Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This is the part where kids can comment on what they are doing this summer :)

Week 15 The Perfect Storm!

What do you get when you add no seating chart + creative kids writing a creative paper, with no word limit + 2 long exams + sugared up children (my bad :) + and coming back late from lunch + Ms. Bonnie on caffeine = THE PERFECT STORM!!!  LOL I don't think I ever had issue with time as I did today.  Lots of talking, me as well (sorry), lots of work to get done, lots of friends at lunch...we made it through with only a few casualties :)  Please accept my apologies.

Items of Business:
  • Ice Skating Party Monday the 5th, see separate email for details
  • Over the break, please feel free to send me any email requests, I love to pray for our group
  • Any papers that did not get turned in, or need correction, please send to me.  In a couple weeks I am going to post a blog entry with everyone's papers :)
  • I will be posting a separate blog entry just for a thread on what everyone is doing this break.  Please feel free to let your child post in the comments if they are catching a movie, or going bowling.  Maybe some others can join in :)
  • At the end of the blog entry today is a list of books you need for 2nd semester
YEAH BREAK!!!! Now what????????
Here's What:
With no vacations, no sickness this would look like the perfect schedule.  This is just to give you an idea, please adjust to fit your needs.  This is the perfect time to catch up on Catechism Questions, Geography Terms, Geography, Latin....anything that may have slipped through the cracks that you wanted to get done. This is also a good time to get ahead on reading. MOST OF ALL THIS IS A TIME TO REST :)  Take a break, relax and refresh. I ask a lot of these guys for 15 weeks.  They need this time to recharge for the next 15 weeks. 

From now to the weekend NOTHING!
Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd : get Science done completely; one math lesson a day; Start reading Carry On Mr. Bowditch  (FYI Ms.Bonnie is re-reading this one again too, it's been too long!) try to finish in a week if you can, it's good practice; Spend 10 - 20 minutes a day reviewing Geography terms and Geography; Spend 10 minutes a day reviewing Latin, 5 min. on endings, 5 min on vocabulary; 5 min a day on catechism questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC
Dec. 5th - Dec. 9th : Continue reading Bowditch if necessary; One math lesson a day for 3 days; 5 min on cat questions DO NOT DO RHETORIC!; 10 min. on Latin (same as 1st week); Spend 10 to 20 min. Geography same as first week;
Dec. 12th - Dec. 23rd :  NOTHING!!! Make incredible family memories that makes your mother cry when you go to college!
Dec. 26th - Dec. 30th:  finish Bowditch if need to; Latin and Geography as in previous weeks....adjust as needed for what we call holiday funk (I think it's too much junk food LOL); DO RHETORIC, YES NOW! If done before this week it will not be in your head on January 3rd.

Which brings me tooooooo OUR NEW FACILITY WOOT WOOT!  I feel the need to reiterate (for myself as well:)  We cannot act like we did today at the new facility.  Week 15 in spring we take off campus (that's a good thing LOL)  We really have to work on the extra chatiness come 2nd semester.  We may want to talk about this with our kids and really emphasize that we are a bridge here for hopefully future dealings with this church.  Our children have such precious hearts, I would hate for that to be a dark spot put on us.  I will have to work  on this myself :)

And I bet you thought this part was never coming.....LOL

If anyone's math intentions are changing come 2nd semester I need to know ASAP.  Right now we have 3 and any less and we do not bring in a tutor.
Math: We took a short quiz which we graded in class and flew through 8 lessons
Homework: Lessons 61 - 68

Latin: We took our monster Latin Exam
Homework:  Just review those endings and vocabulary.
Accelerated: Work through Lesson 14 and review.

IEW: BTW This will be the last time we see IEW as a subject YEAH!!! or BOOOO!! Depending on how you are feeling right now LOL  We read our creative writing papers, which were so, so, so, good and ended up being so, so, so, long....which was awesome but threw me off in the time dept.  I wasn't expecting it after the big essay last week.  So in a couple weeks I am going to post a blog with everyone's paper son there, I want everyone to enjoy them !
Homework for LITERATURE: Read Carry on Mr. Bowditch keeping in mind that we will be writing an essay contrasting what Bowditch accomplished as a teen in school, work, and recreation with today's teens.  reading the handout a passed out a few weeks ago Reading a Book for Understanding will help.  If you choose to you can go through Words Aptly Spoken.  This is what I will be using in class to jump start discussion.

Geography:  THE TEST!!  WOW these guys rock!!!
Homework: From here on out we need to be practicing drawing our outlines of countries on the mercator map.  We need to practice and learn where things are by the equator, tropic of cancer, and tropic of Capricorn.  It's a skill that can be hard...practice, practice, and practice :) Review, please do not lose what you guys have worked so hard for.  It will disappear if you do not touch Geography at all on the break.  The guide also mentions memorizing the Earth's diameter and circumference.

We read more papers :)

Science:  We got out our notebooks and showed off our pictures.  I am sorry, this is where the time came from :(
Homework: Marsupials.  At least 2 sources, bibliography as always.

Rhetoric: Rhetoric was shorter, but still the points were hit dead on.  I tell you these guys are smart cookies ;)  The only discussion we did get to was my famous Planet of the Apes.....no ground lost there though.
Homework: Chapter 15 both books, filling in the workouts and study pages.  We are now up to question 45!  If you have gotten behind on these, please use the break to catch up.  Starting a few weeks into 2nd semester we will be playing Jeopardy EVERY WEEK!   You want to know your stuff and have fun with this :)

Books Needed for 2nd Semester: (BOLD ONES ARE NEW)
Don't Check Your Brains
It Just Couldn't Happen
Henle 1 Blue/Purple
Science Notebook
Saxon 8/7 or 1/2
in Order of Need:
Carry On Mr. Bowditch
The Magician's Nephew
Number the Stars
Amos Fortune, Free Man
The Secret Garden
the Door in the Wall
The Bronze Bow

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 14

I want to cry when I think how fast this semester has gone!  Too fast....too fast :(

Week 15 next Tuesday...PJ DAY!!  As always optional.  I will be providing Pizzas for lunch.  A few have volunteered to bring sodas and drinks.  (AJ, Hannah V. and the maybe's were Henry and Cole)  Some have mentioned they might bring some sweet treats, which is fine as well.  Snack is officially the Harrells! 

December 5th is ice skating, everyone should have received the details in your personal emails.

Those who ordered pictures should have them next week :)

Math: In class we reviewed lessons 57-60.
Homework: Lessons 57-60

Latin:  In class we reviewed, reviewed, reviewed!  Mid term on Nouns and everything Noun next week.
Homework: Study endings, Vocab, Grammar Rules in purple book, parsing simple sentences. Finish up Lesson 7 purple book (pgs. 79-81)
Accel Homework: Lesson 10 and study for exam (See separate email to go out by tomorrow night)

IEW: THEY DID IT!!! The papers that were read were AWESOME!! I looked over some of the others during Geography, I cannot wait to read them!!! GREAT JOB GUYS!!
Homework: A creative story where....the characters of the story are one of the science groups we've studied so far; the setting of the story is placed in a geographical location we've studied this semester; The conflict/plot is for the characters to debunk one of the myths in either DCYB or IJCH; During the dialogue, at least one Latin word or phrase will be spoken; include one mathematical equation (SEE SENT HOME SHEET FOR DETAILS) Have fun with this one......YOU'VE EARNED IT :)

Geography: By the looks of tests right of the bat.....I am excited.  Almost there guys!! I AM SOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!  I cannot wait to debut most improved next week!
Homework: Mid Term next week.  Draw USA, Canada, Central and South America.  Countries, Provinces, and States are point value.  Capitals and features are bonus.....who will rack up the most bonus points??????

Rhetoric:Good discussion!!!  I can tell everyone is keeping up and doing their job :)
Homework: Read chapter 14 both books and add cat questions up to 42.  We will be having fun with these next week ;)

Science: Fish were fun! Some of the pictures really blow me away, great job guys!
Homework: Sharks! Awwwww, one of my favs!  As always at least two sources and bibliography

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 13!!!

After touring our new facility across the road yesterday, I cannot express how exciting I am.  This space will actually be so much better then where we are now.  I cannot thank Debbie Black enough for her hard work and diligence in getting us into this facility.....THANK YOU!!  This is really going to be a wonderful blessing for us.  I know God's hand has been all over this :)To my knowledge, we will finish off the semester at Calvary Chapel, and then in the spring we will move across the street.

