Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 14

The end is near!!!  Wow, what a race!!  Congratulations on your first year of Challenge :)

First, dissection was awesome!! A special shout out Kathleen for stomaching it all and helping out.  I will be posting pics online soon and will send you a link.  (I have me "techies" working on it)

Next is our upcoming airbound trip.  Three things:
1. They will need $10.  (If money is an issue, please email me:)
2. You need go here and fill out an online waiver form or a paper one and turn it in.  IF I DO NOT HAVE A WAIVER FORM THEY DO NOT GET TO BOUNCE.  Not my rules ;) Go right now....I will wait.
3. Now that you are back, We also are in need of a driver.  I can hold 6 so that leaves three boys.  I will cover you to bounce away (Just thought I would sweeten the deal)

that brings us to schedule next week:

Arrival: 9am sharp please
Science Final (If you wish this to be narrowed down to three choices, I need to hear from mom...not child that this is condoned.
Each child will read one or two papers (depending on time).
-Rhetoric Final
-optional creative paper How Did the Story Go?
-If they have written there Bronze Bow and want to share
10:30 to 12 geography final (1 1/2 seems long....but it is not)
12pm Lunch (I will provide pizza, cups, napkins) Anyone want to volunteer a 2 liter or 2?
1:15 Depart for Airbound
4pm arrive back at Westside

Thank you for snack Willis Family!!  Yum!

This week we...

Finished Algebra! Yeah, I will be emailing the answer key for the final

Latin: We took our Latin final.  There is some work in the guide this week if you wish to do, but for all practical purposes they are done.  I need to apologize.  My external drive broke down this week.  It had my Latin final on it.  I copied off mine from last year.  I doubled check it to see if it did not go to far......I need to fire my editor.  It did.  I will be going through and giving credit for vocabulary we had not covered yet ;)

Science: We dissected sharks, pics to come!!

Lost Tools: Great discussion on Bronze Bow. I also looked for their ANI chart.

Geography: We practiced as teams drawing the whole world!

Rhetoric:  Our last day of rhetoric questions...for candy of course!!

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