Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 1 Take 2!

Spectacular!!! That is how today went.  The kids responded very well to our new "TTM" protocol.  Stellar!!! I could not have asked them to do any better :)

I did let the kids know there will be a major change to our blog.  From here on out I will not be posting every single item from the guide.  Some guidelines have been sent out from Classical Conversations and I feel it only right to honor them.  Therefore, if our homework is going exactly by the guide, it will simply state, see guide.

Snack this week was tasty...thank you John Mahoney ;)  (He mixed it all himself)  Next week snack is Varnell.

And away we go:

Math: We covered the next four lessons, and everyone seemed to comprehend and have kept up on break quite well.  Great job guys!
Homework: See guide

Latin: We reviewed nouns and how to decline an adjective.  We also played Latin Bingo!
Homework: Lesson 7, Review Review, and Review.
Accel. Homework: Lessons 15 and 16 are up to bat.  If we got behind over the break, try to play a little catch up now :)

Literature: Here is where the day became fun :)  We learned that our discussion on our book, may not necessarily be about our book!  This is now a subject in which we can practice our dialectic skills.  Some great questions arose and were discussed.  Topics covered: How does our perspective change how we handle and respond to life issues.  I shared a bit of my testimony here of how my view was before Christ and after.  Should the man look after a woman?  What is the definition of look after?  Is it ok for woman to work?  Please continue these discussion with your children at home.  They need to hear your perspective and guidance :) I also handed out a checksheet for our essay and a sample outline.
Homework: See guide.  On checksheet, 100 words per paragraph is optional, 5 sentence openers is optional, but someone must proof read and sign off on.

Rhetoric: More great discussion!!! I did recommend if they have not seen The Passion of the Christ yet and you feel they are ready to check that one out.  We sit in class and talk about how gruesome and bloody the death of Christ was, and this is one of those movies that really brings it home as to what our Savior said yes to.

Science: Excellent reports on marsupials!
Homework: see guide

Geography: We introduced Asia...YEAH! Test will be on week 6.  We also talked about visitors to come in....MORE THAN WELCOME, have them contact me to arrange.  Then we played a game with Geography Terms.
Homework: See guide.  DON'T FORGET TERMS:)

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