Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week 13

Is there really only 2 weeks left????? Please read email for comments on this week :)

Thank you Lindsay for snack this week :) Is anyone willing to pick up snack for next week?

Dates to Remember:
Week 15-Pizza Party!! Details to come in separate email
December 11th-Ice Skate Downtown Greensboro, see separate email as well.

Algebra 1/2- Ms. Sharon reviewed lessons 49 - 51

Algebra:  We reviewed lessons 52 - 55.  Remember take home mid term next week!
Homework: Lessons 52 - 55 Prep for mid term

Latin: We had our Lesson 3 Test and introduced the 4th declension.
Homework: See guide.

Lost Tools: We read our papers and created an ANI chart for Amos Fortune.  Even if your mom has told you that you are excused from the Amos Fortune paper, you must still read the book to participate in discussion.
Homework: See PDF Guide

Rhetoric:  Some highs and lows during this seminar.  We really started to dive into some wonderful "classical conversation" and then the talking would begin again and become disruptive.  In the end, we accomplished our goal, but went over on our allotted time.
Homework: See guide.

Science: Excellent reports, once again.  Everyone is still remembering their bibliography, so that is good.
Homework: See guide.

Geography: Andrew showed us how Europe could be done in 10 minutes!! Impressive!!  We then worked a crossword with the terms in it.
Homework: See guide. (Week 15 EUROPE)

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