PLEASE READ: The next two weeks are the last of semester, I cannot believe how fast this year went!!! I am still a bit in shock and awe.  If you are keeping up with the guide then you know these last weeks are chock full of work.  I mean CHOCK FULL!  I had a pep talk with the kids yesterday on communicating with their teacher.  There are some in the class that need to do everything as assigned and don't you dare lower the bar for them.  But there are others that may be overwhelmed by the load.  Please be communicating with your children what your expectations are.  There is no need for a student to feel exasperated by the work load.  With that in mind, I do need to say, please do not lower the bar to where it is no effort at all.  You know where your student will be challenged appropriately and please set the expectations accordingly.  As a parent/teacher myself I am prayerfully considering now what will help my son excel according to his talents.

Thank you Mollie for snack....MUFFINS!!! YUM!  Next week the Thomas' are up!

Important Dates:
Week 15: I will be providing pizzas for lunch.  I have asked the kids to ask parents for who can bring in drinks This will also be an optional PJ day
December 5th Monday is the NEW DATE for the ice skate party in downtown Greensboro. I know a couple children had conflicts with a game on Tuesday.   Also, siblings are invited as well! I have talked with the Ice House staff, and have not received a price yet, but I do believe it should fall around $5 a person. 

One last note.  If you know that you will be changing things up come spring semester, please communicate this with me.  Whether it will be just the Math or Latin, or everything.  I take December to plan and it is helpful to know these things :)  Also, I like to remind people now versus at Christmas time, spring payment is due by the 1st week we come back.  My payment to CC is due almost immediately after this.  As always, if a payment plan is needed, I am more than willing to work with that ;)

Math: OK parents, the kids have permission......TO DO 3 LESSONS! Yup, that's right.  Lessons 53 and 55 are almost redundant.  With the extra load in other places, I gave them permission to lighten it up here this week. 
Homework:  Lessons 53 - 56 (doubled checked LOL)  Skipping the Mixed Practice for lessons 53 or 55.  We should be up to test 10 at this point.  I suggested the children grade their daily work and moms grade the tests.  Week 15 Quiz is coming, maybe 10 problems.

Latin: We introduced adjectives and reviewed Declension endings.
Homework: Purple book pages 72 - 78.  Ex. 86, 88, 89 Blue Book rules 72 - 76 Week 15 exam will include, declension endings, grammar rules from purple book, vocabulary, and easy parsing.  It will look alike the previous test. 
Accelerated Homework: pgs. 108 - 119 There are a lot of exercises, it is the teachers discretion how many are done.  They will have a separate exam on week 15. 

IEW: We discussed......THE SUPER DUPER ESSAY!!  Yes, an essay is due on the Responsibilities of a Christian.  We talked about what makes an essay different from a report, the "whys" and "opinions".  An essay analyzes while a report simply states facts.  You need to discuss with your student which essay you expect here.  There are at least 5 to 6 students that need to do the super duper :)   I also handed out the parameters for the final writing project due week 15.
Homework: Complete your essay!  Remember, time management is the key here.  Get your planning done today!!  That give you tomorrow to rough draft, and two days to dress-up and decorate.  When needing a break you can daydream about the creative paper due week 15.

Rhetoric:  After a brief pep talk on keeping the side talking on topic, we had an excellent discussion.  We talked this week about lack of faith and doubt.  Some even shared their own testimony on wrestling with this very topic.  (It was beautiful) We ended with the fact that God is big enough to deal with our doubt and will lead us just where we need to be :)  AMEN!!  Please continue these discussions with your child :)
Homework: chapter 13 both books, filling in the study pages and workouts in the blue book.  Remember we are reading for understanding, not just to check that box. Add questions 37 - 39.  We just might see jeopardy come out on Week 15!

Science:  I cannot express how glad I am that reptiles are done :) Three words........Fluffy the snake!
Homework: Next up Fish!  At least 2 sources and a bibliography.

Geography:  I saw the first twinge of ......are you really going to test us on Europe?!?!?  Yes, next week.  We had fun with terms in class, and with Ms. Bonnie's need of an editor.
Homework: STUDY FOR EUROPE!!  Do not forget to add new terms.  Week 15 will be the "mid-term".  The point sheets will be based on countries, states, and provinces.  Capitals and features, will be bonus.  I might have an award for most bonus points?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 12

It's at this point of the year I always say, if we were in Foundations we would be done :)  So close, 3 more weeks!  I cannot believe how the time has flown by!!  Too fast :(

  • Please see the separate email sent out concerning location change.  This will not be until Spring semester.
  • We have one more week if you wish to turn in picture forms.  If you have foundations students, you can put them in Erin's folder.  Or you can turn your forms directly to myself and I will get them to her.  As always you are not obligated to buy anything ;) (If you need an order form please email me and I will PDF it back to you)
  • Week 15 will be a pizza party, I will be springing for plain and pepperoni pizza's and bring paper products.  If a couple people could bring a 2 liter or drink that would be great.  This will also be an optinoal PJ day.
  • Yes it is almost lunch time, the kids knew yesterday that I would be blogging late.  So this should not have been an excuse for not completing work this morning.  We discussed plenty that could be done without the blog :) On that note, David Crowder was a fantastic evening of worship and praise!! Although, getting in at 1am I was reminded that I am no longer in my 20's LOL
  • Thank you Mullins for snack!  Next week the Gaines have snack.
  • The tentative date for our holiday get together is December 6th.  I am looking at the little rink that they create in downtown Greensboro.  As soon as someone calls me back with details I will pass them along. (Last year it was like $5 a skater and we skated from about 4 to 6pm)
Math:  We discussed the next four lessons.  I asked if anyone was needing help with anything, and you could hear crickets.  So please, if you know your student is struggling let me know, I am here to help.  They do seem to understand quite well in class.
Homework: Lessons 53 through 56 and they have permission to use a calculator with decimal problems

Latin: We took our vocabulary quiz. And practiced vocab with pictures.  We also practiced our parsing.
Homework: pgs. 64 - 71 in the purple book.  Ex. 75, 83 Review grammar rules, vocabulary, endings 
Accelerated Homework: pgs.  99 - 108 Keep up with grammar rules.  We are now introducing verbs! YEAH!  Exercises are at the discretion of the teacher.  

IEW:  We read our papers and everytime I think they cannot get better....THEY DO!!  We have a very talented writing class, hence me "upping the bar" this week in our assignment.
Homework: You will notice homework is lighter in other subjects  Lesson 25.  They will read the book of job as a source.  I told them to pay special attention to the instructions at the bottom of page 103 that tell us the difference between a report and an essay, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT.  Essay writing is what we will be doing for the rest of the year.  Also a possible outline:
I Job's sufferings (intro)
A. Topic A
1. detail
2.details, more details
B. Topic B
2. More Details
C. Topic C
1. Details
2. More details

Rhetoric:  Great discussion and we talked about Ms. Bonnie playing more and more "angel's advocate" and "arguing with them" to help them learn how to defend their point of view. We also took a pop quiz with Rhetoric Questions.  I loved hearing, "Well, we should always be prepared to give an answer!"  LOL
Homework: Chapter 12 both books filling out the study sheets and workout in blue book.  Add questions 37-39

Science:  Great reports!! Some frogs were so cute!!  Not cute...the snakes.  And if I haven't stated, I am not encouraging anyone to bring in any "pets" :)  And Mollie got us all! She taught us about copperhead snake bites.
Homework: If they did reptiles this week, then amphibians or vice versa.  As always, two sources with a bibliography.

Geography:  We drew Europe as a group effort.  They are really coming along!!
Homework: Keep practicing Europe.  Test is week 14 (2 more weeks) Mid Term Week 15 Add terms.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 11

The two talks the kids were probably sick of hearing by the end of the day:

1)The Classical Model, we talked about putting in those pegs (the grammar stage)  and how they are ready for the dialectic stage. But if the pegs are not in place then they cannot answer the questions that help bring about more dialectic discussion.  STUDY THE GRAMMAR :)

2)My seating chart failed.  Lots of extra talking not on topic today.  Much disrespect of peers going on.  Someone trying to read their paper had to wait for the chatter to die down before starting. 

All in all a good day though!

Snacks this week were Ms. Debbie's most famous cupcakes...YUM!  Thank you.  Next week the Mullins are up :)

Next week is costume if your child so deems :) Also, Ms. Bonnie will have some treats as well.

