Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 4

Too fast!!  The time is flying too fast.  These boys have become so dear and precious to my hearts.  When I talk about them I always refer to them as my boys :)  Thank you again for sharing these young champions for Christ with me.

Note to self: Hide phone during class or end up with funny pictures of Joey on it :)

Snack: McClamroch...Thank you!  Next week is Conrad.

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 77 through 80
Homework: Lessons 77 through 80.  We will not oovoo this week, it will be every other week :)

Latin: We reviewed how to decline an adjective, introduced new vocab, took our vocab quiz, and played latin bingo.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools:  We read our papers...great job with parallelism guys!  We started an ANI for Door in the Wall.  Only three boys had finished reading this book.  It was hard to put together an ANI chart when not everyone could participate....which led to chatter in the room.  I introduced circumstances in depth, but it was really rushed.  If there are questions on this one, please feel free to email or call. 
Homework: See PDF guide and EMAIL

Rhetoric:  This seminar keeps getting better and better! Everyone participated and contributed to great discussion.  These guys are starting to really understand how to have a group discussion.
Homework: See guide...know those questions for candy next week.

Science:  We checked out everyone's pic of lungs and introduced mouth and teeth with some tasty experiments....see email :)
Homework: See guide...test on lungs next week.

Geography:  We played King of Asia for a full size candy bar.  Congrats Manny!  Right on his tail were Lee, Andrew, and Matthew.  It is really hard when the pressure (time wise) is on, these guys all did great :)
Homework: See guide.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 3

I love when God gives us the theme that will integrate our subjects for the week.  This week it was how men, being the head of the household, are symbolic of Christ over his bride.  Best quote ever, "If the man is the head, than the woman is the neck."  I love these boys ;) This also came up at the end of the day when we were getting the talk about doing our work and not goofing around and talking.  Leaders lead by example.

Snack next week: McClamroch

Prayers: safe travels Dees; Ian Chicken Pox Missed you both this week!

Algebra: We dug down into this week :) See separate email for those that need a little extra help.
Homework: Lessons 73 - 76

Latin: We reviewed expectations for the first year of Henle and looked at declension endings and new vocabulary.  Vocabulary Quiz next week on Lessons 5, 6, and 7.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools: We introduced a new element of elocution, parallelism.  If you go through the student guide and still do not understand, please let me know.  I have some DVD's I can loan you.  It looks like the webinar for this one on the Circe Institute was canceled :( We also, continued to talk about symbolism and the Garden.
Homework: See PDF Guide, and READ!!!

Rhetoric:  Great talk!  I really encouraged these guys to start really thinking upon these subjects and not just joke about them. 
Homework: See guide

Science:  Our final reports on whales.  I also introduced how science will be from here on out (see email) We created a lung. I am not sure how many made it home as the excitement over having balloons in class overwhelmed some :)
Homework: See guide

Geography:  We had two teams drawing for the win.  In the end, Team Narwal won over Team Orca.
Homework: see guide

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 2

I hope everyone is finding themselves settling back in to some sort of a routine.  I know coming back from Christmas for us means my daughters birthday, so it always seems to takes us a little extra to get back  in the saddle. 

It is my pleasure to announce......Ms. Debbie Black!  She will be tutoring the Challenge A next year.  If you know of anyone interested in our program please refer them to her.

Also, for those asking, Ms. Sharon will be tutoring B next year.  YEAH!! Having had both of my children with her, I can say what a blessing she is to every home school family that tutors with her. 

Snack next week is Morel :)

Also note, bring those purple biology books next if only I can remember LOL

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 69 - 72.  It is starting to get harder.  Please let me know if you are struggling or getting behind.  We can Skype a tutor session :)
Homework: Lessons 69 - 72

Latin: We officially introduced adjectives and their rules.  We are also adding new vocabulary.  Max visited our class during this time
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools:  We reviewed a lot about Exordium and the bones of a paper.  I did encourage those that want to with their teacher's approval........If they have been through the IEW and want to add "dress ups", as long as I can see the "bones" of their essay, they can.  I told them to write their boring essay first, then dress it up. 
Homework: See PDF Guide.  If needed, start next book early so to finish :)

Rhetoric Wow our discussions are now going to a whole other level!!  Great talk today, not sure how it got there but God led, on showing love and how to show love in our youth groups or church.  The overall theme of the day seemed to be choices and it really came out in this weeks discussion.  That God values free will so much He is willing to let us burn for it.  Some minds really were thinking on that one.  We did resolve it with we have a King who wants us to serve Him willingly. 
Homework: See guide

Science: I do say EPIC bat reports!  Shout out goes to Manny for doing Batman!!
Homework:  See guide..bring Purple Biology Book

Geography: Geography plus gum equals fun for boys!  Although, I did not expect all 8 pieces to be chewed at one time.....note to self for future LOL We reviewed Countries and Capitals and Geography Terms.
Homework: See Guide

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week 1 2013!

Happy New Year!!  As we enter a season of renewal and fresh expectations, let us first seek our Father for His perfect renewal and His grace.  Every day I find His mercies are new and He covers me.  Whatever expectations that I had set for myself last semester that I did or didn't live up to, He covers.  He knows my children intimately. He knows the hair on their head. He knows their futures.  He is so much bigger than the box I tend to put him in.  He can cover where I see myself as failing.  He will make sure our children have what they need to do what He is calling them forth to do.  So today, as we get back into the swing of things, let His grace rule your school house and take comfort in knowing He has it.  He has it all. 

And away we go!

  • First off, while we did miss the girls, it did have some positives.  Going to an all boy infrastructure has changed our class dynamic.  This was a different class, in a good way.  I don't know if it was just the maturing that tends to happen on the break, or not having the girls, but it flowed very well yesterday.  
  • Officially signed up for snack is "Don't know?" LOL So I will cover snack this week.  Please communicate with your child which week(s) he can sign up for. 
  • The talking too much check...BIG SUCCESS! We will be using this the rest of the semester.

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 65 - 68.  Second semester gets crazy, so hang on.  I returned the mid-terms.  Overall, great work.  I did write a few encouraging notes on a few.
Homework: Lessons 65 - 68

Latin:  We reviewed declining nouns in all 5 declensions.  We reviewed the "grammar" I expect them to have in their noggins after this year.  We also reviewed vocabulary.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools:  I have had a few ask where they can leave feedback on this curriculum.  I am finding that out this week and will let you know in a separate email.  We read a few of the Amos papers and created a class ANI for Secret Garden.
Homework: If they have not read Secret so :) see PDF guide. 

Rhetoric:  Great discussion!! Much respect and not as much alternate conversations on the side.  We got into how gruesome the crucifixion actually was.    And how miraculous our bodies are created, even in a season when we may feel awkward and clumsy and not so fearfully and wonderfully made.
Homework: See guide

Science: Marsupials are so cool.  Although we did learn that sloths are not Marsupials.  Sloth Family:megalonychidae Order:Pilosa related to the anteater and armadillo They are a mammal.  Getting ready for science to change up a bit.  I will be doing some "easy" experiments in class.  And I we started to discuss dissection for week 14.  I believe I was quoted in saying "If we do not respect Ms. Susan or her rules I will dissect you ;)"
Homework: See guide

Geography: We checked out pictures from when I went to Hong Kong back in the 80's and I shared the infamous "chicken" story.  I also returned their Europe tests.  FANTASTIC JOB!!
Homework: See guide.