Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 9 already!

Where is the time going???  I am sorry Ms. Bonnie was not her most jovial self today.  I am afraid this week has very much worn on me.  Please continue to keep us in prayer during this time of saying good bye to our beloved Mary.

Lots of talking today, with something new.  I noticed a couple times where there was blatant talking while I was trying to instruct.  Bunny trails happen, but when I am talking or trying to take the lead, I need to ask that we start respecting that and not talk when "Ms. Bonnie has the floor."

Thank you Mullins for snack!! Next week, Black is up.

Math: We reviewed lessons 100 - 103 I encouraged kids (and moms, you too!) to contact if we are needing help.  We are very much into the pre-algebra part of things and the lessons this week are very important
Homework: Lessons 100 - 103

Latin: We played Latin Bingo and introduced the 3rd declension.  There was a handout for this that goes with the 1st and 2nd declension handout
Homework: Pages 140-142 go through new vocab Ex. 156, 158-160 Blue Book 166  REVIEW CONJUGATION ENDINGS, Declension endings, and vocab.  Lots of time for that this week.
Adv. Homework.....YEAH I REMEMBERED! Lesson 25

Literature: We talked about creating our own outline.  That Ms. Bonnie cannot hold the hand forever, and if you fall this week, I will be there with a band aid :)  We practiced making an outline in class and discussed the book.  I also talked about starting to brainstorm for the final paper this semester.  Assignment (not due until week 14) either re-write the ending of one of our books or tell me what happens next.
Homework: See Guide

Science: We tested on ear and introduced bones.
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric:  Next week..........everyone is on their own for the Cat ??'s  Set a timer 15 minutes a day :)  Good discussion in class today.
Homework: See guide

Geography: Once again, Ms. Stewart came in with an awesome presentation on Africa!!  THANK YOU Jessica!! 
Homework: See guide  DONT FORGET THOSE TERMS :)

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