Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 4

Yet another wonderful day! I can tell we are getting more comfortable with each other and we shall see that reflected in a seating chart for next week :)

Snack this week was Willis....BIG HIT! Who doesn't love cake?  Thank you very much :)  Next week McClamroch.

Algebra: We reviewed 4 new lessons.  Everyone seems to be grasping the concepts.  Please encourage your student to ask questions if they need to.  This can be during class, or by email or text :)
Homework: lessons 17 - 20

Latin: I think we are really understanding how nouns work.  We reviewed how to decline and why we decline.  We also did some light parsing.  We talked about how important it is to be able to label a sentence in English so we can translate it.  MOMS AND DADS, I really wish to encourage you here.  I understand Latin can be one of those Skills that is hard to understand at first.  Let us remember as we learn any new subject we start with the grammar.  The grammar here would be just memorizing  declension endings, cases, and vocabulary.  Understanding WILL COME with time and practice.  If you are struggling, let me encourage you to attend class yourself or give me a call, I am more than happy to help.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools: Excellent job on the essays! I know they are glad that one is done! A few children mentioned having not finished Carry On Mr. Bowditch.  Please make sure they do so by next week so they can be a part of discussion.  In class we created a new ANI chart asking: Should Mr. Bowditch should stay in the care of his master he was indentured to?  I introduced the 5 Topics of Invention. These can be used to create questions that helps us delve deeper into our ANI charts.  They can be found on pgs. 11 - 12 in the Student Book.
Homework: See PDF Guide

Rhetoric:  We talked of how unique our Earth is and how God has it all under control.  We talked about how we pray to God.  How we do not want to treat God as a vending machine, trying to get only what we want. 
Homework: See guide

Science: Excellent reports on wildflowers. 
Homework: Herbs! I did tell students if they wish to bring a sample of the herb or something "baked" with the herbs in it, they can.  But it is certainly not required.

Geography:  The tests are back! Overall FANTASTIC WORK!!! The first test is always the hardest in that sometimes we are not sure what the expectations are.  We played an exciting round of Who Wants to be a Hypothetical Millionaire!  They did great with that too.
Homework: See guide.

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