Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 7

Sorry so late on blog this morning.  I am working on a music project and lost track of time :)

I believe our class consumed enough sugar yesterday to keep the candy companies in business for another year. As a result the talking was really out of control.  Quite a few TTM checks went out.  (I took one on myself)

WEEK 8 Thurmonds have snack and we also have BREAKFAST AND PJ DAY! (optional) I will be on campus by 8am-ish with chickin' mini's, doughnuts, OJ and Chocolate milk.  (I already spoke to those that carpool about saving some stuff :)  Please come early and fellowship! (FYI This is a good time to get all the talking out  LOL)

Also I want to put out there, the week of April 16th is mock trial week for Challenge B.  I would like to suggest a possible field trip or at least get the dates out to you as mom and dad, so you can take your children to go see this in action.  It is a lot of fun and one of the "big" things they will have in B next year.  More to come on this in a separate email.

Math: Lessons 92 through 95 were gone over in class.  PLEASE SPEND TIME ON 94/95.  This is our foundation for Algebra.
Homework: Work those 4 lessons

Latin: NOTE: Remember this is the skill of GRAMMAR.  We should be drilling the endings of nouns declensions, verb conjugations, and vocabulary this year.  We have 2 more years for things to click :) We reviewed verb endings, the 4 principal parts, and conjugating verbs.  We also introduced pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person.
Homework:Lesson 11 EX. 145-146, 148-149 Blue Book 123, 124, 346
Advanced: Lesson 23

Science: We took our test on the brain, reviewed our pictures of hearts, introduced the ear with a snappy experiment
Homework: see guide

Literature: We discussed Amos Fortune and illegal aliens.  PLEASE continue these discussion with your children, they need to know how you feel and where you stand on these issues ;)
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric: We discussed Chapters 21 through 23.  Highlight, that our testimony is one thing that people cannot argue.  Be prepared to give an answer to the points people will argue, use questions to help people see the flaws in their arguments.
Homework: Chapters 24 - 26 Do workouts.  ALL CAT ?''s on!

Geography: We all marveled at how bad an artist I truly am :)  But boy did these kids know their country shapes!  Some special shout-outs for ASIA Test!!  Hannah V. for scoring a PERFECT SCORE!!!  Madison T for spelling all but 3 Countries AND Capitals correctly!!!  Hannah T., Ross B., Maddie M., and Cole W. for improving their test score percentages!!!
Homework: See Guide

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