Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 6

I tell you these boys are really starting to mature.  In the words of Charles Dickon, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...".  After Ms. Lori had to come in and admonish for being disruptive to her class and too loud, I saw these boys rally and step up.  Caleb went to Ms. Lori and her class and apologized for the group and I saw some guys really start taking some responsibility.  I was very proud, how in the end, the boys used this for God's glory :)

Guys were kind of bummed that I closed off one of our rooms, but I need to streamline the end of our day.  In other words....I do not have time to clean two rooms ;)

Snack was Hinson....two words...butterscotch brownies...YUM!!  Next week: Morel

ANNOUNCEMENT!! Week 9 is breakfast/PJ Day :) As always this is optional.  They are welcome to wear their PJ's ( I will extend the invite to other Challenges as well.) And I will be bringing in some chicken mini's from chick-fi-la about 8:30am.  If I can have one volunteer for milk and one for OJ, that would be great.  (people are welcome to bring fruit and other breakfast items if they would like, but they don't have to)  This used to be pancake breakfast, but when we switched locations I lost the kitchen.  I found last year....they didn't mind chicken minis ;)

Algebra:  We reviewed the next four lessons.  They are starting to get harder and harder every week.  I will see if I can carve out some oovo time this week.  If not, maybe we can spend some extra time in class (I realize...they may not like that LOL) GET WELL ROBBIE!!! We missed you!
Homework: Lessons 85 - 88

Latin:  We reviewed and need to prepare for a big Latin test next week.
Homework:  VOCAB! and See guide

Science:  We introduced the heart and talked about how to be heart healthy.  I even showed the boys how to test their heart health :)
Homework: See guide

Geography:  My bad, next week Ms. Jessica will be with us ;)  Today we conquered Asia.....YEAH!!
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric: This took up quite a bit of time today but sooooo worthwhile!! These boys are really starting to own why they believe what they believe.....AWESOME!!!
Homework:See guide

Lost Tools:  Great looking outlines!! 
Homework; See PDF guide

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