Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 8

Titus 2:11-12 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.  It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age

This is the verse we copied and that was sent home to meditate on and discuss with our parents ;) 

Another awesome week.  Special shout out to Jessica Stewart who is Robert and Jordan Brasinki's grandmother.  She has been to Israel many times and her presentation every year is amazing!! THANK YOU!!

Snack shout outs, thank you Morel and Dees for the last two weeks of snacks.  Any takers for next week.


Algebra:  We reviewed lessons 92 -95
Homework: The me if you are needing help :)

Latin:  We reviewed all things verb and practiced our conjugation endings.
Homework: See guide.

Lost Tools:  Believe it or not we discussed our American Girl!  We also talked about what books we picked and awarded chocolate bars for ANI charts :)
Homework:  See PDF guide

Rhetoric: Great discussion on why we believe what we believe and not just saying because my mom or dad said so.  I also handed out the parameters for our final paper due week 15.

Science: We quizzed on heart.  Introduced skin and created some "epithelial" cells :)
Homework: See guide

Geography: Ms. Jessica was our special guest!!  Awesome...AWESOME!
Homework: See guide

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week 7

Another wonderful day at Classical!  Time is a flying, and and I want to post our "finals" schedule for A so that students can prepare.  Now in Challenge A  I am introducing the concept of finals.  Not that they will be easy, but they will not necessarily be overly hard.  As your child's journey progresses, finals will get harder, but this is most likely their first introduction to this concept and you may wish to coach them a little bit.  If they start to prepare now, just a little bit each day, it will not be overwhelming.  Small things done daily is always a sure passage :)

Week 13: We will have a mega geography terms quiz with our Oceania test (this will be the end of studying terms)
Week 14: We will have our Latin Final and Dissection in Science.  I have some mom helpers who have agreed to help out...THANK YOU!
Week 15: Two papers are due.  1) the Rhetoric Final Paper 2) The optional creative writing assignment.  Science Final  (They will pull one of the Science parts out of a hat and have to draw and label that part) And of course...we have talked about it since day 1....the geography final :)

Notes on Finals:
  • If you think reviewing all of the science will be too much, you may let me know and I will narrow the pool down to three that they can draw from and let you know what those three are.  BUT I have to hear this from mom or dad, it cannot be them coming and telling me it is too hard ;)
  • On geography, set your goals now.  Just countries? Just countries and capitals?  All country, capitals and features?  Mostly Features?  I do have the expectation of them drawing and outline of all continents onto the Mercator map with north America being above the equator :)
  • All papers I collect on week 15 plus their geography final will be mailed to you within a month of the last day of class.
  • Week 15 schedule: Read papers, science final, geography final, lunch.  After lunch we will be leaving campus for our end of year "fun"  I am looking into laser tag per the boys request.  As I plan end of year, I try to keep the cost under $10.  So if you need to budget know that any cost will not go over that, but hopefully under.  I understand that that time of year can get costly with graduations, home school conference, prepping for next year.  If money is an issue for our end of year plans, please just let me know, we can take care of that ;)
Algebra:  This week we only reviewed three lessons.  Use the extra time to study grammar or to get caught up on lessons ;)
Homework: lessons 89 - 91

Latin: We took our big latin test today and introduced verbs and how we conjugate.  I handed out charts that will help with this...these same charts are in the red latin folders I handed out at the beginning of the year.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools: OK..... here is the deal.  I could look into everyone's eyes and just see the excitement over writing a paper on what I have lovingly coined "our American Girl".  So we are doing just a bit of a change up here.  We are still writing a paper.  We are still taking three weeks to do it.  I still expect an ANI chart this week. BUT, they can pick any book of their choosing.  It cannot be a comic book or graphic novel.  It must be a book that they have read.  If You Give a Pig a Pancake does not count :)  They must have at least 25 points in each column for "A" and "N".  On the table this week......a candy bar for the most points (max 100) Ties will share the bar.  What a great week to really practice our questions with the 5 topics of Invention.  Really have fun digging in. 
Homework: ANI  chart...min 25 points in the A and N.

