Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 15!

What a wonderful day of fellowship, fun, and I am pretty sure we did get some school in there ;)  I have gotten so attached to this class, it is really going to be hard to say good bye come spring.  That being said, I announced to the class and now to you, this will be my last season of Challenge A.  It is bittersweet.  This is something I love and is so near and dear to my heart.  Getting to know your wonderful children, seeing how God creates each one of us so individually to be his hands and feet, to be a part of the process of helping these young ones see what God may have created them to grow towards, it is my honor and privilege.  This Turkey Day, I am so thankful for the gift of your children in my life. THANK YOU!

Items of Business:

  • Ice Skating Party Tuesday the 11th, see separate email for details
  • Over the break, please feel free to send me any email prayer requests, I love to pray for our group
  • I will be posting a separate blog entry just for a thread on what everyone is doing this break. Please feel free to let your child post in the comments if they are catching a movie, or going bowling. Maybe some others can join in :)
  • At the end of the blog entry today is a list of books you need for 2nd semester
YEAH BREAK!!!! Now what????????
Here's What:
With no vacations, no sickness this would look like the perfect schedule. This is just to give you an idea, please adjust to fit your needs. This is the perfect time to catch up on Catechism Questions, Geography Terms, Geography, Latin....anything that may have slipped through the cracks that you wanted to get done. This is also a good time to get ahead on reading. MOST OF ALL THIS IS A TIME TO REST :) Take a break, relax and refresh. I ask a lot of these guys for 15 weeks. They need this time to recharge for the next 15 weeks.

From now to the weekend NOTHING!
Nov. 26th - Nov. 30th: get Science done completely; one math lesson a day; Start reading The Secret Garden  try to finish in a week if you can, it's good practice; Spend 10 - 20 minutes a day reviewing Geography terms and Geography; Spend 10 minutes a day reviewing Latin, 5 min. on endings, 5 min on vocabulary; 5 min a day on catechism questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC
Dec. 3rd- Dec. 6th : Continue reading Secret Garden if necessary; One math lesson a day for 3 days; 5 min on cat questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC!; 10 min. on Latin (same as 1st week); Spend 10 to 20 min. Geography same as first week;
Dec. 10th - Dec. 14th : Spend 10 - 20 minutes a day reviewing Geography terms and Geography; Spend 10 minutes a day reviewing Latin, 5 min. on endings, 5 min on vocabulary; 5 min a day on catechism questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC
Dec. 17th - Dec. 28th NOTHING!!! Make incredible family memories that make your mother cry when you go to college!
Dec. 31st - Jan 4th: finish Secret Garden if need to; Latin and Geography as in previous weeks....adjust as needed for what we call holiday funk (I think it's too much junk food LOL); DO RHETORIC, YES NOW! If done before this week it will not be in your head on January 8th.

And I bet you thought this part was never coming.....LOL

Algebra: We reviewed 5 lessons, VERY fast.  I also collected the mid-term. Please PDF to me if you did not turn in.
Homework: Lessons 60 - 64

Latin: We did a monster Latin review
Homework: see guide

LTW: Over the break they can write their Amos paper, unless excused.  Today in class we read the optional creative writing papers.
Homework: See PDF guide

Geography: THE TEST!! WOW these guys rock!!!
Homework: see guide

Science:  We read our reports.  I have to say, sharks are fun!
Homework: See guide.

Rhetoric: Great discussion on bible prophecy.  AS ALWAYS, PLEASE HAVE FOLLOW UP DISCUSSIONS WITH YOUR CHILDREN :) I gave them a few of my opinions and what I have found in the research I have done.  These guys were very interested in bible prophesy and they need to know what you believe :) A few great resources: Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer both have some great studies on Daniel and Revelation.  Studies on Ezekiel.  I am sure any of your youth pastors could recommend some great stuff ;)
Homework: see guide

Books Needed for 2nd Semester: (BOLD ONES ARE NEW)
Don't Check Your Brains
It Just Couldn't Happen
Henle 1 Blue/Purple
Science Notebook
Saxon 8/7 or 1/2
in Order of Need:
The Lion the Wotch and the Wardrobe
Carry On Mr. Bowditch
The Magician's Nephew
Number the Stars
Amos Fortune, Free Man
The Secret Garden
the Door in the Wall
A Gathering of Days
The Bronze Bow

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