Math: We went over the next four lessons.  No one had questions so I assume we are on track.  Please encourage your child to ask questions if they do not understand.  I allot class time for this :)
Homework: Lessons 45 - 48

Latin: We took our endings quiz.  I told them they are competing against themselves.  I will be giving this test again soon, to improve each time.  We also declined some nouns and talked a lot about gender.  Understanding seems to be there!
Homework: Next week vocab quiz!  Purple Book pages 62 -63 Ex. 71-74 Blue Book 69-71 and grammar rules
Accelerated: Chapter 8, as well as vocab quiz next week.  Remember keep up with those grammar rules in the purple book.

IEW:  We had a little fun and read each others papers anonymously then tried to guess who was who's. On page 95 is some more ly words I didn't want them to miss and we discussed how emphasis on syllables can change the meaning of the word. 
Homework:  Lesson 23 ORYour own research/story.  It must follow the pattern set up as far a introduction, 3 topics, and conclusion.  So not any old story will work here.  But there is a lot of creative liberty.  REMEMBER said is a banned word :) I was very impressed with last weeks papers and sure I will be again!

Rhetoric: We discussed Chapter 10 in both books.
Homework: Chapter 11 both books.  DO THE STUDY GUIDE AND WORKOUT :)  Keep up with cat questions, you know how when Ms. Bonnie has candy the questions may come out! We are now up to #33

Science: Great reports on Owls....some of the pictures...outstanding!!
Homework: This week Amphibians.  (With next week being reptiles, I told them they could switch them around, as long as they do one of each :) OK can't help but think of Over the Hedge :)

Geography:  We spent about 1/2 the time reviewing Europe today and then the other 1/2 of the time playing the game I had planned with IEW.  Lots of creative juices flowing :)
Homework: Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review Review
Europe should be practiced daily with all countries and capitals added at this point.  (Adding in features next week)  TEST FOR EUROPE WEEK 14 (this is different then guide)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 10 Time is Flying!!

Hopefully everyone is finding their 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) wind right now.  We are in the home stretch.  Let me encourage everyone to stay the course!  Work diligently, as unto the Lord, these last 5 weeks of class, break is on it's way!  I also wish to encourage all my Moms and Dads to pick up a book on what the Classical Model is.  Even is you have been in this program a long time, it is wonderful to refresh our point of view :)

Picture Day was quite a success!! THANK YOU everyone for your cooperation in helping the day flow so smoothly.  Check out this blast from the past! You may (or may not) recognize some of these faces: John and Casey Mahoney (of course), Caleb, Emily, and Daniel Shirley, William and David Bortins, Chris Blackburn, Maggie Richardson....just to name off a few :)

Upcoming dates:
Nov. 1st is costume day (or as always, be yourself day:) If your student has a costume or any candy treats, that is the day to wear/bring in

Thank you Hannah Soots for snack!! Cookies pops....LOVED :) The Blacks are up for snack again next week.  Weeks 12 and 13 are blank....any takers?

Math: We reviewed the next 4 lessons.  Pre-Algebra is starting to get fun!
Homework: Lessons 41 - 44 One done daily is really the best formula :)

Latin:  Our Latin time was cut shorter by pictures.  But we did add our 5th declension endings and reviewed all declensions.  We also went over vocabulary and the importance of derivatives. 
Homework: Work on memorizing those endings, quiz next week.  (Spelling counts here) Pages 56 -61 in the Purple Book.  Add the new vocabulary. Blue Book: 65 -66 Exercises 65 -68
Accelerated Homework: Work through Chapter 7, adding vocabulary and grammar rules.  Working exercises 84 - 94.  (On the exercises, the teacher will determine how much of each exercise will need to be completed) Also, be prepared for the endings quiz next week.  Yes you are working ahead, but this is still the Classical Model.  Learn the grammar :)

IEW: TEACHERS YOUR CHILD HAS PERMISSION  TO DAYDREAM A LITTLE :) This weeks assignment is creative writing and I asked them to spend some time today daydreaming about the Garden of Eden AFTER they read through the example stories.  We went over the 5 paragraph model and what makes a good introduction and conclusion (all of this in your IEW book)
Homework: Lesson 21, 5 paragraph model on the Garden of Eden

Science: Butterflies was a nice break from insects :) 
Homework: Owls/ Birds of Prey as always at least 2 resources and bibliography

Rhetoric:  I noticed some kids are not filling out their study sheets and some are working on next weeks assignment during the seminar.  Please encourage your child that this time of discussion is for them to participate and be a part of ;)  Also, we fill out the study sheets for a number of reasons. It helps your student remember what they read and it is an exercise in reading for understanding. 
Homework: Chapter 10 in both books filling out the study sheets and workout.  Add Cat questions 28 - 30.  (With candy week around the corner, you may wish to not get behind here ;)

Geography: I was SOOOOO impressed with every ones tests scores.  Improvement across the board! So much so it inspired me to create a new award.  Starting next test we will give out certificates for improvement.  There will be bronze, silver, and gold awards for those who improve their percentages more than %5.   We reviewed Europe and played a fun geography game :)
Homework: REVIEW!!! Continue to work on Europe.  We should be working on all Countries this week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 9 or Rainy Day "Kayoss" (that was for Ross:)

First off, I have to say, even on rainy and chatty days....THANK YOU for the blessing of working with your children.  They always make me smile, and just bring me such joy.  I said good bye to Mr. Sean as he left for a three week trip this morning and by the end of math, those kids had me smiling already :)

OK, this time I mean it LOL PICTURE DAY NEXT WEEK!  Come on sun!

Also, from here on out in Latin, I will be posting two possible homework assignments.  Those who need it, I have talked to and the kids know which one to follwo :)

THANK YOU THURMONDS! Cookies are always a treat :) Next week, Soots.

Upcoming dates to keep in mind:
  • Nov. 1st Optional Costume day if you would like to wear a costume, or hand out candy and such ;)
  • The last day of class (ONLY 6 WEEKS!!! Where did time go??)  I will be ordering pizza's and this may be an optional PJ day, we will see as we get closer what the concenus is.
  • Also the first or second Tuesday after Thanksgiving there will be a Christmas get together.  Please keep this in mind when scheduling those holiday events that start creeping up soon :)
Math: We needed the full hour today....The pre-algebra kids were introduced to pre-algebra :) Please feel free to allow the kids (or yourself) to contact me if you are needing any help.  We also took a short math quiz....classical style.
Homework: Lessons 37 -40 Make sure you are keeping up with tests!

Latin: We introduced the 4th declension.  We also took a short vocabulary quiz and played some games with vocabulary. I forgot to put the cattle call out there for more silly sentences :)
Homework: Pages 51-55 in purple book Exercises 56-60 Grammar: 51,55,66 Review! Review! Review!
Accelerated Homework: You can work ahead in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.  These are very short chapters, this is not a joke.

IEW: In class we read some phenomenal papers!  I talked about playing around more with decorations.  Also we went through Lesson 18 in class and talked about a research report.
Homework: Lesson 19. 

Geography: Test Day!  Also, Mollie shared some very neat artifacts from Argentina. We talked about the importance of review and just because we have 4 weeks for Europe does not mean we wait until the last minute :)
Homework: Begin Europe!! I WILL BE TESTING ON EUROPE WEEK 14. (This is different from the guide) Week 15 will be a mid-term for review.  (The mid term will not include features, only countries will be required.  Capitals are up to the teacher)

Science: I am thoroughly grossed out now and ready for the beautiful butterflies of next week :)  We did have fun with our picture contest.  Thank you Casey and Emily our guest judges!
Homework: Butterflies As always at least 2 sources and bibliography

Rhetoric:  We discussed some heavy topics today.  I really wish to encourage you to continue these conversations with your children.  There was a lot of chit chat, but overall I believe they were understanding the gist of the topic.
Homework: Chapters 9 in both books and work up to question 27!! 


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 8 Over the Hill!

I do not know if it was the visit from Ms. Bertha Bog or the seat assignments that did it, but today the kids did sooooooo GREAT with keeping the talking to a minimum :)  I was so proud of them.  Oh...who is Bertha Bog????
Her Story...
Miss Bertha Bog's Tale

Our class...

PICTURE DAY!!!!!  NEXT WEEK!!!! Even if you are not planning on purchasing pictures, please plan on having your child's picture taken for a yearbook that Foundations is putting together.  Families who do not have children in Foundations can have their pictures made starting at 8:50am.  (Please try to come early if you can)  Families with children in Foundations can come get their child when it is their turn throughout the day.  Erin is aware we have a Latin quiz at 10am.  There will also be a group picture at lunchtime.  All pictures for Challenge A will most likely be finished before we come back from lunch.

