Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 7 AKA My How time Flies!!!

Important Dates:
October 4th NEXT WEEK Wacky Tacky/PJ/or just be yourself day!
October 11th Picture Day

A quick reminder, electronics are not permitted during class time.  Only during lunch or a break time may they come out.  This has been an issue two weeks running.  If it continues, I will ban electronics from the class. (Exception to this is communication with parents)

Yesterday was such a great day!! I was thinking with all this rainy weather we night not achieve much, but the kids did an awesome job of staying focused and kept me on track :)

Math: Introduced lessons 29 through 32.  Everyone seems to be doing quite well.  Please make sure you are testing periodically so we know if this is not the case.
Homework: Lessons 29 through 32

Latin: We took our Chapter 2 test.  I introduced 3rd Declension, and 3rd declension I-stem.  We reviewed what an appositive is and rules for gender in the 3rd declension.
Homework: Purple Book pages 35 -42; Blue Book 45 - 52, 53 - 57 Exercises at Parents discretion this week.

IEW: We read our papers....I LOVE the creativity! These kids are really expressing themselves well in their writing. We also reviewed decorations and talked about how to "extract" a story from pictures
Homework: Lesson 14.  (**their check sheet says 15-16, it's ok, use it) This is the story of Esther.

Geography: We tested on Central America and the Antilles....I have never heard the room so quiet :) 
Homework: We start on South America.  We have 2 weeks for this as well, use your time wisely.  ADD MORE TERMS :) FYI These countries can be set to the tune of Happy Birthday if listed alphabetically.

Science: we read our reports on mollusks!  we definitely have some artists in class.  Don't forget, there is an online bibliography you may use if teacher is ok with it.  I make John write a couple bibliographies, then he can print a couple.
Homework: Arachnids........ewwwww! At least 2 sources (you may have more) and bibliography. Picture as well.

Rhetoric:  We used a bit non-traditional approach to rhetoric this week.  We were talking about what makes good science, our book had a theory that red heads run faster then other colored hair.  So we tested this theory out (Zach was very gracious as I asked him to run again and again :)  We also talked about "theories" the media will throw out at us as science.  Such as black athletes are faster than white athletes, evolution as fact, and things that make you a "man".  This led into our discussion of the Jesus as a pansy myth.  What makes a real man?  This discussion got pretty heavy, pretty fast as we discussed what crucifixion really was/is and that Christ could have "saved" himself at any moment and chose not to for our sanctification.  That is a REAL man.  I encouraged you to please continue these discussions with your children at home.
Homework: Chapter 7 both books filling in study guide. I encouraged them that if they are completing this task on Wednesday to make sure they review the material on Monday so they can really be a part of discussion.  I forgot the buzzboard :( I will remember it next week!!  Practice those questions, we are now up to 21!

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