Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 12..Home Stretch!

As we get towards the end...let us run this race with endurance!!

The first of the finals comes up this week, the Mega Geography Terms Test.  Also, I recommend that by the end of this week ANI and arrangement are done on the final rhetoric paper.  We have been practicing for this paper all year in Lost Tools :) We now have the tools to figure out what to say in our rhetoric final.Also, if they are participating in the optional "finish the story paper" they may want to have a rough draft of that as well.  I know this is a lot of writing....but B is around the corner. Latin Final is Week 14.

Dissection is scheduled for Week 14.  I will let you know what time.  I am awaiting to hear from Susan on the details.  She has been under the weather so please keep her in prayer ;)

Also, week 15 they will meet with me at 9am, no math.  We will finish our finals that morning.  Please bring some rocks or paper weights.  Yup, you read right.  The big maps I print up have to be rolled up to get them here and rocks or weights help keep the edges down so they can draw :)  I will probably need a mommy helper to help me carpool in the afternoon as well.  This week the kids asked if I would check  out pricing on the trampoline park.  Will get back to you.....

NOTE: After all finals are taken, I will be mailing them back to you in a "care package".  (Or maybe arrange a party... we do love to get together :)

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 108 - 111
Homework: The same.  I will bring their Final to them on Week 14 and mail the answer key to parents.

Latin:  Latin was short and to the point this week.  I tried to field questions, but we had a hard time getting "reigned in" yesterday.
Homework: See guide.  Study for final.

Lost Tools:  We finished our discussion on Crispin.  I encouraged the boys to look into "themes" in books as they start maturing and start getting more dialectic.  I also checked outlines and we reviewed similes.
Homework:  See PDF guide.  READ Bronze Bow

Science:  We took our digestive quiz and introduced neurons.  We "made" a neuron out of playdoh.
Homework: See guide.  REVIEW for final

Rhetoric:  GREAT Discussion!! We talked some about self image and what really defines beauty.  We did talked about how "gentleman's" clubs are a gross misuse of the word gentleman. 
Homework: See guide

Geography: We took our Australia test and...Mrs. Jessica!!  I love this woman!!  She came in on her birthday, brought cupcakes, gave a phenomenal presentation on Africa and how important it is to memorize God's word and put it on our heart!!  When I grow up I want to be Mrs. Jessica ;)
Homework: See guide.

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