Thank you Shaw family for fantastic snacks :)  Next week the Thurmonds' have snack.

Math: We reviewed 4 more lessons, we went on the fast side.  Please have your child tag any problems that are a problem and we have time to go over them in class :)
Homework: Lessons 33 - 36
Bertha Bog's Homework: Lessons 33 - 45  All problems and tests!!

Latin: Today in class we handed back tests, there were a lot of exercises on this test.  As previously stated the biggest thing to work on is declension endings and  vocabulary.  We played a massive vocabulary game. 
Homework: Purple Book-Read through 42-50 Working Examples-41, 42, 46, 51 Blue Book-58-61
Bertha Bog's Homework: Finish chapter 3 and 4 and 5!!

IEW: We read our IEW stories and talked about keeping our writing in the same tense throughout our stories (past, present, or future)
Homework: You can complete Lesson 15 (Daniel and the Lions) or your can create a story from the cat pictures I sent home.  Either way, make sure you are outlining, rough drafting, and final drafting.
Bertha Bog's Homework: Oh you know one story is not enough for her.  There needs to be at least 3 stories in MLA format.  500 words a piece, no more, no less!

Rhetoric: Awesome discussion today with our chapters...everybody participated!!  Great job guys!!  We also played some buzz board games with the "cat" questions.
Homework: Read Chapter 8 both books and TAKE NOTES IN YOUR BLUE BOOKS :) Add "Cat" questions 22 - 24
Bertha Bog's homework: While you are reading let's do 3 more chapters of each book and finish up memorizing those Cat Questions!!

Science: I believe today's reports on arachnids was enough to give me the willies for a week!  Good job everyone :)
Homework: Insects!  At least 2 sources, and bibliography.  Don't forget picture contest next week!!
Bertha Bog's Homework: You must label your insect and write a separate report for each part.  At least 6 resources and a handwritten bibliography!

Geography: Today we handed back tests....FANTASTIC JOB EVERYONE!! Tremendous improvement for each from the first test! KUDOS!!! We also played review games.
Homework: Prepare for South America test next week!  Review.
Bertha Bog's Homework: Good grief isn't that enough??

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 7 AKA My How time Flies!!!

Important Dates:
October 4th NEXT WEEK Wacky Tacky/PJ/or just be yourself day!
October 11th Picture Day

A quick reminder, electronics are not permitted during class time.  Only during lunch or a break time may they come out.  This has been an issue two weeks running.  If it continues, I will ban electronics from the class. (Exception to this is communication with parents)

Yesterday was such a great day!! I was thinking with all this rainy weather we night not achieve much, but the kids did an awesome job of staying focused and kept me on track :)

Math: Introduced lessons 29 through 32.  Everyone seems to be doing quite well.  Please make sure you are testing periodically so we know if this is not the case.
Homework: Lessons 29 through 32

Latin: We took our Chapter 2 test.  I introduced 3rd Declension, and 3rd declension I-stem.  We reviewed what an appositive is and rules for gender in the 3rd declension.
Homework: Purple Book pages 35 -42; Blue Book 45 - 52, 53 - 57 Exercises at Parents discretion this week.

IEW: We read our papers....I LOVE the creativity! These kids are really expressing themselves well in their writing. We also reviewed decorations and talked about how to "extract" a story from pictures
Homework: Lesson 14.  (**their check sheet says 15-16, it's ok, use it) This is the story of Esther.

Geography: We tested on Central America and the Antilles....I have never heard the room so quiet :) 
Homework: We start on South America.  We have 2 weeks for this as well, use your time wisely.  ADD MORE TERMS :) FYI These countries can be set to the tune of Happy Birthday if listed alphabetically.

Science: we read our reports on mollusks!  we definitely have some artists in class.  Don't forget, there is an online bibliography you may use if teacher is ok with it.  I make John write a couple bibliographies, then he can print a couple.
Homework: Arachnids........ewwwww! At least 2 sources (you may have more) and bibliography. Picture as well.

Rhetoric:  We used a bit non-traditional approach to rhetoric this week.  We were talking about what makes good science, our book had a theory that red heads run faster then other colored hair.  So we tested this theory out (Zach was very gracious as I asked him to run again and again :)  We also talked about "theories" the media will throw out at us as science.  Such as black athletes are faster than white athletes, evolution as fact, and things that make you a "man".  This led into our discussion of the Jesus as a pansy myth.  What makes a real man?  This discussion got pretty heavy, pretty fast as we discussed what crucifixion really was/is and that Christ could have "saved" himself at any moment and chose not to for our sanctification.  That is a REAL man.  I encouraged you to please continue these discussions with your children at home.
Homework: Chapter 7 both books filling in study guide. I encouraged them that if they are completing this task on Wednesday to make sure they review the material on Monday so they can really be a part of discussion.  I forgot the buzzboard :( I will remember it next week!!  Practice those questions, we are now up to 21!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 6!!!

Important dates coming up:
October 4th: PJ or Wacky Tacky Day (which ever your child prefers, or nothing:)
October 11th: Picture Day!! It will start at 8:30am.  More details to come, and this will be optional.

Thank you Gaines for doughnuts!!! They smelled sooooo good.  Next week Walkers have snack.

Parents, as I handed back 3 different quizzes/papers this week I wanted to remind everyone that I do not give grades.  I am not a teacher....you are ;)  I know how hard it is to juggle life and everything that comes with it, but wanted to give a gentle reminder that we made a commitment to our children to teach them.  Please make sure you are taking the time to stay involved, that your student knows what your expectations are. At Challenge A, usually the work load is not as overwhelming as learning how to manage our time.  We had a great talk about why we manage our time wisely.  Why??? So we may be effective and glorify God!  If we are a mess (and honestly I am a mess some days) we cannot be effective for God and be available for what He may have us to do.  So day by day we practice.  Sometimes we get it and sometimes we don't.  Do remember that always, God's grace is sufficient!!

Onto the work of the week:

Math: We reviewed (at the shelter :) lessons 25 - 28
Homework: Lessons 25 -28 rememeber, if you need any help during the week, contact me

Latin:  We reviewed how we know which declension to put a noun in and played vocabulary BINGO!
Homework: STUDY For Test (not quiz) Know vocabulary, grammar rules (purple book), 1st and 2nd Declension endings,  Be prepared to decline a noun and parse simple sentences.

IEW: We reviewed all our dress-ups and decorations.  Then we read our papers. I know I say this a lot...but what a group of talented writers!
Homework: Lesson 13 or story of their choice.  Read over review pages in IEW

Rhetoric:  We had awesome discussion on Chapters 5 of each book and earned candy for catechism!  We started to define big "E" Evolution and introduced 2 factors that just do not make logical sense.  We began discussion on how to approach someone who may believe in Evolution without turning them away.
Homework: Chapters 6 in boths books, make sure you are filling out the blue book.  Add questions 16 - 18.....next week we debut Jeopardy.

Science: Excellent reports on trees!! 
Homework: This week Mollusks, as always at least 2 sources with bibliography and picture

Geography: Handed back our Canada quiz. Let me just say, "THESE GUYS ROCKED IT!" Everyone showed great improvement. We played Who Wants to Be a Geography Master with the terms and discussed tips for studying Antilles.
Homework: Prepare for test on Central America/Antilles next week! ADD TERMS!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Because Jesus lives, I can ......... Week 5

How would you complete that sentence?  Did you make it personal?  We are quick to tell others that Jesus loves them.  I wanted to remind you today that Jesus LOVES YOU TOO!  He died for us, and even better rose for us!!  No other "god" can claim this!  Because my Jesus lives, today I can walk about in freedom from .........

This is the time of year where Challenge can become fun.  And by fun I mean overwhelming :) Sometimes the new load can be a bit much to adjust to.  Sometimes it is a matter of new responsibilities that can trigger this.  Sometimes at this age we are dealing with normal pre-teen awkwardness.  I saw a lot of this yesterday in class.  I want you guys to know.....it's going to be good ;)  God has this.  If we are struggling a bit in getting work done, in remembering responsibility, or just plain frustration with a subject, remember God has this.  Turn it all over to Him and he will create something beautiful with your Challenge A year.

Items of Business:
  • We had to have the talk about making sure we are getting all our work done during the week.  I reiterated that I am here if needed for both teacher and student (email, txt, or call).
  • I also reminded them that I am just the tutor, as far as what is expected in each subject, that is up to their teacher (that's you :). You know your child better then anyone else, please let them know what your expectations are for each subject. 
  • Thank you Carlyssa for an excellent snack! Next week the Gaines have snack.
And away we go.....

