Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Week 10

Five weeks and counting!! Where does the time go??  I will be sending out an email soon concerning Week 14 and 15 "festivities", please be on the look out.

Below are two pics to help with the Rhetoric paper that is due on week 15.  This paper is not optional.  The creative writing paper is optional.  I do give a chance for a lot of writing at the end of second semester because B comes with a lot of writing :)

Thank you Shirley for snack!  Next week Lovern.

Algebra: I introduced lessons 100 - 103  Enjoy the easy week ;)
Homework: Lessons 100 -103

Latin:  We played Pictionary and reviewed verbs.  We talked about what will be on our Week 14 final.
Homework: see guide. Week 14 Final....STUDY NOW!!!

Lost Tools:  You should have received a gift yesterday :) Classical has given each of you a set of DVD's for participating in the pilot program.  We read our papers (I did not collect this week)  Remember, you are teacher.  Please be reading and "grading" their papers for grammar.  We also, started and ANI chart for Crispin.   Had to laugh.  Their talking took us over into lunch.  I have never seen them more focused on getting their ANI chart done....ever!
Homework: See PDF guide Work on optional paper....what happens next in one of the books we read?

Science: We concluded the rubber bone experiment!  Gross, yet always fascinating.  Took our skin quiz and introduced digestive experiment on this one, unless you want to count snack :)
Home work: See guide

Rhetoric: We discussed our chapters and Jeopardy was officially introduced!
Homework: Study those questions!!!See guide

Geography: We broke out the nerf gun!  Everyone got to shoot and what they hit they had to name :)
Homework: See guide.
** I have confirmation that Ms. Jessica will be back on the 26th with her Africa presentation!! You are welcome to join us that last hour.  She is such an engaging speaker and we are so blessed to have her visit.  (This is Shelly Brasinki's mom, Jordan and Robert's grandmother)

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