Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 6 Already!!

In my morning devotion, God actually had me meditating on English and Latin!! If you know me, I am one to have learned the grammar, but these are not necessarily my favorites to contemplate on.  The particular Bible study I am working is going through the names of God and today it discussed Jehovah, meaning to be, to become.  It speaks to the very being and existence of God.  Which is what got me started with defining a verb.  Definition, a word that exerts action, being, or existence.  How many times do I think of God as a noun performing actions?  I seldom think on God as the action.  In Exodus 3:14, "God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said,"Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you'" Even in Latin, the "I am" is treated differently.  It is special.  Ladies, I just wanted to remind everyone this morning that we do not just serve a God who "does" good things.......HE IS GOOD THINGS!  He sees our home schools and sees our hearts.  No matter how 2nd semester is going, let us rejoice in His goodness, in His glory.  We can rest in His unchangeableness.  He has never failed.  He will not begin to fail with me or you.  He cannot.  He is Jehovah, the self-existent, covenant keeping God!

Items of Business:
  • Next week is Valentines day, I myself plan on finding some Justin Beiber Valentines to hand out ;)  I did tell the kids, we have an unspoken class rule of no one professing their undying love for anyone except God...and maybe Ms. Bonnie.  That should take the pressure off LOL They are welcome to pass out Valentines if they wish, by no means to they even have to acknowledge it is Valentines Day.
  • Week 8 is Breakfast!! Come in early for Chicken minis (Yes can pop in too ;)
  • Week 10 Foundations is having an 80's day, no one in our class seemed interested, but they are welcome to dress 80's if they would like
  • And Week is official, we are planning the trip to Hanes Mall.  RIght now I need some volunteer drivers (this woudl be an afternoon trip 12:30 to 4pm) If you can help, please let me know.
  • Snack this week was Soots! YUM!!! I succumbed to the cupcake!  Next week...Mahoney ;)
Math: In class we had a short pop quiz on properties of math.  They can learn these now or in Algebra.  I vote now, because Algebra has plenty else to work on.  We also went over the next 4 lessons.
Homework: Lessons 88 - 91

Latin: We went down the "rabbit hole" with verbs.  I created some charts (You might recognize one of them from Foundations:) for the different conjugations.  Bring these to class.  We will be adding to these.  I know 2 did not make it home because they are in my crate :)
Homework: Lesson 10 Ex. 135 - 138, 140 - 141.  You can either study the grammar book 165, 168, 171, or Study the cards I sent home ;)  1st and 2nd conjugations endings, Present system, is what we are learning. Now next week there is A QUIZ. Originally it was just going to be on vocabulary, but since there was a lot of talking I decided to have an open book quiz for conjugating a verb as well.  If your student does not understand how to use their charts to conjugate a may be because they were not paying attention :)
Adv. Homework: Lesosn 22

Science:  We took our quiz on mouth.  We showed off our brains.  Then we learned a bit about heart health!
Homework: See guide

Geography:  We took our test on Asia! YEAH!!! It is alll downhill from here ;)
Homework: See guide.  DO NOT FORGET TERMS!

Rhetoric:  I hate putting Rhetoric last...but that was the flow of the day.  Good discussion, but short, on heaven and hell.  We started to define hell.  You may wish to review this with your child.  This is a pretty heavy concept and one I know I do not wish ot think on often. 
Homework: See guide DO NOT FORGET CAT ?'s

PS I have almost finished my book LOL

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