Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 9

Breakfast was a blast!! Thank you for everyone who came and those who brought something as well :)  It was really a nice time of fellowship to start the day off.

We started the day with discussion on our Titus verse on self control.  I challenged these boys to really start to foster their relationship with Jesus.  Relationship with Jesus will result in spirit.  Feeding the spirit will result in fruit of the spirit.  One of the fruits of the spirit being self-control.  I do not wish for these boys to merely obey because I told them to.  I want them to think about why we are asking them to obey and make that choice for themselves.  (This is a lifelong process we are just beginning.  That is why Ms. Bonnie shows an incredible amount of grace in this area.  Maturity is a factor, and until light bulbs go "off" they do need to just obey sometimes....we talked about that to)

Snack next week: Shirley Family, on deck Lovern

I kind of took a vote for PJ day and there wasn't a lot of interest, so that will be tabled for now.  With week 15 activities coming up, we have fun to look forward to :)

Algebra:  We reviewed lessons 96 - 99.  I think everyone is grateful these are little easier :) PLEASE Do not forget to spend time studying new grammar, that is key.
Home Work: Lessons 96 - 99

Latin: We reviewed verbs and introduced new vocabulary.  We also played Latin bingo.
Homework: See guide

Lost Tools:  We defined exactly what is a simile and learned some new tools for "brainstorming" a simile.  We also finished our discussion on A Gathering of best we could.  IT IS HARD TO HAVE A DISCUSSION WHEN ONLY 4 PEOPLE IN THE CLASS HAVE READ THE BOOK.  (that was not meant sarcastically...just bold to catch your attention) Please make sure your student reads Crispin this week.  When they cannot participate in discussion, of course they are going to be bored.  Boredom leads to extra talking, which leads to a distracted class. 
Homework: See PDF Guide

Science: We began the rubber bone experiment.  The boys usually like this is nice and gross :)  We quizzed on the ear.  And I forgot to check our drawings of skin!  But we did introduce bones.
Homework: See guide

Rhetoric:  Great discussion!!  Remember, please follow up these discussion at home.  They need to know what you think and how you feel on these topics.  Buzz Board and Jeopardy are now a weekly part of class ;)
Homework: See guide

Geography:   We practiced drawing the outline of the continents on a Mercator map.  And started our prep for week 1 Africa test.  Keep on those terms :)
Home work: See guide

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