Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 3

I love when God gives us the theme that will integrate our subjects for the week.  This week it was how men, being the head of the household, are symbolic of Christ over his bride.  Best quote ever, "If the man is the head, than the woman is the neck."  I love these boys ;) This also came up at the end of the day when we were getting the talk about doing our work and not goofing around and talking.  Leaders lead by example.

Snack next week: McClamroch

Prayers: safe travels Dees; Ian Chicken Pox Missed you both this week!

Algebra: We dug down into this week :) See separate email for those that need a little extra help.
Homework: Lessons 73 - 76

Latin: We reviewed expectations for the first year of Henle and looked at declension endings and new vocabulary.  Vocabulary Quiz next week on Lessons 5, 6, and 7.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools: We introduced a new element of elocution, parallelism.  If you go through the student guide and still do not understand, please let me know.  I have some DVD's I can loan you.  It looks like the webinar for this one on the Circe Institute was canceled :( We also, continued to talk about symbolism and the Garden.
Homework: See PDF Guide, and READ!!!

Rhetoric:  Great talk!  I really encouraged these guys to start really thinking upon these subjects and not just joke about them. 
Homework: See guide

Science:  Our final reports on whales.  I also introduced how science will be from here on out (see email) We created a lung. I am not sure how many made it home as the excitement over having balloons in class overwhelmed some :)
Homework: See guide

Geography:  We had two teams drawing for the win.  In the end, Team Narwal won over Team Orca.
Homework: see guide

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