Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 12

Yes! Week 12!! Can you believe we are 3 weeks away??? Moms and Dads....I am so proud of you!! This first year of Challenge for any child can be overwhelming, even if you have done it before.  But I have watched all of you step up to the plate this year and all pitch in for a successful school year. KUDOS TO YOU!!!!!

Permission slips went home this week.  They need to come back with your signature that we have permission to transport your child by car.  Also, they need to be circled at the bottom.  Without an adult means a group of three or more with a cell phone on them with my number in it and their number in mine. This will be on Week 15.

Week 14 is dissection!! I noticed our guides do not include that anymore :( But I am "old school", so we will be having dissection.  If your child does not wish to participate, they will not be made to.  But I need to hear from you they are allowed to opt out.(within this week, Sharks will be ordered next week)

See below for "finals" schedule.  Lots of papers and tests in these last 2 weeks. But then we are done!! WOW!

Snack this week was Gaines....YUM!  Next week...MAHONEY!

Math: We reviewed lessons 112 - 115
Homework: Lessons 112 - 115

Latin: Lesson 14 was introduced and played vocabulary pictionary!
Homework: Lesson 14 and REVIEW for FINAL Week 14.
Adv. Homework: Lesson 27

Science: We took our test of the week and made a neuron.
Homework: See guide.  REVIEW FOR FINAL

Geography: We took our test!

Literature: We gave our oral presentations.  If your child did not get to do this, they will have time next week to present.
Homework: See guide:  Paper will be contrast/compare what drew people to Jesus then and what draws people to Jesus now. Start planning final paper.......How would you end this? OR What happens next?

Rhetoric: We had some good conversation outside.  I think spring fever caught us all ;)  Then played a whirlwind round of Jeopardy!
Homework: See guide

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