Math: In class we reviewed lessons 21 - 24.  I also handed out some conversion stickers.
Homework: Lessons 21 - 24

Latin: In class we took a short quiz on vocabulary and rules.  We reviewed the new vocabulary.  I will be working this week on finding a good resource for pronunciation.  We split into groups and study together.  I collected up our declension homework, only 1/2 of these came back. 
Homework: Irony is there is a break from the blue book this week, as I know many of you just received your blue book :) Purple Book: Study pages 25 - 34. Work exercises 22 - 27.  Once again, it is up to your teacher how many of each exercise that you do.  Review old and study new vocabulary and grammar rules.  continue to work on memorizing 1st and 2nd declension endings and our 5 cases.

IEW: First, I have to say what a TALENTED group of writers we have in this class!  We reviewed the writing process and all our dress up's to this point.  I officially introduced all our sentence openers. 
Homework: This week Lesson 12 is due this week.  Next week Lesson 13 is due.  Both of these are the story model reflecting each paragraph topic sentence with a clincher.  They have permission to do a story of their choice for one of these weeks only.  So, pick this week if you wish to do lesson 12 or 13 from IEW text.

Geography: We tested on Canada....mixed reaction here.  Some were excited, some were not.  Hugs went to all :)We introduced Central America and the Antilles.
Homework: Going by the guide....start studying Central America and the Greater and Lesser Antilles.  Do not forget to add GEOGRAPHY TERMS  For some reason, this keep surprising everyone LOL

Science: Who knew herbs could be so entertaining!! I think we had a bit of the giggles, and I do not think we will ever know what really is so funny about milk thistle and lavendar :) Great reports!
Homework: This week trees.  As always at least 2 sources, bibliography and a picture ;)

Rhetoric: Great discussion outside while enjoying the beautiful weather!  We did discuss that prayer request needs to stay under 30 minutes LOL We just love talking to the Lord!
Homework: Do not forget catachism questions here!  We are now up to 15.  That's enough to play some games ;)  Read and FILL IN YOUR STUDY SHEETS AND WORKOUT for chapters 5 in each book.  I saw a lot of empty books and a few books never made it to class.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 4 AKA Wow....Foundations just started??????

YEAH!!! Our whole class was in attendance today.  Welcome Home Zach!  I expect a nice little presentation on Germany when we study Europe.

Thank you Varnell for snack this week!  And Boone you have snack next week.

**Please read blog carefully this week! Two subjects deviate from the guide and parents...you have homework in Rhetoric!

Math: Lesson 17 through 20 were gone over in class.
Homework: Lesson 17 - 20.

Latin:  We added 2nd Declension and 2nd Declension Neuter Endings.  We parsed from English to Latin and back again.  Also, please check out the little "folder" I gave them today.  There is a sheet in there that they can use a dry erase marker to practice endings.  There are also a couple "cheat sheets" for parsing that may help students....and teachers :)  I did not officially arrange it into a folder, because I will probably be adding onto it as the year progresses.  (Especially when we start with verbs)
Homework: Purple book" read pages 17 through 24. There are 8 exercises in this section.  It is up to the teacher to decide how much of each exercise they should do.  (I am only having my son pick three or four of each of the sentences to parse) Add new vocab and new grammar rules to cards.  QUIZ NEXT WEEK ON VOCAB AND GRAMMAR RULES FROM PURPLE BOOK.  Blue book: Continue to study 34-44.  I also sent home a declension sheet.  One vocab word from each of these declensions is to be declined: 1st, 2nd, 2nd Neuter.  And remember, Latin teachers never die, they just decline :)

IEW: We read our stories, great job this week guys!  And yes, I read Click Clack Moo Cows Type to the class. :) For those who may not know, this is a riveting tale of blackmail on the farm.  We reviewed the story model again.
Homework:  We are doing lesson 8 with a twist!  They can choose to use Jonah as their story....or PICK ANOTHER STORY IF THEY CHOOSE.  A children's book usually works well with their simple story lines.  If they choose a bigger novel such as Lord of the Rings, they may wish to focus on one aspect of the story.  They are also allowed to change a few details if they choose.  (i.e. in our story today the cows were demanding electric blankets.  They could change this to IMAX tickets) Any questions on this, please feel free to email or call me :)  Also, still use the check sheet for Lesson 8.

Rhetoric: FANTASTIC discussion today.  The kids really started thinking and processing what we are learning about here!!!  I started playing a bit of "angel's advocate" with some of them.  (taking the opposite point of view so they practice "arguing" their point) Also, some awesome discussion was started today on prayer, which also referenced some of what is going on with Joseph Dees. (see your homework please) We did reference the parable of the woman (Luke 18:1-8) who "wore out" the king with her petitions which led to a discussion of trusting and leaving it up to God. (I tell you, I hated to move on to Science today:)
Homework: PARENTS-please discuss with your children your views of prayer (if you haven't already).  Joseph is very dear to many of their hearts and guidance from you during this time can be very precious :) In the end we reconciled that if we are seeking God with our heart, then the spirit should lead us in prayer as to when and how to pray for our friend. 
Read chapter 4 both books, fill out your blue notebook.  Add catechism questions 10 - 12

Science: Great reports on wildflowers.  Some kids were very excited to hear that the blog has the "easybib" link but were told to have your permission first.
Homework: Herbs! If some are inspired they were told they could bring in a taste or smell (THIS IS OPTIONAL) It does not need to be snack size but taste size, but with something as fun as herbs I wanted to let them know it is an option. As always, they need to have at least two sources and bibliography.

Geography: This is where it got a little rowdy today, but in their defense the windows WERE flooding.  Not like a few drops, but like water down the wall.  Yes, we are talking with the church about this.  I handed back USA tests and it gave the kids the knowledge of how this all goes.  On next weeks test they may not use Alaska as feature points, but may add USA as 1 feature point.
Homework: Test on Canada...DO NOT GET BEHIND ON THOSE GEOGRAPHY TERMS!! Add this weeks terms.  Prepare for test. Rvw. USA at least once.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 3!!

I hope this blog post finds you getting into a bit of a rhythm this week.  If you just started laughing hysterically, don't worry....IT WILL COME :) 

THANK YOU DEBBIE!! I heard how wonderful the cupcakes were.  I believe the word used today was "epic"!  Snack next week is........????? could you please come forward..LOL In all the excitment of the day, the snack sheet has gone home with someone.  If you could please go through your child's back back and let me know if they have it.  They can just bring it back next week, but feel free to share with the group who snack is next week :)

Another note of business: We had a lot of chattiness today.  Usually this is the time when everyone starts to get more comfortable with the group.  I really don't believe this is a heart issue for these children, I truly believe it is just a matter of learning to recognize what they are doing.  (They just get so excited, and frankly I do too sometimes)  But it did get so loud at one point Ms. Erin tutoring Latin next door had to ask us to quiet down.  If you could back me on our rule of respect.  (It is disrespectful to talk if someone else is talking) this would be helpful thank you :)

Math 8/7: Ms. Mary Beth will be emailing me a bio this week as well as contact information.

Math 1/2: We covered 4 lessons.  We are still doing review for the most part, so simple stuff. 
Homework: Lessons 13 - 16

Latin: We reviewed cases and 1st declension endings.  I introduced 2 declension endings and the Accusative and Genative case.  We also grazed over parsing the simple sentence, "You lost the game." (We had to fly through some material for time's sake, please email/call with any questions)
Homework: If we have not memorized cases/endings, let's really work on this.  (we will just be adding more and more) Purple Book: read pages 11 -16; write new vocab on cards.  Write new grammar rules on cards.  Review all vocab and rules.  Examples 5 - 8 GRADE THESE!  Blue Book: add on 34-44.  Study 1 - 44. 
** For those with much Latin behind them I will be sending some extras and ideas to keep it interesting

IEW: I just have to take a minute here and say the papers I read this week.......BLEW ME AWAY!!  For those of you worried your child did not participate in Essentials, please do not worry.  Today their first Literature sheet came home with them as well.  You may noticed tally marks at the bottom of the page.  These will most likely NOT BE accurate.  But they will be close.  These are to give a student an idea of whether they may be using 20 verbs and 1 adjective.  It can help them "balance" their dress-ups.  I also sent home a page on commas that includes grammar rules for commas.  I introduced the story model in lesson 6.  Due to some extra talking and time, we did not get to thourouhly address lesson 6 as an example.  You may wish to go through it with your child.  We officially added strong verbs, which I have been hearing all along and the http://www.asiab/ clause.  Now, last week the "because" clause could be placed anywhere within a sentence.  This week the http://www.asiab/ "because" clause is actually a sentence opener. 
Homework: Lesson 7; 3 paragraphs, using the story model in lesson 6 and check sheet

Geography: On weeks we test we will have Geography after lunch.  from a first glance of things, I think these guys are going to be very happy with their points!
Homework: Start in on Canada.  Do not forget to spend 5-10 minutes a day in Review of USA.  Draw your USA map at least once a week from here on out. Also, don't forget! If you know anyone who has been to an interesting location in the USA or to Canada, invite them in for a presentation one afternoon:)

Rhetoric:  Great discussion!! Staying on topic can be fun with this group (that includes myself BTW) But these guys are definitely ready to start delving into God's word and putting it in their brains and heart!
Homework: Chapter 3 both books, with study guide filled out, with workour filled out.  Add catechism questions 7-9 (don't get behind on these guys, we play some fun games!)

