Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 3

Praise the Lord we could meet Tuesday!

First I would like to thank Addie for such a wonderful snack!  Hannah has volunteered for next week.

Look below for ski dates.  If you are going any of those dates, let me know and I will keep the group in the loop.

Algebra: Great Day! I think slop and intercept just might have sunk in.
Homework: Lessons 73 - 76 CHECK YOUR WORK!

Rhetoric: The day led itself to more serious discussion concerning deciding to have faith for yourself.  Not believing just because mom and dad believe, but having a relationship with Jesus that is their own.  You may wish to talk with them more on this topic:)
Homework: Chapters 18 in both books.  Adding Catechism questions up to54! (almost there)

Science:Excellent reports on whales and dolphins....well dolphins. It brought me great joy to know the the Narwhal actually is real!  I introduced the lungs and we tried our hand at a science experiment....that didn't go as planned.  The bottle we too soft.  T he children understand the procedure and what materials are needed, I encouraged them to give it another try at home.
Homework: Practice drawing and labeling the lung and respiratory system.  Use page 79 in our Biology Lab Book to guide us.  Learn about the respiratory system using other sources that they may already have as well.

Literature:  Great discussion on Narnia.  Thank you Jared for sharing a very insightful book!
Homework: Write an essay paper at least 5 paragraphs long.  (Opening, 3 topics, Closing)  Compare and contrast the creation of Narnia to God's creation of Earth.  Please make sure you take some time to read through Genesis chapter 1.....if not more :) You may use the outline I gave you to help. (If you need to, start reading Number the Stars)

Geography: Addie gave an awesome presentation on Korea!  The pictures were wonderful and the snack was tasty too.  Next week either Hannah has a friend that may present or Jordan's grandmother may present, both of these children are to contact me with this information :)
Homework:    Keep studying Asia.  Practice drawing it out and labeling.  Use the map I handed out in class to help with tracing.  Do not forget review or Geography Terms.  We are now up to plateau...that's a lot :)

Latin: We had fun with a Latin Scavenger Hunt!  They had to know the word to get their next clue.  It went so well, I promised to put a more complicated one study that vocabulary.  Also, I will post a new link tomorrow or Friday with the grammar I asked for them to work on.
Homework: Up to page 66 in your book.  FINISH THOSE QUIZZES.  They are open book, and bring them back to class ;) We will go over them in class together.  I do not wish to move more into parsing into we have some of this grammar down.  It is a lot and after praying on it, decided to give them one more week to work on it.   So work on those rules for accents, macrons, and syllables, memorizing declensions endings and conjugation endings.

I do hope everyone has a healthy and happy week!  Many Blessings!!

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