Wednesday, November 24, 2010

WEEK 15!!!!!

We had a special visitor Yesterday HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! (I do not believe this was his final party :)

PARTY!!!! Yes December 9th at 4:00pm - 5:30pm we can all meet to go ICE SKATING!!!!  To get a group rate we need  20 people and we need to make it one payment.  So I propose that we meet at 3:45pm at DownTown Greensboro Ice Outside Ice Rink we can collect out money together and pay together to get the group rate of $6.00 per person (includes skate rental)  If you will be there, but cannot make it by 4:00pm, let me know and I will cover you cost and you can pay me back when you arrive.  (If you are late I do not know what the skate rental situation is as far as sizes, the lady I spoke to said they had plenty if we arrive at 4:00)  This event is open to all sibling and parents (yes Addie, Spencer can come:) and also to Challenge B as well :) Any questions, feel free to email me.

And now for our final breakdown of the year!

Algebra 1: We took the Mid Term! PHEW!! See your email for details.
Homework: Work up to lesson 64.

Rhetoric: Lots of great food and conversation!
Homework: Read Chapter 15 in both books (preferably closer to January :)  Know Cat Questions up to 45

Science:  Another round of great reports!!  And gruesome shark facts.
Homework: Research Marsupials, acquire biology book required for second semester, look forward to fun experiments Ms. Bonnie had in store. (Be thinking about pig vs. shark)

Geography:  Merry Christmas! I know they wanted a Wii, but I made them Geography Notebooks instead :) I think these will help them review over the break.
Homework: Review all to this point.  Set your timer for fifteen minutes a day, this is all it will take! Memorize Earth's diameter and circumference (see guide)

Writing: The final writing assignments were awesome!! I was looking forward to what everyone would come up with and I was not disappointed!!
Homework: Read Carry On Mr. Bowditch, acquire reading books for 2nd semester.

Latin:  In class we took the Latin Mid-Term...which they ROCKED!!!
Homework: Complete pages 1- 38 in book 4 LNST

It has truly been my honor and privilege to tutor your children this semester.  I hope everyone has a much blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas and look forward to all God has in store for the upcoming semester! See you on the 9th!

Students, you have permission to abuse the comment section of the blog to keep in touch over the break :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 14...This time I mean it (See below...oops)

On a Christmas "Outing": Originally We were thinking of trying to do something with A and B together but it just may be too hard trying to coordinate so many schedules.  I have checked out Ice House and with 15 or more during the weekday we can get a rate of $5.  They have not contacted back concerning time, or music.  (I was thinking originally afternoon)  It is time now to weigh in opinions of parents.  We can A)Plan a party at Ice House and see if we make up fifteen, and invite B that can make it B)Downsize it and just do something at someones house (potluck luncheon) C) Count our last day as our holiday get-together.  Please let me know what you think.

On our last week (WOW next week)  The kids have picked a holiday theme, for example, Addie will dress like a candy cane, I might put a bow on top of my head, you get the idea.  Also, snack will be potluck (we may not need to pack lunch LOL)
Brandon: brownies
Jordan: drinks and cups
Hannah: cake or cookies
Addie: mystery pie
Berkley: bread
Jared: possibly chips (undetermined)
Ms. Bonnie........something not sweet :) Maybe a fruit or vegetable

What a fine looking group! (Hannah we missed you, leaving early...John took your place LOL)
During this season I would really like to encourage each of you to pray for another in our group.  This can be a tough year of parenting in general, not to mention home schooling.  Everything seems to change and adjusting can be hard.  For parents and students!  Let us remember each other in the hub bub of the holidays, and lift each other up before our Father in prayer :)

Away we go:
Algebra 1: Mid Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Term, next Get the idea??
Homework: I gave the kids permission to actually complete only lesson practices of the next four lessons and really put time in to make sure they understand the concepts that will be on next weeks mid term.  I have their emails and they have mine.  Any questions, they were highly encouraged to contact me and we could work it out together using email :)

Rhetoric: I love when everyone participates in discussion! Awesome! 
Homework: Read Chapter 14 in both books; fill out study sheets; Add Catechism questions #40-#42  Next week we will play around with the questions to make sure we are on task :)

Science: Great reports on fish!  And the fish faces were cute :)
Homework: It's shark week!!  I hear the Jaws music in the background now!

