Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 8 Over the Hill!

I do not know if it was the visit from Ms. Bertha Bog or the seat assignments that did it, but today the kids did sooooooo GREAT with keeping the talking to a minimum :)  I was so proud of them.  Oh...who is Bertha Bog????
Her Story...
Miss Bertha Bog's Tale

Our class...

PICTURE DAY!!!!!  NEXT WEEK!!!! Even if you are not planning on purchasing pictures, please plan on having your child's picture taken for a yearbook that Foundations is putting together.  Families who do not have children in Foundations can have their pictures made starting at 8:50am.  (Please try to come early if you can)  Families with children in Foundations can come get their child when it is their turn throughout the day.  Erin is aware we have a Latin quiz at 10am.  There will also be a group picture at lunchtime.  All pictures for Challenge A will most likely be finished before we come back from lunch.

Thank you Shaw family for fantastic snacks :)  Next week the Thurmonds' have snack.

Math: We reviewed 4 more lessons, we went on the fast side.  Please have your child tag any problems that are a problem and we have time to go over them in class :)
Homework: Lessons 33 - 36
Bertha Bog's Homework: Lessons 33 - 45  All problems and tests!!

Latin: Today in class we handed back tests, there were a lot of exercises on this test.  As previously stated the biggest thing to work on is declension endings and  vocabulary.  We played a massive vocabulary game. 
Homework: Purple Book-Read through 42-50 Working Examples-41, 42, 46, 51 Blue Book-58-61
Bertha Bog's Homework: Finish chapter 3 and 4 and 5!!

IEW: We read our IEW stories and talked about keeping our writing in the same tense throughout our stories (past, present, or future)
Homework: You can complete Lesson 15 (Daniel and the Lions) or your can create a story from the cat pictures I sent home.  Either way, make sure you are outlining, rough drafting, and final drafting.
Bertha Bog's Homework: Oh you know one story is not enough for her.  There needs to be at least 3 stories in MLA format.  500 words a piece, no more, no less!

Rhetoric: Awesome discussion today with our chapters...everybody participated!!  Great job guys!!  We also played some buzz board games with the "cat" questions.
Homework: Read Chapter 8 both books and TAKE NOTES IN YOUR BLUE BOOKS :) Add "Cat" questions 22 - 24
Bertha Bog's homework: While you are reading let's do 3 more chapters of each book and finish up memorizing those Cat Questions!!

Science: I believe today's reports on arachnids was enough to give me the willies for a week!  Good job everyone :)
Homework: Insects!  At least 2 sources, and bibliography.  Don't forget picture contest next week!!
Bertha Bog's Homework: You must label your insect and write a separate report for each part.  At least 6 resources and a handwritten bibliography!

Geography: Today we handed back tests....FANTASTIC JOB EVERYONE!! Tremendous improvement for each from the first test! KUDOS!!! We also played review games.
Homework: Prepare for South America test next week!  Review.
Bertha Bog's Homework: Good grief isn't that enough??

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