Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 5

Another wonderful week! I do hope everyone is taking advantage of the awesome weather this week.  There is no rule that says Latin cannot be studied outside :)

I do have someones lunch box.

After week 6 semester updates will go out, be on the look out for these in your email box.

Thank you Morgan for an awesome snack and sharing your BIRTHDAY with us :)  It was our honor and joy to celebrate with you.Next week is Morel.

Algebra: We went over lessons 21 - 24.  We are no longer in review.  As always please ask questions as needed, it is my joy to help.
Homework: Lessons 21 - 24

Latin: We had a pop quiz for 1st declension endings :)  We practiced vocabulary and introduced indirect objects.  we expressed the importance of learning the grammar, even if the understanding is not there yet.  The understanding will come.
Homework: see guide

Lost Tools: we looked at our ANI charts and learned how to sort and put into an outline for an introductory persuasive essay.  The student guide takes you through this process step by step.  If you have any questions, please ask :)
Homework: See PDF guide.  They also need to contemplate on youth back then versus youth of today.

Geography:  I was so excited to see the progress from USA to Canada.....WOW!!!  I cannot wait to tally up points!!!!  We looked at Central America and Antilles and I will send out a map in our email to help :)
Homework: See guide

Science: Another great week of reports.  We have some very talented artists in our class.
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric: It was such a nice day, we had our discussion outside.  We discussed both chapters and in the end we got into why are we learning this?  Why would we need to know what the uninformative believes? Why do we believe in Jesus?  I challenged them to be prepared to give an answer that is not, "because that is what my mom believes."
Homework: See guide

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