Geography: I started off with reading Max Lucado's You Are Special. Yes...really :)  But it did lead into a nice discussion about being more than a number.  Everyone had to sign the "Test Agreement". And then we took our Europe test..
Homework: NONE!  I told them to take a break, it's done.  Encouraged them to use the time to cement those Catechism questions and prepared for Latin Mid-Term.  We will play review games next week, and review over the winter break (Notebooks are coming!)

Writing: What I lovingly called our "writing mis-term" is now complete as well! They did such an awesome job, I was truly impressed!!
Homework: A fun paper that integrates all subjects!!! There is no check sheet, it is a long or short as they would like, it simply follows these parameters. (FYI they will not be turning this one in)
IEW: This is a creative writing assignment with a few parameters:
SCIENCE: The characters of the story are one of the science groups we’ve studied so far (animals, insects, etc.)
GEOGRAPHY: The setting of the story is placed in a geographical location we’ve studied this semester (country, geographical landmark/feature, etc)
RHETORIC: The conflict/plot is for the characters to “debunk” one of the myths in either Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door or It Couldn’t Just Happen
LATIN: (this is purely for “fun”) - During the dialogue, at least one Latin word or phrase will be spoken (it can be random – let the kids have fun!) (if they are studying another language they may use that one)
MATH: (again – for “fun”) - Include one mathematical equation – it can be as simple as, “Hey dude!  There were 12 cookies on my plate & now there are only 9!  Who took the other 3?”

Latin: We went through mega review, very fast.  I sent home sheets and encouraged them to look over them more slowly during the week.  
Homework: Study for midterm! The sheets I sent home cover exactly what will be on the midterm, no more, no less ;)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 14

Flying by fast!!  Two more weeks to go!

I am planning a Christmas get together for Challenge A and Challenge B together.  Right now I am investigating the Ice House in Greensboro as a possible location.  I am also looking at the second week of December.  Will get details to you ASAIP...As Soon As I Plan :)

Thank you Jared for snack....DELICIOUS!  I will take care of snack next week.

Algebra 1:  In class we reviewed the quiz that revealed we needed to review it :)  I was able to get through the next three lessons.  I emphasized STUDYING for the MID TERM on week 15.  So far make sure we know lessons 35, 49, and 50.
Homework: The next four lessons (49-52) and STUDY FOR MIDTERM!! Please do not let this just pass you by!

Writing:  Well...we decided to try our hand at writing first off this morning.  It went well for the morning, but not so well for the afternoon.  We will not put rhetoric in the afternoon again :)  I really felt everyone had a great grasp on what essay writing is about.  We talked about the upcoming super-duper essay being alike their "mid-term" for this subject.  I am looking for little grammar mistakes and an understanding of the essay model.  I encouraged students to use the comment section of the blog to exchanged ideas.  I also introduced the final writing assignment (not due until week 15).  I did want to give them some time to brainstorm on this one.
Homework: Lesson 28...the Super Duper Essay!  If they do not turn in the Super Duper Essay, mom must sign to show she is aware of it.

Geography: We played a review game of Europe.
Homework: Fun Page on Europe next week!!  (Fun Page = draw from memory) I was very proud of the improvement I saw in class today. Also, do not forget Geography Terms.  We now go up to left bank

Science: Excellent reports of reptiles!!  This was the subject, we came back from lunch...but not sure we came back from lunch :)
Homework: Fish!  We are having a picture contest again and a good fishy face earns you bonus points.