Science: I love watching these guys present! The science pictures are fantastic as well.
Homework: Wildflowers!  Can be general or specific.  With a bibliography.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week 2 :)

Another Fantastic Week!!  I feel so very blessed with the group God has assembled this year.

Items of business:
  • Snack for week three is the Blacks.  If your child has an allergies, please let me know ASAP and I will pass that information on.
  • If you have not signed up for snack, I am asking that everyone just take one week :)
  • Also, if your child is requiring more food (because they are getting ready to grow about an inch this hour) please feel free to pack accordingly.  As long as it is not disruptive (i.e. carrots), they are welcome to snack during class in a respectful manner.
  • LUNCHTIME: On our campus we are requiring that students are only allowed where and adult is present.  An adult is not a Challenge 3 student.  When Foundations begins in 2 weeks, your child is welcome to go eat on Westside campus, BUT MUST FIRST INFORM ME. Once at Westside, they need to check in with an adult there, and let that adult know when they are returning to our campus.  Once foundations starts, if any adults would like to help "man" our campus, you are welcome to. 
  • Next week geography will be right after lunch, since we have a test.
 Math 8/7: Students were introduced to Ms. Mary Beth.  I am working on getting her contact information for you.
Homework: Lessons 9 -12

Math Algebra 1/2: Lots of math grammar this week.  Enjoy!
Homework: Lessons 9 - 12

Latin: What fun we had declining nouns! Well I did anyway :) We introduced new vocabulary and how to study.  We touched on verbs, more with those next week!
Homework: Purple Book: read pages 6 - 10; Write vocabulary on cards and study; Write 3 "rules" on cards and study; Examples 1 - 4 Blue Book: Continue to study 1 -33 (while they do not necessarily have to memorize these, the should be very familiar.)

IEW: The papers this week were phenomenal! We have some very talented writers among us.  Students were very happy to learn they no longer need to "label" every dress-up, only underline them.  We outlined a story again and introduced the dress up of Quality Adjective, dual adjectives, and the because clause. 
Homework: Lesson 5, 2 paragraphs WITH CHECKSHEET!!

Rhetoric: Fantastic discussion today.  I think we really got some minds turning and beginning the process of thinking logically for themselves. I cannot encourage you enough to do this subject right along with your child.  I don't know, it could have been the spirit, but some even felt the earth move during rhetoric (or maybe an earthquake :)
Homework: read Chapter 2 both books, fill out the study sheets and work out in blue book.  Add Catechism questions 4 -6, rvw. 1 -3 Please remember to bring Bible and Blue notebook for class time.  The two texts are helpful as well.

Science: Great reports today!! I believe I learned some new tidbits on Protista and algae :)
Homework: FUNGI!!! In general or a specific.  Use at least two sources and have a bibliography. 

Geography: We split up into teams and got to see how we were coming along studying the USA! Very exciting!! The winning team won by 1 point!!
Homework: PREPARE....PREPARE....PREPARE, for the first Geography test.  I will hand out a blank sheet of paper let them go to town.  Add some features this week and fine tune.  ALSO, do not forget those geography terms.   Add week two, you may see a quiz on these as well. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

WEEK 1!!!!!!

Exciting! What a fun day.  I want to thank each of you for sharing your precious children with me.  I can tell this is going to be an awesome year of Challenge A!

Business notes:
-If you have not gotten your tuition check to me, please drop me a line.
-I will cover snack next week, starting week 3 I will have a sign up sheet for snack.   Snack can be very simple or elaborate, it is whatever fits how you roll.  (i.e. This week I did convenience.  Next week I may bake.)
-Right now we do not have access to a microwave or "fridge", this may change in the very near future, but for next week please keep this in mind.
-As of this point we do have a full class
-We are going by the guide this week, if there are an questions and the blog/guide do not answer them, please feel free to call or email me.  I am happy to help :)
-We talked about SMALL THINGS DONE DAILY! They will be so sick of hearing this...but it is true.  Set a timer.  Work on memory work daily.  Understanding will come.

Away we go!

Saxon 8/7
Ms. Sharon shared with me this morning that she has found a replacement for her.  (Who she will actually be subbing for some)  Her name is Mary, and she is gone through the Classical program.  She tutors Math for a living and everyone gives her a 5 start rating.  After much prayer, Sharon decided that the longer drive wasn't a good match.  But we will still see her when Mary needs a sub.
Homework: Lessons 5-8

Algebra 1/2
We went over lessons 5 - 8 and enjoyed the room while it was cool!
Homework: Lessons 5-8

We introduced Nouns in Latin.  We walked through how we would decline a noun in English and showed how Latin would decline a noun. 
Homework: In Blue Grammar Book Start to memorize #1-#33; in Purple book, read pages 3 - 5

We reviewed how to put together a "big boy" outline using roman numerals and numbers.  We discussed the dress ups of -ly words and who/which clause.  We also talked about the invisible who/which clause. We emphasized the writing process: ROUGH DRAFT-REVISE-MAYBE REVISE AGAIN- FINAL
Homework: Hire an Editor. Lessons 3 from your BBW book.  A paragraph is due WITH THE CHECK SHEET ATTACHED

We talked about ourselves and what we like and don't like.  This is the hour we will take prayer requests and praises.  We talked about what the year will hold for Rhetoric as well. 
Homework for TEACHER AND CHILD :) Read the 1st chapter of each book and use the study guide sheets in the front of the blue binder and the "workouts" in the back of the blue binder.  I will be looking for these to be filled out next week.  Start memorizing Cat Questions #1 - #3 (Parents, I highly encourage you to read the chapters along with your child.  Start some classical conversations of you own :)

Science:  We practiced our research skils by using 2 sources to write a paragraph on the Sphynx cat. 
Homework: Research Protozoa/Algae (this can be general or specific) Just the facts please, one paragraph long.  Bibliography a MUST and picture is essential.  See email for attachments for this.

Geography: I always love to see everyone's faces when I tell them what the final goal for the year is :)  Just remember small things done daily.  I handed out their Geography notebook.  (no comments on my Mexico please LOL)  The Geography notebook is just a tool.  The real goal is for them to draw from scratch the US.
Homework: Draw the United States at least three times a day.  Know your states and capitals.  Don't forget your Geography terms, page 92 in your guide.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A New Year in CHALLENGE A!!!

Welcome to a new school year.  This is a test of the blog and feedburner.  If you are receiving an email and do not wish to be, this is your chance to go to feedburner and unsubscribe to this website.  Looking forwrad to seeing everyone August 16th at C3!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Summer Blessings!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very HAPPY EASTER!! May the joy of this season fill and sustain all year long.  Our Lord has Risen!

Just a few notes:
  • We did make it through the whole Algebra book!  If anyone needs some help over the summer, please feel free to call or email me :)
  • My email has been funny, an alternate email for me is bonniejoym@yahoo.com
  • I will be snail mailing back tests and some other things.  Give me about 2 to 3 weeks. (We have a big yard sale at the church May 1st and that will be consuming my time next week :) 

That is it!  I wish to thank everyone for a wonderful and successful year of Algebra and Challenge A.  I will miss everyone tremendously and will pray often for all my CC families.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 14

Great job today guys!!  Thank you Jordan for snack :)  Next week, we will not worry about having an official snack.  If your child needs something mid-morning, please send it with them.

