Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 12

Three more weeks and counting!!  Hang in there moms and students, diligence will pay off :)

Thursday is a Moms Night Out for Westside Foundations Group.  The Challenge A moms have been invited.  If you are interested and want details you can contact Erin Varnell through the Foundation blog page.

If you are interested in helping to prepare food for the homeless for a dinner being hosted on the 14th, please email lmkharrell@gmail.com to sign up for a dish.  There are still many spots available!  (I am also forwarding an email, check your inbox!)

Brandon's brownies (alliteration!)  were delicious! Thank you Brandon.  Next week Jared has volunteered for snack.

Algebra 1: Most everyone turned in their quizzes.  If you did not turn it in, please do so next week!  We looked over lessons #45 - #48.  This is a nice easy week.  I suggested they may wish to do the lesson practice for the first three lessons and maybe review any problem areas that may need attention.
Homework: Lessons #45 - #48, start prepping for Mid- Term to be administered on Week 15

Rhetoric:  Class discussion was fantastic.  Everyone participated!  We did get off track here and there, but the topics the track led to were most certainly God led at times :) We also took a Catechism question quiz.
Homework: Read chapter 12 in both books.  Complete study guide sheets.  Add questions #34 - #36

Geography: THANK YOU DEBBIE!  I thoroughly enjoyed today's presentation on Germany!!  Debbie brought in her pictures from her families travels to Germany and they were wonderful.  Thank you again for taking the time to come to class and share!  We also completed a geography terms worksheet.
Homework: Add terms  up to knoll, continue studying Europe, we have two more weeks until we test.  REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!

Science: Loved todays reports.  Some of the facts made me giggle (i.e. moms will not allow these creatures inside the house)
Homework: Reptiles! Two sources, bibliography, and picture required as usual.

Latin: Status Quo :) We went over indirect objects and direct objects.  I saw everyone's face go pale when I announced there would be a Geography Mid-Term which will cover Vocabulary, Declension Endings (1st and 2nd), Conjugation Endings (1st), Declining a Noun and Conjugating a Verb.  Since it made everyone feel a tad sick thinking about a test, we decided to call it happy pages, versus a test.  So there will be some Latin Happy Pages on Week 15 :)
Homework: Begin study for Happy Pages, Workbook pages 133-140  Next week there will be an open book quiz with parsing practice

Writing: Today I introduced the Essay.  This is the style of writing we will use throughout the 2nd semester.  Homework: WE MAY NEED PARENT ASSISTANCE WITH THIS WEEK.  Please review page 103 in your BBW Lessons to understand what an essay is.  I am not as concerned about how long our papers are this week as much as I want them to read through and understand what an essay is.  I asked them to read through the source text for Job and the two example essays.  Please review lessons 25/26/27 in your BBW Lessons and understand introduction, conclusion, finding sources, kinds of sources, bibliography, quotations, footnotes, lead-ins to insets, and clincher keys.  Once again, I am more concerned with the understanding of the essay and writing process than I am the actual essay this week.  (This changes next week)  For the actual essay they may choose the topic from either lesson 25, 26, or 27.  If they finish early they may start preparations for the super-duper essay which we will be writing next week.  (This will be between 15 to 21 paragraphs long! Everyone will be required to write the super-duper essay unless their mom says otherwise.....this could be your chance to get some extra chores done around the house....it's your call :) I am very excited about the final writing project...details to come next week!

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