Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week 14

We are very close now!!

Dates to remember:
Week 15 pizza party! Bring a snack or drink!
Dec. 11th Ice Skate Party!

Thank you Morgan for snack today :)
Thank you moms who came in and sat :)

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 56 -59 and handed out the open book mid term.
Homework: 56-59 MID TERM BRING BACK!!!!!

 Latin: We introduced 5th declension and played Latin bingo.
Homework:see guide

Lost Tools: We reviewed arrangement and started a big discussion on slavery, right, wrong???? biblical??? Please follow up discussions with your students. They need to hear your input.
Homework: see pdf guide ## correction from announcement made in class Amos paper not due until week 1 of spring

Rhetoric: Great discussion on the wonders of God's world and how and why people are trying to discredit the bible. Don't forget those cat questions guys.
Homework: see guide

Science: Another wonderful week of reports!
Homework: see guide

Geography: Caleb shared some of his pics from Germany and we played review games.
Homework: see guide

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