Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Week 13

2 weeks left!!! WOW!!

Snack this week was Mahoney...I thank myself ;P  Yes, we ate sea foam green cookies :)Next up Harrell!!

Make sure you send a permission slip back with your child for our Week 15 field trip.  They will also need money for lunch.  If this is an issue, please just fill me in and I can help :)

Next week dissection!!

Mark your calendars...APRIL 16th in Oak Ridge is Mock Trial.  I highly encourage everyone who can to make it.  It REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY helps to see it first hand :) Speaking of making the transition to Challenge B a couple notes:

  • These last 2 weeks are actually designed to help pave a way for what is going on in Challenge B.  Our topics for final rhetoric paper mimic debate.  Our Literature paper mimics Short Story.  THe fact that we are doing all this writing at one time will be status quo for B.
  • This summer it would help to read over your Newberry books.
  • Also, keep up with the guide.  If you pace yourself as the guide suggests, you will be just fine.  If you get behind........it is hard to catch up.  In Casey's words, "Don't procrastinate".  There are many projects that take several weeks to complete. 
Math: I introduced Lessons 116 - 119
Homework: Those lessons

Latin: We reviewed, reviewed, reviewed and then reviewed.
Homework for both: Review, review, review, and then review.  FINAL NEXT WEEK (Scroll below if you forget what is on the final)

Science: We tested on the eye.....and signed yearbooks ;)
Homework: See guide.

Geography:  Wee took our BIG GIANT MEGA TERMS TEST :)  and Oceania.
Homework: See guide

Literature: We discussed Bronze Bow.  Awesome, awesome discussion on what draws people to Jesus and how it changes lives.  You may wish to continue these discussions at home while writing this weeks paper.
Homework: Using the handout to spark thoughts.  Write an essay paper of undetermined length. This one is due next week. Start to write your final paper, due week 15, of "What Happens Next" or "How it Should Have Gone". Lots of freedom here ;)

Rhetoric.  We finished up Don't Check Your Brains.  I handed out the official requirements for final paper.  This is due week 15.  
Homework: See guide.

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