Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 3 2nd Semester

Another good job today :)  We did have to dole out a few more TTM verbal warnings than I would have preferred, but on the whole, good job!

Thank you Gaines family for wonderful snack!  The cupcakes looked sooooooo good!  Next week the Thomas family is up ;)

Week 8 Is an optional PJ day and meet for breakfast :)  I will be bringing in "Chickin Minis", doughnuts, O.J., and chocolate milk with paper products.  I will be on campus by 8am, your child may show up any time from 8am on :)

And away with the day.....
Math: We reviewed Lesson 77 through 80. 
Homework: Prepared for Test by brushing up on anything that may have slipped through the cracks and keep up with lessons 77 - 80

Latin:  We took our monster sized vocabulary quiz and survived!! YEAH!  It's over ;)  And used the rest of our Latin time to take care of some class business, like what we are doing for week 15.
Homework: pg. 82 - 98 Review Ex.100, 101, 103
Advanced:  Lessons 18, 19, 20

Literature: Fantastic discussion that led to the topic of end times.  I really, really, really, really encouraged the children to start researching this on their own.  I did state to use the Bible as a source and not fiction books like Left Behind.  there are many other resources out there that I hope you and your children will discuss together and research together ;)
Homework: See guide (Paper will not be accepted next week without a check sheet attached)

Science:  We read our final reports and they were awesome!  We also made a lung :) 
Homework:  See guide.  **Please remember that this is the Research Strand.  Encourage your child to research information on the lungs

Rhetoric:  More great conversation, these kids are really getting it! I am so proud of them.  We also play Jeopardy.
Homework:See guide

Geography: Lovely presentations from Mollie and Hannah V. (nice job ladies) and we played pictionary with the terms. 
Homework: See guide

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