Rhetoric:  Everyone joined in conversation easily and without prodding.....not that we stayed on topic.  We learned this subject is best approached first thing in the morning :)  Eventually we did get to the point and everyone did demonstrate that the reading was accomplished and understanding was there.
Homework: Read Chapter 13 in both books.  Please stay in the habit of filling out your study sheets. We are also adding Catechism Questions 37-39

Latin: We decided to take Latin outside for a change of pace and to keep us on track...and it worked!  We went through our quiz alike a worksheet.  I encouraged everyone to finish the parsing on their own.  We also completed an indirect object/direct object worksheet and played a vocabulary game.
Homework:  Study for "mid-Term happy Page on Week 15.  Workbook pages 141-156 Know your endings for next week :)

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.  This is moving so fast, I do not want anyone left behind :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 12

Three more weeks and counting!!  Hang in there moms and students, diligence will pay off :)

Thursday is a Moms Night Out for Westside Foundations Group.  The Challenge A moms have been invited.  If you are interested and want details you can contact Erin Varnell through the Foundation blog page.

If you are interested in helping to prepare food for the homeless for a dinner being hosted on the 14th, please email to sign up for a dish.  There are still many spots available!  (I am also forwarding an email, check your inbox!)

Brandon's brownies (alliteration!)  were delicious! Thank you Brandon.  Next week Jared has volunteered for snack.

Algebra 1: Most everyone turned in their quizzes.  If you did not turn it in, please do so next week!  We looked over lessons #45 - #48.  This is a nice easy week.  I suggested they may wish to do the lesson practice for the first three lessons and maybe review any problem areas that may need attention.
Homework: Lessons #45 - #48, start prepping for Mid- Term to be administered on Week 15

Rhetoric:  Class discussion was fantastic.  Everyone participated!  We did get off track here and there, but the topics the track led to were most certainly God led at times :) We also took a Catechism question quiz.
Homework: Read chapter 12 in both books.  Complete study guide sheets.  Add questions #34 - #36

Geography: THANK YOU DEBBIE!  I thoroughly enjoyed today's presentation on Germany!!  Debbie brought in her pictures from her families travels to Germany and they were wonderful.  Thank you again for taking the time to come to class and share!  We also completed a geography terms worksheet.
Homework: Add terms  up to knoll, continue studying Europe, we have two more weeks until we test.  REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!

Science: Loved todays reports.  Some of the facts made me giggle (i.e. moms will not allow these creatures inside the house)
Homework: Reptiles! Two sources, bibliography, and picture required as usual.

Latin: Status Quo :) We went over indirect objects and direct objects.  I saw everyone's face go pale when I announced there would be a Geography Mid-Term which will cover Vocabulary, Declension Endings (1st and 2nd), Conjugation Endings (1st), Declining a Noun and Conjugating a Verb.  Since it made everyone feel a tad sick thinking about a test, we decided to call it happy pages, versus a test.  So there will be some Latin Happy Pages on Week 15 :)
Homework: Begin study for Happy Pages, Workbook pages 133-140  Next week there will be an open book quiz with parsing practice

Writing: Today I introduced the Essay.  This is the style of writing we will use throughout the 2nd semester.  Homework: WE MAY NEED PARENT ASSISTANCE WITH THIS WEEK.  Please review page 103 in your BBW Lessons to understand what an essay is.  I am not as concerned about how long our papers are this week as much as I want them to read through and understand what an essay is.  I asked them to read through the source text for Job and the two example essays.  Please review lessons 25/26/27 in your BBW Lessons and understand introduction, conclusion, finding sources, kinds of sources, bibliography, quotations, footnotes, lead-ins to insets, and clincher keys.  Once again, I am more concerned with the understanding of the essay and writing process than I am the actual essay this week.  (This changes next week)  For the actual essay they may choose the topic from either lesson 25, 26, or 27.  If they finish early they may start preparations for the super-duper essay which we will be writing next week.  (This will be between 15 to 21 paragraphs long! Everyone will be required to write the super-duper essay unless their mom says otherwise.....this could be your chance to get some extra chores done around the's your call :) I am very excited about the final writing project...details to come next week!