PARTY!!! WOO HOO!!!!  Next week, we will stay on campus for lunch time socializing, then at 1pm we will head over to CiCi's for lunch.  At 2pm we will go bowl two games at Gateway.  If time permits, we may find ourselves stopping by donuts or ice cream on the way back.  We will be back no later then 4pm.  They will only need money for CiCi's.  As of right now then plan is for me to drive our class.  Here it is, if they have a friend that would like to come, or family (say a sibling:)...THEY ARE WELCOME!  They would need money for CiCi's and $5 for bowling, includes shoe rental.  I would just need to know so I can update the bowling alley and make arrangements for transportation.  Please contact me with any questions.

Algebra: We reviewed lessons 113 - 116.  I also talked about using the rest of April and early May to review some concepts that may have been weak.  Now is the season you may wish to start shopping for a graphing calculator.
Homework: Lessons 113 - 116

Rhetoric: Our final Cat Question Jeopardy with plenty of candy to go around :)
Homework: Finish final apologetics paper, use the guidelines handed out in class last week.  To be turned in week 15.

Geography:  We drew....the world from scratch!
Homework: STUDY< STUDY< STUDY....final next week.

Science: Today was the big day and they did awesome!!! I was so proud of how well they listened and how well they followed instructions!! I was just so proud of how everyone gave it their best effort!!! WAY TO GO GUYS!!! (SEE PICS BELOW)
Homework: Study for body part final!!! If your mom says you can know which one...just have her email me and I will let you know :)

Literature: We read our Bronze Bow papers.  Fantastic job!
Homework: Finish your "What happens next??" paper.  Due week 15

Latin: We parsed, parsed, and then parsed some more :)
Homework: Complete take home final.  Mom, it is up to you if this is open book or not.  Bring it back on week 15.

For your enjoyment :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 13

Wow!  We had a lot to say this week, not all of it on topic LOL  I think we all have a bit of Spring Fever.  Never the less, God blessed our class to get accomplished what needed to be done.

Thank you Hannah for snack this week.  Jordan has volunteered next week.

Next week, please bring a smock or tee-shirt (if you would like) for dissection.  Three children will be dissecting a pig and the other three will be dissecting a shark.  Ms. Susan will be leading this after the lunch hour.  Please pray for nice weather so we can do this outside.

Festivities are being planned for Week 15.  Please look for a separate email coming concerning plans.

With all these final tests, remember goals are accomplished through small things done daily.

Algebra: We are now working up to lesson 112.  We should get through our book by the end of week 15! YEAH!

Rhetoric: We discussed our last 2 chapters and played a fun round of Jeopardy.  They are getting really good at this.  I can tell they are working hard.I handed out sheets concerning their final Apologetics paper. If you have any questions, please contact me :)
Homework: Start on your paper NOW!  Study those Cat questions.

Literature: OK, today they received the lecture.  Only one student had read The Bronze Bow completely and we could not have a complete discussion on this novel.  Some had mentioned that mom was OK with this (which is fine) I just need to hear it from you in the form of a quick email or call, or even catch me in the hall.
Homework: Write Bronze Bow Paper.  The suggestion of 100 words per paragraph has been removed since they are currently working on three papers!  But, they were told I will not accept this  paper without the check sheet with it.  Some were scared they might forget it or lose it....I replied that that was the point.  Responsibility can be scary.  They can also begin planning their final Literature paper.  They are to choose their favorite book from this semester and tell me what happens next.

Science: We took our quiz on the eye and talked about preparations for next week.
Homework: Study for Neuron test.  Come prepared for dissection.  (Smock/tee if needed) Begin study for final Science.

Geography: We took our Oceania quiz and the enormous Geography Terms quiz.  This quiz was so enormous.......not one finished.  So I am going to PDF this quiz and send in a separate email.  If you would like your student to retake this in a calmer atmosphere at home, you are welcome to print it off and give it to them.:)
Homework: Look over Geography Terms up to woods. STUDY FOR FINAL WORLD TEST WEEK 15!!

Latin: We worked on Conjugation Endings and vocabulary.
Homework: Workbook pages 151- 160, Work on memorizing endings.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 12!!

Three more weeks, I cannot believe it!!   Next week will seem quiet, as Foundations will not meet.

Hannah has volunteered for snack next week.

A lot of activities were discussed for end of year.  What I am looking at for week 15 is: coming in for Math and to take our Science test and Big Geography test (see email).  Stay on campus for lunch, then between 1pm and 3-4pm we could go off campus for a fun activity.  If there is any out of pocket expense, it will be minimal. (Like around $5 minimal is what I have in mind...if anything :)

Algebra: We covered lessons #104 to #107
Homework: Try to work up through lesson #108.   But if you cannot get through that 5th lesson this week, we can catch it next week.

Rhetoric: Once again, great discussion.  I am continuing to encourage them to read the "unassigned" chapters and discuss with you.  If they are not coming to you....no rule says you cannot approach them :)  We did not get Jeopardy time in today :(
Homework: Read chapters 41 and 42.  WE WILL get to Jeopardy next week!! Know those cat questions.Final paper info to come next week.

Science:  We did science early today, which some were sad that they did not have lunch to study through :) We talked about how nice the weather had gotten and how important it is to stay the course, we are almost done!  We took our digestive system quiz, and introduced the neuron with an AWESOME bead experiment...ok, awesome was subjective.  But here is a great site where they can make their own model of a neuron! http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chmodel.html
Homework: Prepare for quiz on eye.  Prepare for dissection week by helping mom clean out the fridge at home (Just kidding!)  Review ALL body systems! Final test week 15-more to come.

Geography: What an awesome presentation today!!! Jordan's grandmother came in with a presentation on Israel.  Personally, I could have listened for another hour!  Truly an anointed time!  Thank you for coming :) We also took our quiz on Australia.
Homework: Continue to REVIEW the whole world.  Study Oceania.  If there is ever any confusion, consult the guide.  Test for this will be next week. Also next week...MASSIVE GEOGRAPHY TERM TEST!

Literature: I do not know why these kids insist on downing their papers.  They are a group of such talented writers! Please let your child know today how great of a writer they are :)  Much to their dismay, we read our papers today.
Homework: Read Bronze Bow.  Think upon, what drew people to Jesus then?  What drew people to Jesus now?

Latin: We reviewed all the declension endings.  We introduced new vocabulary.  Well.....and we petted kittens.  Mr. Sean was nice enough to bring up our week old kittens, which everyone seemed to be in love with.  (YES you can have one in a few weeks if you wish!)
Homework: Workbook pages up to page.  Decline 3 of the new vocabulary words!  Work on memorzing those declensions endings.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 11

Excitement is building as we get closer to dissection day!! (week 14)

Thank you Jared for snack and next week I will cover.

Thank you everyone for your prayers for my health!  Praise the Lord I have been given permission from my Dr. to rejoin life again, YEAH!!

If you have any great ideas for our end of the year party, please let me know.  I was hoping to combine with Ms. Sharon for the afternoon of Week 15, but they have too much to do with mock trial so it will just be us.  On Week 15, after we take our final tests in the morning, I thought it would be nice to go somewhere and have our end of the year get together.  Celebration Station could be pricey if it is just the 7 of us.  What are your thoughts mom??????

Algebra: See separate email.

Rhetoric: Good discussion.  A little extra chatter, but nothing I couldn't handle.  I do believe spring fever is upon us!
Homework: Read Chapters 36 and 39.   I wish to encourage to read through 37 and 38 with mom and dad!  LEARN THOSE CATECHISM QUESTIONS!!

Literature: We talked about what a character analysis is and I sent home some sheets to give direction.  They MAY NOT be able to answer every question on that sheet, but it will give them ideas.  We also did NOT do an outline in class.  We discussed practicing putting one together on their own as the next step in the process of preparing for Challenge B.
Homework: Write a character analysis of Robin from the Door in the Wall.  You may wish to start reading Bronze Bow.

Science: We took our quiz on the skeleton. We reviewed the digestive system, then introduced the eye with some fun optical illusions.
Homework: Prepare for quiz on digestive system.  Draw and label eye in notebook. Review all parts for upcoming end of the year test. (You will only be tested on one part, you do not know which one that will be:)

Geography: We took our Africa test.  Next week we have a guest :) I did feel really bad, there are only so many hours in the week and I did not grade the "worlds" they had assembled last week.  That is tops this week though!
Homework: Study for quiz on Australia and New Zealand.  Study for upcoming MEGA geography Term quiz on Week 13. (Terms go up to upstream now)

Latin: Well with only Jared in Latin today, we did not go for the full hour :)  We did introduce 5th Declension, and looked at his silly Latin sentence parsed ;)
Homework: Workbook up to pages 138.  Work on memorizing declension endings.  Work on memorizing grammar rules.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 10

Fantastic week!  Just the pick me up I needed.  Well, I had fun, the kids may say otherwise LOL

Addie, thank you for snacks this week, Jared has volunteered next week.

