Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 13

And the countdown begins!!  See email for private comments ;)

Snack: Thank you for Doughnuts Sam! they looked soooooo tasty.  I really need to make Tuesday my new sugar day :)  I will get snack next week.

Dissection will be during the 11am hour.  Any available moms are welcome to come and help out.  It will be smelly ;)

Week 15, the kids will report to me at 9am to get started on finals.  If I can have two people bring a 2 liter or drink that would be great.  Also, we did agree trampoline would be fun.  As soon as I register our party I will let you know.

Algebra: We will finish up the last four lessons next week and I will send home a final to take at your leisure.  I will email the answer key.

Latin:  we introduced the 2nd conjugation and reviewed what will be on the final.
Homework: STUDY FOR FINAL!!!!  Next week is the end of Latin ;)

Lost Tools: We read our papers and reviewed everything we have learned about ANI charts. 
Homework: If you have not read Bronze Bow....go now as we speak.  ANI charts are due.  If you so choose, work on creative writing assignment.

Science: We tested on the eye. 
Homework: Study for final.  If a parent contacts me and would like the final to be downsized (your child will have three choices they know ahead of time vs. all of them available) please email or call me and let me know.

Geography:  We took our Oceania test and mega terms......Terms are done YEAH!!!!
Homework: STUDY FOR FINAL!!!

Rhetoric:  Despite the flow of the day we ended up with some good talk ;)  Way to rally guys! 
Homework: If you have not started to write paper, write from your outline.  If you have not outlined...outline.  Remember, this is a persuasive essay, we have using the tools (ANI, OUTLINE, DRAFT) all year long in Lost Tools. 

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