Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 10 Time is Flying!!

Hopefully everyone is finding their 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) wind right now.  We are in the home stretch.  Let me encourage everyone to stay the course!  Work diligently, as unto the Lord, these last 5 weeks of class, break is on it's way!  I also wish to encourage all my Moms and Dads to pick up a book on what the Classical Model is.  Even is you have been in this program a long time, it is wonderful to refresh our point of view :)

Picture Day was quite a success!! THANK YOU everyone for your cooperation in helping the day flow so smoothly.  Check out this blast from the past! You may (or may not) recognize some of these faces: John and Casey Mahoney (of course), Caleb, Emily, and Daniel Shirley, William and David Bortins, Chris Blackburn, Maggie Richardson....just to name off a few :)

Upcoming dates:
Nov. 1st is costume day (or as always, be yourself day:) If your student has a costume or any candy treats, that is the day to wear/bring in

Thank you Hannah Soots for snack!! Cookies pops....LOVED :) The Blacks are up for snack again next week.  Weeks 12 and 13 are blank....any takers?

Math: We reviewed the next 4 lessons.  Pre-Algebra is starting to get fun!
Homework: Lessons 41 - 44 One done daily is really the best formula :)

Latin:  Our Latin time was cut shorter by pictures.  But we did add our 5th declension endings and reviewed all declensions.  We also went over vocabulary and the importance of derivatives. 
Homework: Work on memorizing those endings, quiz next week.  (Spelling counts here) Pages 56 -61 in the Purple Book.  Add the new vocabulary. Blue Book: 65 -66 Exercises 65 -68
Accelerated Homework: Work through Chapter 7, adding vocabulary and grammar rules.  Working exercises 84 - 94.  (On the exercises, the teacher will determine how much of each exercise will need to be completed) Also, be prepared for the endings quiz next week.  Yes you are working ahead, but this is still the Classical Model.  Learn the grammar :)

IEW: TEACHERS YOUR CHILD HAS PERMISSION  TO DAYDREAM A LITTLE :) This weeks assignment is creative writing and I asked them to spend some time today daydreaming about the Garden of Eden AFTER they read through the example stories.  We went over the 5 paragraph model and what makes a good introduction and conclusion (all of this in your IEW book)
Homework: Lesson 21, 5 paragraph model on the Garden of Eden

Science: Butterflies was a nice break from insects :) 
Homework: Owls/ Birds of Prey as always at least 2 resources and bibliography

Rhetoric:  I noticed some kids are not filling out their study sheets and some are working on next weeks assignment during the seminar.  Please encourage your child that this time of discussion is for them to participate and be a part of ;)  Also, we fill out the study sheets for a number of reasons. It helps your student remember what they read and it is an exercise in reading for understanding. 
Homework: Chapter 10 in both books filling out the study sheets and workout.  Add Cat questions 28 - 30.  (With candy week around the corner, you may wish to not get behind here ;)

Geography: I was SOOOOO impressed with every ones tests scores.  Improvement across the board! So much so it inspired me to create a new award.  Starting next test we will give out certificates for improvement.  There will be bronze, silver, and gold awards for those who improve their percentages more than %5.   We reviewed Europe and played a fun geography game :)
Homework: REVIEW!!! Continue to work on Europe.  We should be working on all Countries this week.


  1. this is henry on the endings test is it all endings

  2. I only check in here once a week.As you can tell, the best way to get me for a question is to text, email or call :)

    You guys are welcome to have discussion here though....common sense applies.