Please keep in prayer:  I have officially been diagnosed with a pneumothorax (collapsed lung).  I have been given permission to sit, that's about it.  You will never know how much today meant to get out of my house and sit and fellowship with others.  Unfortunately, it is not getting better :(  They will recheck me next week, and the possibility exists that, I will be unable to tutor on Tuesday.  If this happens I have a couple subs in mind.  I do not wish to skip a week, especially with the momentum we have going!  I promise you, the woman who might possibly sub, I would trust with my own children.   Thank you for your prayers and understanding :)

And onto......

Algebra: see separate email

Rhetoric: Decent discussion today, and played another round of Jeopardy.
Homework: STUDY THOSE QUESTIONS!!! You may find soon we will not play Jeopardy in teams.  Read Chapters 33 and 35. Parents: Please be encouraged to read chapter 34 and discuss with your child.  We will just not be discussing it in class ;)

Literature: Wow!  Their writing skills have tremendously blossomed this year.  The papers they are turning in  show massive skill.
Homework: Read Door in the Wall.  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL SUNDAY! Yes, it is an easy read, but do not procrastinate.

Science: Science stunk! Literally.  We had to go outside to finish the experiment we started last week.  Our "hard' chicken bone last week, had been leached of all it's calcium.  It proved to be flexible and (much to Addie's dismay) easily broken.  We also took our skin test.
Homework: Next week skeleton quiz.  Draw and label digestive system in notebook.  In Foundations, Cycle 3 the kids make a "body"  I was encouraging those that may have the My Body Book, that may be a fun project to do.

Geography: AWESOME GEOGRAPHY DAY!  We split into teams and drew the world.  I was very impressed.  I wanted to share such a great Geography day with you:
Wishing you could see the maps better!

Homework: Yes, Africa test next week.  We are gearing up for our end of the year test.  Geography Terms go up to timberline.  We will be playing some games with these soon :)

Latin: You know it is a good day when you parse: I have a catapult.  Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.  We also introduced 4th declension and 4th conjugation.
Homework: It is a light Latin  week due to geography being a bit heavy.  Workbook pages 123 -130.  Quiz will be sent home next week.  It will be up to mom if it is open book or not :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 9

A lesson in be careful what you pray for, I asked for a more talkative class this week.  God blessed me abundantly :)  Let me not be misleading, it was a great day!

Thank you Brandon for snack this week.  Addie has picked up snacks for next week.  And Hannah, we hope you feel better soon!

Algebra:  They have a take home. open book test.  THIS MUST COME BACK TO ME NEXT WEEK.  (Did I say it loud enough?)  I need this to determine if we can keep moving forward.  We went over four lessons this week.
Homework: Lessons 91 - 94.  Complete take home test and bring back.  Glance over lesson 95.

Rhetoric: Fantastic discussion this week and a fun game of Jeopardy.  In the next few weeks I encouraged your children to start conversations with you. There are a couple chapters in the homework they will be reading, but we will not be discussing in class.  Don't pass out when they approach you :)
Homework: Catechism questions...more Jeopardy to come :) Read chapters 30 -32

Geography: In class we just reviewed...the world!  We also emphasized, small things done daily = big results  My expectations for final Geography is to know countries/capitals (states/capitals).  I encouraged them to make flashcards.  the final will be label the countries and complete a match page of capitals to countries.
Homework: continue to work on Africa daily.  Pick a section of the world each day to review.  Do not wait until the last two weeks to review the world.

Science:  We all touched a chicken bone ...ewwwww! There was plenty of hand sanitizer:)  We have to wait until next week to see what happens to it in the vinegar.  (may be posting some pics on Facebook, we will see how gross it gets) This was all to introduce the bones.  We took our quiz on the ear as well.
Homework: Study for quiz on skin next week. Draw bones in sketch book and label.

Literature:  Lots of discussion....some of it even on the book! LOL The boys did all learn one does not call a girl fat in modern times, most valuable lesson.  We made a "sketchy" outline in class.  I am trying to wean them off a hand fed outline and get them to structure it more themselves. 
Homework: Write paper on how as the garden changes, the characters changed as well.  You may wish to start reading Door in the Wall.

Latin: We took our Vocab quiz and discussed how to find the stem of a verb.  We also reviewed the four principal parts.  then we parsed, parsed, and parsed :)  I encouraged them to used the flash cards in the back of the book.  Please bring your purple folder and book to class next week.
Homework: pages 113-122 in our book.  Keep working on vocab and flashcards.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 8

Another fantastic week, it finally feels like we are getting back into the swing of things!

Brandon has volunteered snack for next week. Also, a mask theme was presented to try out for next week as well :)

Algebra: I handed quizzes back, excellent job.  On a letter scale they averaged about a B! I was very proud of this.  I introduced 3 lessons with the reminder of why we are slowing down a bit.  It doesn't mean they take a day off.  It means they can use the time to polish the skills that are weak.
Homework: Lessons 88 through 90

Rhetoric:  Decent discussion.  I mentioned for them not to treat this as a check in the box.  To read their chapters and ponder what they have read so they are better prepared for discussion.
Homework: Read chapters 27 - 29 Know your catechism questions.

Literature: Excellent papers on Amos Fortune!
Homework: Read Secret Garden  START RIGHT NOW!!!

Science: We took our heart quizzes and introduced skin.  We did two neat science experiments :)
Homework: Be ready for test on ear.  Draw and label skin in notebook.

Geography: We went over some Geography Terms in class, and reviewed us through South America.
Homework: Draw Africa each day.  Review a different section each day.  Geography needs to be daily at this point.  You cannot wait until the last 2 weeks to review and study for the big test.  It needs to start now :)

Latin: We reviewed the Purple notebook again, then we parsed, parsed, and parsed some more.
Homework: Study vocabulary for quiz next week.  Complete 3 nouns and 3 verbs worksheet and decline/conjugate.  Workbook pages 105-112.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 7

I want to take a moment and thank you again for the awesome opportunity to work with each of your children. Each week God blesses me through them and I am always left in awe of our Father's work in each of these young ones :)

Great week! Great pancakes! Thank you Debbie for helping out and for my favorite breakfast treat...bacon. YUM!

Jordan, thank you for snack this week. Anyone want next? If I don't hear from anyone, I can provide :)

Algebra: After I finished coughing we had a productive week! (Got my inhaler refilled, cough is doing much better) We had our quiz, and moved forward only 3 lessons. I also gave a handout on what a classical student looks like....this was a hard one for me to read, but a good reminder.
Homework: Up to lesson 87. KNOW THE GRAMMAR!

Rhetoric: It was a very quiet morning today. We discussed Chapters 21 - 23. We also played a buzz board game with the catechism questions.
Homework: Read Chapters 24 - 26. CATECHISM QUESTIONS ALL.

Geography: I handed out Asia. Everyone did a stellar job! We discussed study skills for Geography and started in on Africa. Please check out the web links I have on this page. They have some fun Geography games.
Homework: Work on Geography Terms up to shoreline. Practice drawing Africa at least three times a day. Use the notebook and dry erase and trace it or use paper.

Science: We took our test on the brain. Everyone's heart diagram looked fantastic. We introduced the ear and performed a couple science experiments.
Homework: Study for heart quiz. Draw ear in notebook and label.

Literature: Once again the room was quiet today. (I think it was just one of those days) We discussed Amos Fortune and freedom. I challenged each of them to think of one word they would like their lives to represent. A theme that showed up in both rhetoric and here was relationship vs. religion.
Homework: Write an essay on how living in a Christian home influenced Amos Fortune. Start reading Secret Garden.

Latin: I introduced the latin notebook :) This notebook, along with the packet I handed out first semester should help the students understand parsing a bit better. (If you need me to send this packet again, let me know I can email it to you) In order to decline a noun or Conjugate a verb students can: look up word in back of notebook to find declension/conjugation. Look up that declension/conjugation in notebook and use that to help decline/conjugate the word.
We also practiced parsing sentences in class YEAH!!
Homework: There is a lot...A LOT to memorize in Book 4. Start with the endings and vocabulary. We are adding new vocabulary this week, up to page 104. Will try to post a link to a study stack for vocabulary up to this point :)Decline 3 of the new vocabulary. Conjugate 3 of the new vocabulary. Turn these pages in. Open book quiz #2, BRING BACK. We will go over in class next week.