Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week 2 :)

Another Fantastic Week!!  I feel so very blessed with the group God has assembled this year.

Items of business:
  • Snack for week three is the Blacks.  If your child has an allergies, please let me know ASAP and I will pass that information on.
  • If you have not signed up for snack, I am asking that everyone just take one week :)
  • Also, if your child is requiring more food (because they are getting ready to grow about an inch this hour) please feel free to pack accordingly.  As long as it is not disruptive (i.e. carrots), they are welcome to snack during class in a respectful manner.
  • LUNCHTIME: On our campus we are requiring that students are only allowed where and adult is present.  An adult is not a Challenge 3 student.  When Foundations begins in 2 weeks, your child is welcome to go eat on Westside campus, BUT MUST FIRST INFORM ME. Once at Westside, they need to check in with an adult there, and let that adult know when they are returning to our campus.  Once foundations starts, if any adults would like to help "man" our campus, you are welcome to. 
  • Next week geography will be right after lunch, since we have a test.
 Math 8/7: Students were introduced to Ms. Mary Beth.  I am working on getting her contact information for you.
Homework: Lessons 9 -12

Math Algebra 1/2: Lots of math grammar this week.  Enjoy!
Homework: Lessons 9 - 12

Latin: What fun we had declining nouns! Well I did anyway :) We introduced new vocabulary and how to study.  We touched on verbs, more with those next week!
Homework: Purple Book: read pages 6 - 10; Write vocabulary on cards and study; Write 3 "rules" on cards and study; Examples 1 - 4 Blue Book: Continue to study 1 -33 (while they do not necessarily have to memorize these, the should be very familiar.)

IEW: The papers this week were phenomenal! We have some very talented writers among us.  Students were very happy to learn they no longer need to "label" every dress-up, only underline them.  We outlined a story again and introduced the dress up of Quality Adjective, dual adjectives, and the because clause. 
Homework: Lesson 5, 2 paragraphs WITH CHECKSHEET!!

Rhetoric: Fantastic discussion today.  I think we really got some minds turning and beginning the process of thinking logically for themselves. I cannot encourage you enough to do this subject right along with your child.  I don't know, it could have been the spirit, but some even felt the earth move during rhetoric (or maybe an earthquake :)
Homework: read Chapter 2 both books, fill out the study sheets and work out in blue book.  Add Catechism questions 4 -6, rvw. 1 -3 Please remember to bring Bible and Blue notebook for class time.  The two texts are helpful as well.

Science: Great reports today!! I believe I learned some new tidbits on Protista and algae :)
Homework: FUNGI!!! In general or a specific.  Use at least two sources and have a bibliography. 

Geography: We split up into teams and got to see how we were coming along studying the USA! Very exciting!! The winning team won by 1 point!!
Homework: PREPARE....PREPARE....PREPARE, for the first Geography test.  I will hand out a blank sheet of paper let them go to town.  Add some features this week and fine tune.  ALSO, do not forget those geography terms.   Add week two, you may see a quiz on these as well. 

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