Homework: Purple Book: read pages 6 - 10; Write vocabulary on cards and study; Write 3 "rules" on cards and study; Examples 1 - 4 Blue Book: Continue to study 1 -33 (while they do not necessarily have to memorize these, the should be very familiar.)

IEW: The papers this week were phenomenal! We have some very talented writers among us.  Students were very happy to learn they no longer need to "label" every dress-up, only underline them.  We outlined a story again and introduced the dress up of Quality Adjective, dual adjectives, and the because clause. 
Homework: Lesson 5, 2 paragraphs WITH CHECKSHEET!!

Rhetoric: Fantastic discussion today.  I think we really got some minds turning and beginning the process of thinking logically for themselves. I cannot encourage you enough to do this subject right along with your child.  I don't know, it could have been the spirit, but some even felt the earth move during rhetoric (or maybe an earthquake :)
Homework: read Chapter 2 both books, fill out the study sheets and work out in blue book.  Add Catechism questions 4 -6, rvw. 1 -3 Please remember to bring Bible and Blue notebook for class time.  The two texts are helpful as well.

Science: Great reports today!! I believe I learned some new tidbits on Protista and algae :)
Homework: FUNGI!!! In general or a specific.  Use at least two sources and have a bibliography. 

Geography: We split up into teams and got to see how we were coming along studying the USA! Very exciting!! The winning team won by 1 point!!
Homework: PREPARE....PREPARE....PREPARE, for the first Geography test.  I will hand out a blank sheet of paper let them go to town.  Add some features this week and fine tune.  ALSO, do not forget those geography terms.   Add week two, you may see a quiz on these as well. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

WEEK 1!!!!!!

Exciting! What a fun day.  I want to thank each of you for sharing your precious children with me.  I can tell this is going to be an awesome year of Challenge A!

Business notes:
-If you have not gotten your tuition check to me, please drop me a line.
-I will cover snack next week, starting week 3 I will have a sign up sheet for snack.   Snack can be very simple or elaborate, it is whatever fits how you roll.  (i.e. This week I did convenience.  Next week I may bake.)
-Right now we do not have access to a microwave or "fridge", this may change in the very near future, but for next week please keep this in mind.
-As of this point we do have a full class
-We are going by the guide this week, if there are an questions and the blog/guide do not answer them, please feel free to call or email me.  I am happy to help :)
-We talked about SMALL THINGS DONE DAILY! They will be so sick of hearing this...but it is true.  Set a timer.  Work on memory work daily.  Understanding will come.

Away we go!

Saxon 8/7
Ms. Sharon shared with me this morning that she has found a replacement for her.  (Who she will actually be subbing for some)  Her name is Mary, and she is gone through the Classical program.  She tutors Math for a living and everyone gives her a 5 start rating.  After much prayer, Sharon decided that the longer drive wasn't a good match.  But we will still see her when Mary needs a sub.
Homework: Lessons 5-8

Algebra 1/2
We went over lessons 5 - 8 and enjoyed the room while it was cool!
Homework: Lessons 5-8

We introduced Nouns in Latin.  We walked through how we would decline a noun in English and showed how Latin would decline a noun. 
Homework: In Blue Grammar Book Start to memorize #1-#33; in Purple book, read pages 3 - 5

We reviewed how to put together a "big boy" outline using roman numerals and numbers.  We discussed the dress ups of -ly words and who/which clause.  We also talked about the invisible who/which clause. We emphasized the writing process: ROUGH DRAFT-REVISE-MAYBE REVISE AGAIN- FINAL
Homework: Hire an Editor. Lessons 3 from your BBW book.  A paragraph is due WITH THE CHECK SHEET ATTACHED

We talked about ourselves and what we like and don't like.  This is the hour we will take prayer requests and praises.  We talked about what the year will hold for Rhetoric as well. 
Homework for TEACHER AND CHILD :) Read the 1st chapter of each book and use the study guide sheets in the front of the blue binder and the "workouts" in the back of the blue binder.  I will be looking for these to be filled out next week.  Start memorizing Cat Questions #1 - #3 (Parents, I highly encourage you to read the chapters along with your child.  Start some classical conversations of you own :)

Science:  We practiced our research skils by using 2 sources to write a paragraph on the Sphynx cat. 
Homework: Research Protozoa/Algae (this can be general or specific) Just the facts please, one paragraph long.  Bibliography a MUST and picture is essential.  See email for attachments for this.

Geography: I always love to see everyone's faces when I tell them what the final goal for the year is :)  Just remember small things done daily.  I handed out their Geography notebook.  (no comments on my Mexico please LOL)  The Geography notebook is just a tool.  The real goal is for them to draw from scratch the US.
Homework: Draw the United States at least three times a day.  Know your states and capitals.  Don't forget your Geography terms, page 92 in your guide.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A New Year in CHALLENGE A!!!

Welcome to a new school year.  This is a test of the blog and feedburner.  If you are receiving an email and do not wish to be, this is your chance to go to feedburner and unsubscribe to this website.  Looking forwrad to seeing everyone August 16th at C3!!