Science:  Had fun with our hearing experiments and introduced the ear.  Took our brain quiz and handed back the mouth quiz.  These guys are doing an awesome job in science!!
Homework: See guide

Geography:  Our guest speaker was sick today :( Get well soon Jessica! She should be in by next week.Will let you know what time in case you would like to catch her presentation. (Awesome speaker) We talked about Africa and end of year expectations.
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric:  Let the friendly competition the buzzboard came out for cat questions.  Do not be surprised to see your child really want to study them now :)  GREAT DISCUSSIONS TODAY!!  These guys are really starting to dig in and work out their salvation!!!  Keep up the good work mom and dad!! You are their ultimate example :)
Homework: See guide 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 6

I tell you these boys are really starting to mature.  In the words of Charles Dickon, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...".  After Ms. Lori had to come in and admonish for being disruptive to her class and too loud, I saw these boys rally and step up.  Caleb went to Ms. Lori and her class and apologized for the group and I saw some guys really start taking some responsibility.  I was very proud, how in the end, the boys used this for God's glory :)

Guys were kind of bummed that I closed off one of our rooms, but I need to streamline the end of our day.  In other words....I do not have time to clean two rooms ;)

Snack was Hinson....two words...butterscotch brownies...YUM!!  Next week: Morel

ANNOUNCEMENT!! Week 9 is breakfast/PJ Day :) As always this is optional.  They are welcome to wear their PJ's ( I will extend the invite to other Challenges as well.) And I will be bringing in some chicken mini's from chick-fi-la about 8:30am.  If I can have one volunteer for milk and one for OJ, that would be great.  (people are welcome to bring fruit and other breakfast items if they would like, but they don't have to)  This used to be pancake breakfast, but when we switched locations I lost the kitchen.  I found last year....they didn't mind chicken minis ;)

Algebra:  We reviewed the next four lessons.  They are starting to get harder and harder every week.  I will see if I can carve out some oovo time this week.  If not, maybe we can spend some extra time in class (I realize...they may not like that LOL) GET WELL ROBBIE!!! We missed you!
Homework: Lessons 85 - 88

Latin:  We reviewed and need to prepare for a big Latin test next week.
Homework:  VOCAB! and See guide

Science:  We introduced the heart and talked about how to be heart healthy.  I even showed the boys how to test their heart health :)
Homework: See guide

Geography:  My bad, next week Ms. Jessica will be with us ;)  Today we conquered Asia.....YEAH!!
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric: This took up quite a bit of time today but sooooo worthwhile!! These boys are really starting to own why they believe what they believe.....AWESOME!!!
Homework:See guide

Lost Tools:  Great looking outlines!! 
Homework; See PDF guide

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week 5

I feel like I am just really getting to know these guys, and there is only ten weeks left :( 

Thank you Conrad for snack! DONUT WORLD YUM!!  Glad Sam was feeling better.
Next week: Hinson

Next Tuesday is the class before Valentine's Day.  They are welcome to bring candy or Valentines, but when previously discussed, they didn't really seem interested in "celebrating' this one LOL I wonder why??

Do be thinking upon.....what kind of celebration do we want for week 15.  Typically we leave campus in the afternoon to go do something.  One year we did Celebration Station, another we went bowling, and then last year.....we traveled to the mall :)  So start thinking on this one.

Algebra:  We reviewed lessons 81 - 84.  The lessons are getting tougher and tougher.  I will be available on Oovo from 10 - 11am this Friday if needed.  Just friend "Casey Mahoney" and call :)
Homework: Lessons 81 - 84

Latin:  We reviewed how to decline an adjective, as well as introduced new vocabulary.  Remember, they do not have to learn it all this year.  We have two years for this to settle in and click :)
Homework: See guide.

Lost Tools: We reviewed considering the Circumstances, as well as introduced Amplification in their conclusion.  This can be found on pages 45 -49 of the student guide.
Homework: See PDF Guide

Science:  We made brains!  Then I told them to put them away :)  We took our quiz on the lungs as well.
Homework: See Guide

Rhetoric:  More great talk.  I referred them to the people.  I reminded them that everything needs to be discerned, but these guys really have some great stuff.
Homework: See guide

Geography:  I teased them all a little bit by making them think I was passing out paper to give them their test.  I know, bad Ms. Bonnie.  We just practiced :) Next week we have a special guest speaker.  I will email you the time she will be may wish to catch this presentation, she is awesome!
Home Work:  TEST NEXT WEEK!!!  See guide.