Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 14

Flying by fast!!  Two more weeks to go!

I am planning a Christmas get together for Challenge A and Challenge B together.  Right now I am investigating the Ice House in Greensboro as a possible location.  I am also looking at the second week of December.  Will get details to you ASAIP...As Soon As I Plan :)

Thank you Jared for snack....DELICIOUS!  I will take care of snack next week.

Algebra 1:  In class we reviewed the quiz that revealed we needed to review it :)  I was able to get through the next three lessons.  I emphasized STUDYING for the MID TERM on week 15.  So far make sure we know lessons 35, 49, and 50.
Homework: The next four lessons (49-52) and STUDY FOR MIDTERM!! Please do not let this just pass you by!

Writing:  Well...we decided to try our hand at writing first off this morning.  It went well for the morning, but not so well for the afternoon.  We will not put rhetoric in the afternoon again :)  I really felt everyone had a great grasp on what essay writing is about.  We talked about the upcoming super-duper essay being alike their "mid-term" for this subject.  I am looking for little grammar mistakes and an understanding of the essay model.  I encouraged students to use the comment section of the blog to exchanged ideas.  I also introduced the final writing assignment (not due until week 15).  I did want to give them some time to brainstorm on this one.
Homework: Lesson 28...the Super Duper Essay!  If they do not turn in the Super Duper Essay, mom must sign to show she is aware of it.

Geography: We played a review game of Europe.
Homework: Fun Page on Europe next week!!  (Fun Page = draw from memory) I was very proud of the improvement I saw in class today. Also, do not forget Geography Terms.  We now go up to left bank

Science: Excellent reports of reptiles!!  This was the subject, we came back from lunch...but not sure we came back from lunch :)
Homework: Fish!  We are having a picture contest again and a good fishy face earns you bonus points.

Rhetoric:  Everyone joined in conversation easily and without prodding.....not that we stayed on topic.  We learned this subject is best approached first thing in the morning :)  Eventually we did get to the point and everyone did demonstrate that the reading was accomplished and understanding was there.
Homework: Read Chapter 13 in both books.  Please stay in the habit of filling out your study sheets. We are also adding Catechism Questions 37-39

Latin: We decided to take Latin outside for a change of pace and to keep us on track...and it worked!  We went through our quiz alike a worksheet.  I encouraged everyone to finish the parsing on their own.  We also completed an indirect object/direct object worksheet and played a vocabulary game.
Homework:  Study for "mid-Term happy Page on Week 15.  Workbook pages 141-156 Know your endings for next week :)

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.  This is moving so fast, I do not want anyone left behind :)

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