Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 6

Rain, rain go away! Come again another day....but not Tuesday! LOL  We had some rainy day chatter, but nothing Ms. Bonnie Couldn't handle :)

Thank you Morel for snack! The cookies were a hit.  Next week McClamroch.

Saturday morning Week 6 updates will go out to everyone through email, be on the look out ;)

Oh and.....Joey is cool.

Algebra:  We reviewed Lessons 25-28.  We have a quiz next week which you will do well on if you have a good understanding of lessons 25-26.  REMEMBER, we home school.  Work at your pace.
Homework: Lessons 25-28

Latin: Test next week!!! What you need to know: Declension endings for 1st, 2nd, 2nd Neuter.  There are 8 vocabulary words, one word to decline 1st declension, 3 fill in the blanks for rules (boxes in purple book), and 2 very easy sentences to parse.  FYI I always include bonus points that everyone can get :)
Homework: See guide and study!

Lost Tools:  I reviewed with everyone where to find the guide for Lost Tools.  If you need the PDF file again, please let me know.  This week our elocution lesson is actually found in Chapter 3, vague verbs.  For those coming out of IEW, this somewhat similar (alliteration LOL) to strong verbs and not using those banned words.  We also finished our discussion on Bowditch and talked a lot of respect.
Homework:See guide.  DON'T FORGET TO READ THE NEXT BOOK!! Magician's Nephew

Rhetoric: Well, we went down some bunny trails this week.  Very good conversation.  I do believe some of the best we have had this year.  These guys are really starting to contemplate why we are learning about Evolution and how we can use this information to own our own beliefs and argue them well.
Homework: See guide. Remember, catechism questions are worth candy next week! (Ian I will save you some)

Science: Another great week of reports.
Homework: See guide

Geography:  I handed back tests and all I can say was how proud I was of EVERYONE!!  They did such a good job rising even more to the challenge.  We even has our first perfect score!!  GREAT JOB EVERYONE!
Homework: See guide.

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